pushbutton pusher
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- Mar 1, 2003
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I swear, I hate myself for doing this, but I can't help it. I had resigned myself to stop attempting to educate morons the refuse to wake up from fantasyland and enter the real world with the rest of us, because my time is far more valuable. It could be spent playing with my little girl, hunting ducks, or playing golf, but it's raining, it's not cold enough for ducks to fly down here, and my girl is napping, so I will make one last attempt.
Splert is one of the top 5 dumbest, most pathetic people I have ever seen on here, and I am actually ashamed that I am a member of the same professional 'guild' if you will, that he is a member of. I suppose bad weather never happens anywhere else, eh? I suppose they never have broken airplanes or EDCT times at those other airlines you speak of that increase duty day times and cause long days. No, of course not.
You are still a f-cking idiot, and I have nothing left to say to you. Any further attempt to bring you back to reality would be akin to trying to talk a brick wall into getting softer. You are a waste of oxygen and not worth one more second of my time.
It has been my experience, for the most part, that airline captains are among the most pathetic, worthless individuals I have ever met. There are, of course, exceptions, but most of them are just pathetic. Most of the negative Jetblue people on here are precisely what I am talking about.
You are in the top 5% of wage-earners in this country. You have a job that millions of people on this planet, and thousands upon thousands of other pilots just in this country would kill for, and all you can do is complain and whine like a 4 year old little titty baby. You could be making $500,000 a year to work 6 days a month and you'd still be bitching and moaning as if you were working in a sweatshop in China. THAT is what I find pathetic, and that is why I harbor so much disdain for the modern day airline captain. No wonder you're mostly all divorced and in so much debt. I'd dump your a$$, too.
What is so beyond stupidity is that most of the people that you are whining and crying so much to actually SUPPORT ALPA. Take Smarta$$. He has said NUMEROUS times on here he is in FAVOR of ALPA at Jetblue. I am no different. I am FOR ALPA. I am a YES voter. Yet, you have B6Busdriver on here screaming like a baby about how he is a juicer and no voter, blah blah blah, without having a goddam clue about his actual position. The only exception I have seen on here is ASA_Aviator, and I've already said my peace with him about the stupidity of his position, so that is irrelevant.
Smarta$$ has made some VERY real comments about on here fighting the moronic position that a regional airline captain is better off staying than going to Jetblue. The regional model is dying a slow, painful death as we speak and I honestly believe, in a few years, will be damn near gone. Their endless supply of puppy mill pilots willing to work for nothing is drying up, and they will be losing all of their current pilots to Legacy and Major carriers in a few short years. Where are they going to get people? I find their future dubious at best, and if I were a captain at a regional, I'd be looking for a way out right now. Comair was the first to die, Pinnacle has a terminal illness, and others will soon follow. It is only a matter of time.
Here's the rub: NOBODY on here is disagreeing with you idiots about our pay and benefits. We KNOW we are behind in retirement. We KNOW our health insurance sucks. We KNOW we have no workrules, our pay is lagging behind their composed PSIA, and we KNOW we need a CBA. We are NOT disputing this. ALL of us recognize the need for improvement, and ALL of us know that it is going to be a while before we see the left seat and even longer before we are holding a line in the left seat.
The difference is we aren't on here whining and complaining like a bunch of goddam preschool, bed wetting, booger eating, spoiled little turds.
You are on here pointing out everything negative you can think about while you are sitting around making about $150-$200K per year in the left seat of a 150 seat narrowbody holding a line complaining to a bunch of junior people about how pathetic and bad your life is. That is like taking your fat, pathetic a$$ to Africa and bitching to a starving child about how you don't like the caviar they served last night at the giant f-cking smorgasboard buffet you ate at.
Go f-ck yourself. We don't want to hear it. There isn't a single person here that wouldn't trade places with you in a second. You have NO IDEA how good you have it, not just in the industry, but in the world as a whole. Yet all you can do is complain and whine like a goddam spoiled child. I am ashamed of you, and ashamed that you are a member of my profession.
There have been many on here, myself included that have said Jetblue is not a bad place to work. It's not. It's a good place to work. You will make more money here as an FO then at ANY regional as a captain. You could come here and sit right seat for 30 years and you'd still be in better shape than if you stayed at your regional. Do we have our problems? Yes. We do. We have a very young pilot group and very few retirements until about 2030, which is a LONG time away. We make less money, have fewer benefits, and more problems than any legacy, even American. This is fact, and I don't dispute it. We need a ALPA, and we need improvements. But in reality, the only thing you might have to deal with that will truly disgust you at Jetblue is having to fly with guys like Splert who complain about how terrible their life is after their 3rd divorce and having to sell their boat and 4th sports car so they can pay alimony, and are only able to derive some small amount of pleasure in life by attempting to make you as miserable and pathetic as he is.
Jetblue is a good job. Can I guarantee you will be better off than your regional? Hell no, I'm not Dionne Warwick, your psychic friend. We could go out of business tomorrow. But people that got hired at United in the mid 90's thought they were damn sure going to be set for life, and look how that turned out. Meanwhile, they were pointing and laughing at all their buddies that went to some crappy little airline in Texas named Southwest. 2 decades later, we know how that turned out.
What I have told you is reality. What the whiners on here complain about is not. Do your research, make your own judgements. Don't listen to me or anybody else on a stupid internet message board. All we can do is give you our opinion on the subject.
And opinions are like a$$holes.
Yeah this a good place to work even though the pay and benefits are less than everyone else. I get it, attack the messengers when you don't have the facts.