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How to Earn Respect as an Airline Pilot

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it's a job everyone... a job, no more...no less. do you think there is a fire-man's forum called "Fireinfo.com" where fireman nerds congregate to tell everyone how much more respect they could get by wearing their uniform more proudly? whatever...it's a goddamn job...

If it's just a job, then why are you here?
Sorry, but the hat is an anachronism that needs to go away. The only person that wears a hat in the airport anymore is a Skycap. If you like looking like a Skycap- more power to you . . . .

My professionalism is obvious to my crew and my passengers, and it stems from the way that I communicate with them and handle the aircraft. If you want to make the hat part of this discussion, you're on your own. I'm sure this same discussion took place in the 30's regarding silk scarves.
Sorry, but the hat is an anachronism that needs to go away. The only person that wears a hat in the airport anymore is a Skycap. If you like looking like a Skycap- more power to you . . . .

Ty... we've gone over this time and time again. The hat is a "device" that we use for a couple of reasons... It is recognizable to the public. Unions use it as methodology to unify thier pilot groups. There has been success, so this isn't my opinion.

And of course there are other groups that don't wear hats: FAs. If you want to look like a light loafer trying to non rev to SFO.... go for it... Also... look like a FA, get paid like an FA.

Skycaps use the hat becsause we use the hat. They are trying to "borrow" creditbility. Know the source..

My professionalism is obvious to my crew and my passengers, and it stems from the way that I communicate with them and handle the aircraft. If you want to make the hat part of this discussion, you're on your own. I'm sure this same discussion took place in the 30's regarding silk scarves.

From other threads it is obvious that getting rid of the hat at FL is more important than raising the bar for all of us in this profession...

No one... not even you Ty, can provide a logical professional reason why the hat is N/A. Oh sure you've got your personal reasons.... but that of course is based on your personal comfort and desires, which seems more important that your professional service. Let's clarify: as a professional you do provide a service to the public... do you not?

The hat is not about the hat [or you]. The hat is about the all inclusive image of professionalism that goes with what you were suggesting: behavior, attitude, commitment to safety, etc....

Professionals get up at 0430 to fly trips without complaint. Professionals study and review thier manuals on thier days off without complaint...

Professionals wear the uniform without whining.

When hiring started in 2007, of the first group of guys that left my regonial.... about 80% wore hats and volunteered professional service (union committee work). It was the mind set that got them hired...

Got a hat in your avatar?
When hiring started in 2007, of the first group of guys that left my regonial.... about 80% wore hats and volunteered professional service (union committee work). It was the mind set that got them hired...
always viewed the airline pilots I saw as Gods

yea right

Yes I did. Being hired by a major airline back then was like getting the Oscar for a movie role. Few were handed out, or earned, and that airline job seemed elusive to me. When those Pan Am pilots walked off that airplane I felt they were the luckiest people in the world. That beautiful airplane they flew, their pressed uniforms and polished shoes, the money they made. They were Gods. I was only 13 at that time but it made a lasting impression. Now, I don't counsel my young First Officers on wearing their uniform with pride, I hope they do and I am sometimes saddened by their lack of professionalism in the way they look, definitely not in the way they fly-they are all professional when it comes to that.

So look the part, play the part and earn the respect of your passengers, (who cares if they are from the trailer park- their money is just as green) and when it comes time to renegotiate that new contract, maybe management will respect you that much more.
Yes I did. Being hired by a major airline back then was like getting the Oscar for a movie role. Few were handed out, or earned, and that airline job seemed elusive to me. When those Pan Am pilots walked off that airplane I felt they were the luckiest people in the world. That beautiful airplane they flew, their pressed uniforms and polished shoes, the money they made. They were Gods. I was only 13 at that time but it made a lasting impression. Now, I don't counsel my young First Officers on wearing their uniform with pride, I hope they do and I am sometimes saddened by their lack of professionalism in the way they look, definitely not in the way they fly-they are all professional when it comes to that.

So look the part, play the part and earn the respect of your passengers, (who cares if they are from the trailer park- their money is just as green) and when it comes time to renegotiate that new contract, maybe management will respect you that much more.

I knew a guy hired at United who had 20hrs of flight time who interviewed to throw bags, but instead ended up in flight training. He retired #1 on the 777....did he earn the "Oscar" by that logic? and that was during the so called Catch Me if You Can golden age....

wearing a hat doesn't make you a professional. flying the airplane like a pro is what makes you a professional.

Unfortunately, a great number of people today dont respect themselves first and foremost (Look like trash, speak using improper language, dress like theyre doing laundry, disrepectful to others). Its hard to respect pilots, or anyone or anything else for that matter, if you dont respect yourself first.

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