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Rev Bedford's Sunday School Lesson To RAH

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I want the 15 minutes of my life back I just spent reading that.

Religion is a good thing when taken in moderation. If the fanatical religious folks had their way, we'd have no rights at all. Let's see... no abortions, no pork, no sex, no dancing, no drinking, no smoking, no beef, no shellfish, no women wearing jeans, no swearing, no lotteries, no gambling, no hundreds of other things many of us "sinners" do everyday. Might as well go back to the concetration camp era. This time we'd all be incarcerated. When a$$nuggets like this get their way, it's back to the dark ages.....

You forgot porn and strip joints.

Now I know why we just moved to a better more expensive hotel in CVG. BB has us laying over where porn is blocked on the WiFi. I can live with his memos, but blocking access to porn is just downright wrong!
I don't think anyone is suggesting that he should be drug before HUAC and shot. Incidently, I believe an argument could be made that the supposed analgous cases you mention are in fact creating a hostile work enviornment. The case won't be made because no one cares to make it. Likewise, I wouldn't go to the trouble of attempting to confront an airline manager with lawyers. They'd smell their own kind and refuse to attack.

That said, the very fact that a great number of people find it incredibly offensive suggests to me that it is unprofessional. His job is to make the company money. Alienating employees (or potential employees) in pursuit of his theological agenda is not doing his job. If he wants to irritate people on his own time, great, let him knock on doors like everyone else. At least then there would be some personal sacrifice involved, instead of self-righteous proseletyzing from a guy whose interests, again, pretty obviously run from A) making money, B) condemning the supposed sins of others, THEN (possibly) considering his own relationship with God and his adherence to the scriptures.

Mother Theresa and the Amish can wag their fingers at me and expect me to listen. Some bozo with an MBA, destroyed companies and lives behind him, and 13 hummers in the garage cannot. I might even get a little offended.

People like you have your own smell and attract other like you. this post is full of them. I find it amazing how many people come out of the wood work to attack someone that believes in God. I guess there are alot of people that do not have enough personal strength to believe something different than someone else without feeling the need to attack them. Then again when you have ego's like some people, it would be hard to believe that there is someone or somthing more high and mighty than them selfs.
I find it amazing how many people come out of the wood work to attack someone that believes in God. I guess there are alot of people that do not have enough personal strength to believe something different than someone else without feeling the need to attack them. Then again when you have ego's like some people, it would be hard to believe that there is someone or somthing more high and mighty than them selfs.

First, your writing is so bad it's tough to see what you're actually trying to say. Second, this has nothing to do with anyone attacking someone who believes in God. That's like saying that people are attacking those with brown hair. Belief in abortion rights (or a lack of rights) is not at all directly related to belief in God, or any specific God. As for the next sentence, I would imagine that BB also falls into the category of people who "do not have enough personal strength to believe something different than someone else without feeling the need to attack them." This is most definately an aggressive and adversarial statement towards any female employee of BB's who feels like she needs to request time off to consider or have an abortion for any reason. She would likely feel her job was in jeapordy if she requested the time off.

By the way, enormous companies like Delta, and a million others give money to, or sponsor all sorts of organizations, religious and non religious - that's called advertising, building community relations, etc, etc - and it is far different than directly preaching to/at employees in a closed forum manner - a manner through which, if his employees spouted out the same vitriol at their passengers, they would promptly find themselves suspended or fired.

I'm still wondering if anyone really thinks what he said was very different than the below imagined statement - and if so, would that below statement have been acceptable? Keep in mind, this is a publicly traded company bound by equal opportunity laws, and not a church.

"I am gravely concerned for those of you who have not accepted Jesus. Only through accepting Him may you find salvation. Millions across the world who have not found Him are lost to the eternal fires of he11 each year and this is perhaps life's greatest tragedy."

And for those of you who actually have written here that BB was well within his rights and in no way out of line to write this on the Company Update forum... put the shoe on the other foot and see if you're being honest with yourself... Imagine BB coming out strongly and aggressively Pro-Choice, stating that that should absolutely drive who we vote for during the election and stating that a woman's choice to do what she may with her body is the most fundamental of rights. If that makes you feel angry, then YOU should also agree that BB was WAY out of line to ever broach the subject.
The clown should be fired. He is employed to run the airline, not to force his religious views upon his employees.

A CEO should be held to the same standard of professionalism as his or her employees. If the line pilot or F/A would be fired for saying it on the PA (or handing out leaflets onboard) then he should keep it on his desk as well.

If I worked at Republic I would send several copies of this memo to:

the BOD of: Delta, United, US Airways, etc.
Democratic Congressman and Senators in each crew domicile.
Newsmedia outlets

He needs to have his hand slapped at the least. Personally, i'd like to see him fired.
You forgot porn and strip joints.

