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How to Earn Respect as an Airline Pilot

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If your ops manual says the hat is part of the uniform requirement... and you ignore THAT... what other parts are you ignoring?

Professionalism: A profession is an occupation, vocation or career where specialized knowledge of a subject, field, or science is applied. It is usually applied to occupations that involve prolonged academic training and a formal qualification. Professions are usually regulated by professional bodies that may require examinations of competence, act as a licensinghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Licensure authority for practitioners, and enforce adherence to an ethical code of practice.
From other threads it is obvious that getting rid of the hat at FL is more important than raising the bar for all of us in this profession...
Watch it, Rez! You know I'm on your side about the hat, but the above quote is BS. We've sent two TAs to the shredder that had our 717 CAs getting paid more than your widebody Captains. Whatever some people at FL think about the hat, I think we've proven that we're going to the mat to raise the bar this time around.
If you want to be treated like a professional you have to look like one. Mgmnt would love to have us all look more like bus drivers so that they can justify treating us like bus drivers and paying us like bus drivers. When I am at work it is not an audition for an extra role in 'Top Gun'. I am glad that my airline has no leather jacket option and year round hat requirements.

On the plane, in the terminal, on the hotel shuttle - everybody recognises who the pilots are. Anything that we do to diminish that image just adds fuel to the further denigration of a once proud profession. Wear the hat - use the cleaning allowance that the company provides to actually clean your uniform - put the IPOD away - and take off those ridiculous sunglasses unless you are in the flight deck where no one can see you!

If pilots cannot treat their own appearance with respect then why should anyone else?
Watch it, Rez! You know I'm on your side about the hat, but the above quote is BS. We've sent two TAs to the shredder that had our 717 CAs getting paid more than your widebody Captains. Whatever some people at FL think about the hat, I think we've proven that we're going to the mat to raise the bar this time around.

copy.... clarification....

my reference was to FL posters on FI that keep talking about the getting rid of the hat when CBA improvements were discussed...

now go put your yoke back on.... :)
wearing a hat doesn't make you a professional. flying the airplane like a pro is what makes you a professional.


it does not matter what you or me or we think about how you fly the jet....

it doesn't matter what the check airman thinks.... they don't negotiate or write the amount of your paycheck....

what matters is the perceived value of an air line pilot.

I am sure you want the benefits, but it seems you are lacking the responsibilty....

Profressionals serve.
The initial post here is the best one I've read in a long time. Recently I have taken steps to make sure I look a little more professional at work. Hats are optional at my airline but I wear mine even though it makes FO's think your that anal guy.

Whats next, we get rid of hats....start wearing leather jackets....maybe next we get rid of ties...I mean who really likes to be strangled all day. Then those pesky epulets, it's silly. Before you know it we are flying around wearing polo shirts that say "pilot" and "co-pilot" and wearing advertising buttons. Glorified TGIFridays employee's of the sky. Your chief pilot might stop you in the terminal to yell at you for not having enough "flair"! You want to be treated and compensated like the airline pilots of old? You want to "Take it back"? Then dress like it. Never let them take that image away, even if it seems more convienent sometimes.
Great post here.

Tired of the pay me like a professional but let me look as casual as possible, and yes, airline pilots used to be looked up to- just maybe not "God-like".
Great post and advice I live by. I believe in a #7 rule too.

7) You must correct those who are not living by these standards. Not tommorow or next week but on the spot correction.

If you see someone bitchin about the company, kindly take them aside and remind them whose name is printed on their paycheck.

If someone is not wearing the hat go to your union standards office and report them. If you see it twice, report them to your chief pilot.

If somebody is fat, invite them to the gym with you. If they say no, call it like it is, "Heh, you like Jabba lets go get on the treadmill". Just make sure nobody is around on this one, so it is your word against his/hers.

Take pride in yourself, your company and the public paying your rent!
I've been meaning to say something to you about that CA1900...

Was gonna talk to you about it next time we're sharing a fruity drink with an umbrella but since you brought it up... ;)

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