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How to Earn Respect as an Airline Pilot

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So look the part, play the part and earn the respect of your passengers, (who cares if they are from the trailer park- their money is just as green) and when it comes time to renegotiate that new contract, maybe management will respect you that much more.

Well said.
Whats next, we get rid of hats....start wearing leather jackets....maybe next we get rid of ties...I mean who really likes to be strangled all day. Then those pesky epulets, it's silly. Before you know it we are flying around wearing polo shirts that say "pilot" and "co-pilot" and wearing advertising buttons.

If you want a preview of how bad it could get just look at the 'uniform' of the VA pilots. It represents a new low in homogenizing pilots with flight attendants and check-in staff. I do not blame the VA pilots - they did not pick the uniform. But grow some cajones and tell them to treat you like professionals.
Well hell -- we at JB have:

1) No hats
2) No contract
3) Blue shirts (gloves)

Something is rotten in Denmark.

How bout a big "I don't get sarcasm" balloon floating over your head? You got one of those?


Yes, I do. I have a button for you, too. It says, "I don't read entire posts! Just the parts without question marks"

Really? <-- I'll put it red next time so you don't miss it!

Great post and advice I live by. I believe in a #7 rule too.

7) You must correct those who are not living by these standards. Not tommorow or next week but on the spot correction.

If you see someone bitchin about the company, kindly take them aside and remind them whose name is printed on their paycheck.

If someone is not wearing the hat go to your union standards office and report them. If you see it twice, report them to your chief pilot.

If somebody is fat, invite them to the gym with you. If they say no, call it like it is, "Heh, you like Jabba lets go get on the treadmill". Just make sure nobody is around on this one, so it is your word against his/hers.

Take pride in yourself, your company and the public paying your rent!

Yeah, that's real professional. "If you don't wear your hat, I'm going to tell the Chief Pilot on you! Nyah, nyah." Grow up.
Don't feed the trolls.
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No scruples.

I was gonna respond, but then I read this from another forum:

You go to work for VA and you'd better move to SFO. There are more and more Captains who will not extend jumpseat privileges to non-Union pilots who work for companies who undercut Union contracts.

Reeeeeeeeeely ...

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