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SKYW to get more RJ's for Midwest

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More like:

"Dood, that 175 is soooo sweet! Think we'll get it if we take this pay deal?"
"Too bad about those Skyway guys, they should have just come here, haas".
"How ya' like my new hair frosting, dude"?
"Wha, bro? Didn't hear ya... was blasting Coldplay on my ipod".

Why do you care if he has an i-pod?
Why do you care if he has a frosty hair? Are you bald?
If you're not happy, move on. Find something that will make you happy. Are your b@@ls just not big enough that you sit around and complaint all day?

Get a life. I am truly sorry ALPA didn't come on property. Go to a company that has a Union and you will have no more problems. None of them do, right?
I hope your company never overnights you at a Marriot. I'd hate to think of what you would do with the copy of the Book of Mormon found inside every night stand at that fabulous hotel chain.
The only time I open that drawer is to drop a used jimmy hat covered in hot (girl)F/A love juice!
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. --- Mark Twain

Proof that good ole Mark Twain knew what he was talking about!

Which part is he wrong about? The magic underwear or The Church being a cult?
More like:

"Dood, that 175 is soooo sweet! Think we'll get it if we take this pay deal?"
"Too bad about those Skyway guys, they should have just come here, haas".
"How ya' like my new hair frosting, dude"?
"Wha, bro? Didn't hear ya... was blasting Coldplay on my ipod".
More like Debbie Gibson, songs of worship!
Why do you care if he has an i-pod?
Why do you care if he has a frosty hair? Are you bald?
If you're not happy, move on. Find something that will make you happy. Are your b@@ls just not big enough that you sit around and complaint all day?

Get a life. I am truly sorry ALPA didn't come on property. Go to a company that has a Union and you will have no more problems. None of them do, right?

I don't care about your Docs, ipods, or frosty hair, dude.

I do care about the families of the Skyway pilots who are losing their jobs because of you. You voted no union and gave Jerry all he needed. So that you non union whores can gleefully steal their jobs and get your quick upgrades.
On behalf of all SkyWest Pilots I would like to offer my condolences to any who might be hurt by this deal.

On behalf of all? Thats pretty ballsy. What if some of your pilots are really excited to hurt other pilots careers? You should not really speak on behalf of everyone.
Correct me if im wrong but, Skywest pay rates are currently higher across the board than Skyway? And skyway only has 16 aircraft. With the notion of less frequency to some cities I bet Skywest only puts 10 new aircraft on the midwest side. I would also bet you will see a loss of 10 50 seaters on the United or Delta side for a net gain of ZERO.
On behalf of all? Thats pretty ballsy. What if some of your pilots are really excited to hurt other pilots careers? You should not really speak on behalf of everyone.

Agreed, there are always bad apples in any group. I will restate myself....On bahalf of most Skywest pilots....I doubt there are many pilots who are happy to take anothers job, despite what some might say on this board. Fly Safe

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