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Rev Bedford's Sunday School Lesson To RAH

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It's interesting that most of the posters who oppose Bedford's actions are basing their opposition not on what he said, but the circumstances. Most of the posters who are defending Bedford and accusing their opponents of being whiners, etc. seem unable to recognize the difference between Bedford possessing deeply held personal beliefs and him using his stature and power to attempt to convert his subordinates to his beliefs.

Bedford can obviously believe as he wishes; he can devote all his energy and personal wealth to promoting his beliefs; he can stand on the street corner wearing a sandwich board stating his beliefs. But he exercised extremely poor judgement when he crossed the line and used a company forum to espouse his beliefs.

Some devout Christians in this country believe that God is punishing our country by allowing our servicemen to die in Iraq and Afghanistan. In their minds, it is our country's punishment for various transgressions our society and government has allowed against their value system. Hypothetically, if Bedford held these bizarre views, would he have so many supporters on this board? No? It takes courage to stand up and say you have deeply held, divinely-inspired views that ours sons and daughters are dying as punishment for our "sins." Would some of you admire him in this case, or only when it concerns abortion? Would you believe he was well within his rights to put out a company memo if he held these views?
"We have turned sex in to a form of recreation or sport "

And this is a problem? Is anyone getting laid overthere?
Wahabi Muslims and Wahabi Baptists have far more in common with each other than they do with the average US citizen.
Since when have we as Americans FORGOTTEN the FREEDOM that our SOLDIERS are fighting for right now??? RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH! Take it or leave it folks!! Quit throwing stones at Bedford.
Bedford has the right to free speech, but not to use his position as CEO to impose those beliefs on the people he works for. He made a very stupid decision...because I definately don't think it was a mistake.

Airing your company's dirty laundry on the internet is never a good thing. This should have been kept in-house at RAH.
To support this sort of bully pulpitting from the CEO of a publicly traded company, directed at his employees, in the company update forum, intended to discuss company matters, and in a forum where nobody may challenge him oversteps so many ethical boundaries that it's not even funny.

If you don't agree, imagine if instead he stated something along the lines of:

"I am gravely concerned for those of you who have not accepted Jesus. Only through accepting Him may you find salvation. Millions across the world who have not found Him are lost to the eternal fires of he11 each year and this is perhaps life's greatest tragedy."

That would not differ greatly from what he actually proselytized. Perhaps his comments, or the imagined ones above are appropriate for a preacher or politician. He is currently neither and used the wrong forum for this issue. The Reverend B forgets that he currently serves his flock as CEO, not clergy member.

There are no ethical boundries for the truth....I am concerned for those of you who have not accepted Jesus. The truth is the truth not just in an apropriate forum.

Believe me he doesn't forget who he serves.
So BB is "imposing" his views on you???? Grow Up!!! You poor, helpless basket cases. We Americans are so freakin' soft and spoiled.

How about I threaten to cut your head off with a blunt edge if you don't bow down to Allah. Sorry, that's not imposing...it's freedom of speech!

Oh No! I just saw a cross!!! Oh no!!! Someone on TV just said "God"!!!!!!! Oh no!!! It's a nativity scene on a church lawn!!!!!!!!! I can't take this!!!!

Please someone help!!! Call the ACLU. Call President Hillary. Call the media!!!! I don't think I can last any longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE IT!!!!!

Try this

Jesus said:
..I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Matthew 19:24

Indiana Business Magazine said:
Bryan K. Bedford, Chairman, President, and CEO Republic Airways Holdings, total 2003 compensation: $688,308.

Captain America said:
Believe me he doesn't forget who he serves.

Oh, I quite agree. Who do you think that might be?

This has nothing to do with relgion. The only thing at issue here is common manners, reading comprehension (w/r/t the constitution of the US), and the attention span of the "religious" folks who spend a whole lot more time worrying about what they think the Bible tells OTHER people NOT to do than what it tells them TO do.
Airing your company's dirty laundry on the internet is never a good thing. This should have been kept in-house at RAH.
The difference here is that his "Weekly Updates" are also posted in HDQ in public areas so there is no expectation of privacy or "keeping it in-house" for him. He's loving this b/c he's feeling "the heat" (martyr for the faith) as he described it and getting people to pass on his message for him.
The Weekly Update is posted in .pdf format on the private company website, and although it might be posted publically around HDQ, nobody outside of the employee group would have known about this stupidity short of visiting Purdue Road or a crewroom had an RAH crewmember not posted its contents here for the world to see.

Its your sandbox not mine...but this entire thing seems to be exceedingly stupid to me. I agree with BB's sentiments but he definately took advantage of his position to 'spread the gospel' and work is no place to be preaching from a bully pulpit...
These cries of a "hostile work environment" are exceedingly silly. He's not deriding one's race or gender, aspects of an individual that cannot be changed. Nor is he deriding a specific religiosity, or lack thereof. His memo is about as strongly worded as the President's "Good night, and God Bless America" at the end of the state of the union address.

