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New FOs leaving CAL for Southwest

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  • Watchers 73

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Nice way to thank those that fly for this country...... How about a simple "Thanks" not a I am super pilot for flying for SWA response.

What is so ironic, is all the SH!t you and guys like Double talk smack about is what you and others despised about the Legacy pilots in the 90s. Only goes to show, when someone is on top they LUV to SH!T on people below them.

Would take a CAL pilot in jumpseat over one of you "EGO" boosted SWA guys any day of the week.


P.S. Just got bakc from the bar with the "HOT" wife, spelling and grammar may suck.... And I don't care. Also she is requesting my company.....Bye Bye....

Thankyou AA,

While no one should ever EXPECT anyone to serve or die for their country, we should pay some respect for those that do choose that life. I have flown with both civilian and military that have been weak flying an aircraft, I would never be so cocky to say that one is better than another, and that’s with 10 years active duty and one year in the reserve. Anyone like SWA/FO who is so bold to say such things needs to take a good look around, I have several military friends that work at SWA who would not share that opinion, and for the cheap seats I was offered an interview with SWA after starting training with CAL and chose not to go that route. Why? CAL offered me a job and put me in training first, I would not disrespect the people who sponsored me because "I had to make the most money in the first year". SWA is a good company but not the only one contrary to what some people think. Everyone chooses what they want. I am in B777 training, that’s what I want. Some people want to fly 737's and make good money, good on them. Why can’t people be happy with what others choose and quit being so judgmental? Pick what you want and enjoy life, we have no idea how much longer we have here as evidenced by the average age pilots die.
p.s. I have made several approaches in a P3 (that’s a fixed wing aircraft for the slow witted) to 0-0 weather and several CATII approaches as a civilian airline pilot and I didn't freak out so relax on the military guys being afraid of flying in the clouds and low visibility......
You guys act like I'm Don Imus or something. I just said, I don't rip on the mil guys all the time. Just some of the times.

You guys going to call the rainbowPush coalition so they can picket me the next time I check in? Sensitive folks....:bawling:

Look, here's the deal SWA/FO. You are a man of words and no action, plain and simple. You love to bag on military guys (it is a pathetic trend for you - you do it over and over), yet you've never served your country. I don't need any thanks from you about serving, I'm glad to do it and I'm very proud...however if you're going to give me sh*t about my military service as a "kernel" (which everytime you say it, you sound like a retard) or my flying abilities (which I can garuntee you I can fly your a$$ out of a paper bag), then at least have some credibility by having somewhat of a military background as well.

Look dude, I do the same job as you - I fly the 737, and it's not that friggin hard. I know, I just crushed your little world...but besides having a non-normal, or a gusty crosswind, it's not rocket science. However, leading 4 jets downtown on a opposed surface attack mission with both an air-air and air-ground threat is extremely challenging, time and time again. That of course, you would have no clue about...however I think my point is proven.

You going to keep giving me sh*t about being a VFR F-teen pilot and a "kernel?" Fine, but back it up...and that's something you'll never be able to do.
Nice way to thank those that fly for this country...... How about a simple "Thanks" not a I am super pilot for flying for SWA response.

What is so ironic, is all the SH!t you and guys like Double talk smack about is what you and others despised about the Legacy pilots in the 90s. Only goes to show, when someone is on top they LUV to SH!T on people below them.

Would take a CAL pilot in jumpseat over one of you "EGO" boosted SWA guys any day of the week.


P.S. Just got bakc from the bar with the "HOT" wife, spelling and grammar may suck.... And I don't care. Also she is requesting my company.....Bye Bye....

Hola AA,

You go "Mi Amigo".

It just aint that hard...

Until they decide to turn the runway on you when you are on a night approach to mins and you are already at bingo fuel...

SWA FO - you wouldn't understand that sh## now would ya...
What the f?

Is this place just a stepping stone to get the 737 type rating just to go to LUV? Is it common now to jump from major to major?

Have fun flying the 737 forever domestically. Oh, and say goodbye to ever flying the 787.

You assume your point of view is without fault. The issue in question is complex with assumptions of the future that are mere projections. There seldom is only one "right" answer in these matters. I can't believe how far this ridiculous thread has gone.

And, yes, many have jumped from major to major since 2004. You just haven't noticed.
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However, leading 4 jets downtown on a opposed surface attack mission with both an air-air and air-ground threat is extremely challenging, time and time again. That of course, you would have no clue about...

Neither would you. What are you talking about....you have never done that. That sure as hell not happening anywhere in the world I have been in the last 2 years. Quit acting like you are some top gun pilot. Your a guard baby like me. Get off the horse. You about as bad as SWA F/O acting like you both are tough guys. Scrapdog.....have you even been to the sandbox? No NV or AZ does not count.
FWIW, I'd fly a C-172 if they paid me enough. And, of course, if I got medical, a B-Fund, a pension, 2 weeks a month off, union protection, sick leave, a disability bank, and whatever else we can negotiate. Once you're in the aviation world, a plane is a plane. I have no desire to fly the biggest jet at FDX. I do, however, aspire to max out the payscale and days off per month. In addition, let's face it, 99% of us simply fly the departure, put the autopilot on and let it fly us to minimums. No big deal, everyone chill out.
Bozo - the bulk of my jet time is in fighter aircraft. I know you don't have a f**king clue what that means, but we log about a 1.0 to 1.3 per flight because we actually do something besides fly from Newark to Rochester and back 5 times a day like the bulk of your RJ time.

You know what a fighter is right? Nah...nevermind, get back to your callouts.

Oh boy!! Here we go. Anybody got that top gun theme music handy?

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