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How to Earn Respect as an Airline Pilot

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1. Wear your uniform proudly, even if you don't like
your company. This includes the uniform hat if

2. Don't talk badly about your company in the
public, if you like to complain, do it in private!

3. When people ask is your job easy respond with a
"no" and inform them it takes years of training.
Let them know you ARE responsible for their lives
when they are on board your flight.

4. Take a look at pictures from the 1970's of what
airline pilots looked like. This is what we should
be emulating.

5. Don't sit at the gate and yawn in public. If you
are tired stay in the crew room and rest until
your flight.

6. Try not to become a fat slob. Stay in shape and
look the part of a professional!

I know some will respond with hate for the statements above, but this is why I always viewed the airline pilots I saw as Gods. The Pan Am Clipper pilots taxiing their brand new 747s into the gates at JFK, absolutely awesome. We are the ones that make our jobs seem insignificant to the public. Don't let this happen, that is why they don't respect us.

Earn the respect of the pulblic and you will also earn the respect of management!

Excellent post. I need to go out and get a new pair
of shoes (seriously). Tommorrow, I promise.
Pilots will never earn respect in this profession ever again.

You have to admit, me and my fellow airline executives have done a fantastic job wearing you guys down and pitting you againsed one another.

We now have you.....

1. Wearing tacky polyester uniforms, or no "uniform" at all (witness VA pilots). We let you walk around the terminal with your backpack on and your Ipod plugged in your ears. This helps condition the public to know that there is basically nothing special about pilots at all. Just a bunch of average schmoes.

2. Forming splinter unions and selling out select groups in your seniority lists. "It's all about me." I think it is ironic that my personal motto has been adopted by every pilot in the US. Thankfully this helps us in so many ways. Contract talks, furloughs, bankruptcy....you name it. When the chips are down, pilots now revert to "me mode" and will absolutely screw any and every other pilot in their path to make sure that thier "career expectations" are not harmed. I'm so proud of you all! B-scale anyone?

3. Working for 1970 wages. We have discovered that even whispering the word "bankruptcy" in a room will cause even the heartiest of pilots to wet their pants and go home crying for mommy. It's the ultimate weapon. We have made incredible strides in control over the past few years. Unbelieveably this has even caused many pilots to become advocates of sub par contracts and concessions. This is obviously my favorite trait of pilots as it has allowed the airline executives to reap the 8 figure bonuses they so richly deserve.

4. Flying unairworthy junk. Outsourcing maintenance has funneled millions into the executive suite. Again, my thanks. I like the way you guys are so "mission oriented." Gotta get the job done. Fly the plane, no matter how crappy the condition of the plane. Gotta get there. Can't cancel, or you lose out on pay. Outstanding.

5. Letting kids fresh out of college take over your 100 seat jet flying. This is a double whammy windfall for us exeutives. Not only do we reap the cheap labor, but we have another pilot group to whipsaw againsed the other.

You know, I could go on all night listing the free (dirty) work the pilots have done for us executives. I have to stop though, as I am getting all misty eyed......
Frank, I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

You crack me up! :beer:

Now, would you like a Coke? I know, I know... in the unopened can. ;)

More drivel from the 'flying is a religion' crowd. :rolleyes:
And of course there are other groups that don't wear hats: FAs. If you want to look like a light loafer trying to non rev to SFO.... go for it... Also... look like a FA, get paid like an FA.

Rez.....I had respect for you and your opinions up until now, now you are just like any other conservative azzhole that will sink to bashing one group to prove a point to another. It's 2008 and it's still ok to bash gay people or assume that male flight attendants are gay and just tripping over themselves to non-rev to SFO. I wonder what you secretly think about women or black pilots but never say outloud?
FrankLorenzo pretty much said it all. Until we're willing to get a grip on ourselves and stop treating Skybus, VA, B6 pilots as "equals" we're doomed to descend to their levels.
CAL73ca.....are you just being an arse or what? "I'm disappointed with these young FO's I've been flying with"?? What? Like you've never seen a Captain walk by with his shirt out, gut out, yellow stains on shirt, white stains on pants, Maverick sunglasses............BUT WITH A FREAKING GOD DAMN HAT BY GOD!!!! Man, that was a close one. If he hadn't of had the damn hat on, it would of stood out!! So why don't you just say pilots? Also, I can't tell you how many times I've flown with guys that literally can't pull back on the yoke all the way because their guts get in the way. The ratio seems to be towards the left seat...........
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