Let us remember that abortion is a behavior, a descision, a choice of the mother. It is not a genetic condition. It is not protected under the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is no different than smoking (highly discouraged by Alaksa) or wearing a massive facial piercing (discouraged by just about every airline). Continental is on this "Work Safe, Live Safe" campaign with t-shirts and stickers on every piece of GSE at the airline. Is this creating a "hostile work environment" for the rock climbers, base jumpers, and hanggliders that work at the airline? Such a contention is preposterous.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that he should be drug before HUAC and shot. Incidently, I believe an argument could be made that the supposed analgous cases you mention are in fact creating a hostile work enviornment. The case won't be made because no one cares to make it. Likewise, I wouldn't go to the trouble of attempting to confront an airline manager with lawyers. They'd smell their own kind and refuse to attack.

That said, the very fact that a great number of people find it incredibly offensive suggests to me that it is unprofessional. His job is to make the company money. Alienating employees (or potential employees) in pursuit of his theological agenda is not doing his job. If he wants to irritate people on his own time, great, let him knock on doors like everyone else. At least then there would be some personal sacrifice involved, instead of self-righteous proseletyzing from a guy whose interests, again, pretty obviously run from A) making money, B) condemning the supposed sins of others, THEN (possibly) considering his own relationship with God and his adherence to the scriptures.

Mother Theresa and the Amish can wag their fingers at me and expect me to listen. Some bozo with an MBA, destroyed companies and lives behind him, and 13 hummers in the garage cannot. I might even get a little offended.
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Sounds like an excellent case of hostile workplace for an employee who's had an abortion to take to the Department of Labor.

P.S. I actually agree with everything Mr. Bedford said in his "update," but it's entirely inappropriate to put in any sort of official company communications. The Board of Directors should sanction him for this.

So, Mr. Bedford says what he thinks, in a company wide update.

I'm truely amazed how ignorant some of you are. AA, LCC, NWA, CAL, SWA, DAL and several regional carriers all publically and financially support liberal, non-religious--even anti-religious organizations. AA has been a big supporter of People for the American Way, GLAD, and others openly support other pro-gay organizations like ACT-UP and Planned Parenthood, many through the United Way. They spend millions of $$$ for their support.

Bedford makes a an opine in a company update that someone published on this board and your head pops!??? :puke:

Wake up and smell the anti-religious bias and go vote.

Who said any of those organizations are non religious. What are YOU, the decider of what is Christian and what is not? No, I don't think so. Just because someone is gay, or has an abortion, absolutely, POSITIVELY dose NOT mean that they are not Christian.
Who said any of those organizations are non religious. What are YOU, the decider of what is Christian and what is not? No, I don't think so. Just because someone is gay, or has an abortion, absolutely, POSITIVELY dose NOT mean that they are not Christian.

Nope, just my OPINION. And your premise is correct. But, with that said, traditionally, the organizations mentioned in my post have been opposed to faith based intiatiatives and values, backing up their OPINIONS with the ACLU and PFSCS.

Therefore the fact remains, Airline Companies do take social/political positions by the organizations they financially support. They essentially "speak" with their wallets and bank accounts. Mr. Bedford's "crime" has been to use his position as CEO of RAH as a bullypulpit for his personal views.

So, I guess you're saying it's ok for the BOD to authorize the message, but not the CEO. Fair enough. :erm:

I want the 15 minutes of my life back I just spent reading that.

Religion is a good thing when taken in moderation. If the fanatical religious folks had their way, we'd have no rights at all. Let's see... no abortions, no pork, no sex, no dancing, no drinking, no smoking, no beef, no shellfish, no women wearing jeans, no swearing, no lotteries, no gambling, no hundreds of other things many of us "sinners" do everyday. Might as well go back to the concetration camp era. This time we'd all be incarcerated. When a$$nuggets like this get their way, it's back to the dark ages.....

To: All Republic Associates
From: Bryan Bedford
RE: Company update for 10-6-06
Good afternoon. Sorry for not publishing my update last week but I have been considering writing
a controversial letter for a while and have been prayerfully deliberating my words. After much
internal struggle, I have decided to publish it and take the heat.

Winter's coming, heat will be provided, unless you can't pay your gas or electric bill.

Wow though, I think he's set the precedent to allow any RAH employee to pontificate their left to center to right views to their fellow RAH employees on any of the controversial subjects! What freedom Mr. Bedford is giving you RAH employees! Employees with liberal personal morals should feel especially welcome at RAH, since the door to expressing your views has been opened so wide.

I think that was good sarcasm.

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