Now I know why we just moved to a better more expensive hotel in CVG. BB has us laying over where porn is blocked on the WiFi. I can live with his memos, but blocking access to porn is just downright wrong!

New PBS Bid Line #1: AVOID Layovers in CVG :D
I'm still wondering if anyone really thinks what he said was very different than the below imagined statement - and if so, would that below statement have been acceptable? Keep in mind, this is a publicly traded company bound by equal opportunity laws, and not a church.

"I am gravely concerned for those of you who have not accepted Jesus. Only through accepting Him may you find salvation. Millions across the world who have not found Him are lost to the eternal fires of he11 each year and this is perhaps life's greatest tragedy."

And for those of you who actually have written here that BB was well within his rights and in no way out of line to write this on the Company Update forum... put the shoe on the other foot and see if you're being honest with yourself... Imagine BB coming out strongly and aggressively Pro-Choice, stating that that should absolutely drive who we vote for during the election and stating that a woman's choice to do what she may with her body is the most fundamental of rights. If that makes you feel angry, then YOU should also agree that BB was WAY out of line to ever broach the subject.

I'm surprised noone has weighed in on this. I'd love to hear someone who thinks BB's comment was completely appropriate reply.

wanted to visualize 4,000

I'm surprised noone has weighed in on this. I'd love to hear someone who thinks BB's comment was completely appropriate repy.

I'll weigh in spiffy, though briefly. Since Mark's death, the FI moderators haved have found it fashionable to ban such "propaganda" posts, in fact they censored all posts that deal with aspects of personal belief and personal faith, regardless if it has to do with anything with Aviation, as this thread does. So much for free speech, eh, mr. moderator? I'll expect to be banned for that statement....:nuts:

The BB update refers to the war on terrorism, abortion, and the tragedies involved, and opines BB's views on the stated items, along with Aviation Industry News. He is opining. Is he proselytizing? It's a stretch, but it could be viewed that way, if you are offended by stuff like that.

Personally, I think he has crossed a line. If the BOD finds him a bad boy, they'll spank him. What I find interesting is the "hate" messages on this thread. Reminds me of the anti-Bush crowd. Hmmm. I wonder if there is a connection....

"Send in the lions!"

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I'm surprised noone has weighed in on this. I'd love to hear someone who thinks BB's comment was completely appropriate reply.


While it may not have been completely appropriate, I think most of us defending BB are wondering what the big deal is? He's put religion in his updates for as long as I've been here. This one just had religion and a political message in it and everyone gets their panties in a wad. Really, what he wrote are just WORDS. People are acting like he barged into their homes, kicked the dog, and held grandma at gunpoint until everyone believed what he does. Are people so insecure in themselves that they're afraid reading someone elses view is somehow going to turn their entire world upside down? He didn't threaten anybody with punishment if they had an abortion or believe differently than him. He was merely expressing an opinion. I wouldn't care what he put in his memos as long as he can still run the company well. I've had people give me their unsolicited political beliefs at work. I didn't get offended and rant and rave about how they're wrong and shouldn't be talking about it. I just let them go until they were done. Then when they saw they weren't really getting anywhere with it, they dropped it and moved to the next topic.

Also, he knew it would be a very controversial writing, he said so himself. Do you think some of you are playing right into his hands? What started out as a inter-company memo has now been plastered on the internet, able to be viewed by anyone in the world. With the November elections coming up, he now has his opinions available to many more voters now, than when it was just available to employees. His goal was to reach people, to get people talking about this, and to influence those sitting on the political fence. He's accomplished this goal and is probably taking delight in the fact that people are predictable and love to spread controversy. As the Hollywood motto goes, "no press is bad press". My guess is he knew the liberals would get upset, the conservatives would battle it out with them and at the same time reinforcing their own political beliefs, while those caught in the crossfire would be more exposed to how the "tolerant" left is suddenly not so tolerant when somebody offers an opposing view.

Or maybe he simply meant it as a company memo.
I completely agree with the guy, but regardless of whether he posted that or some liberal bull crap, I wouldn't complain if RAH is doing as well as you all say it is. Apparently he is running a good company.

See Ya'll in Church!!!!
For everyone who was bothered by BB's comments...go see the movie that just opened called "Jesus Camp" Very eye opening...
This is not surprising, seeing as how it comes from a man who sent a letter to his employees, ridiculing Express Jet's decision to retain the 69 a/c being released from the CAL CPA. A few months later RAH is announcing their plans to bring in the CRJ 200 to supplement the 44 a/c they will fly for CAL. If Express Jet was "artificially", in his words, overloading the 50 seat industry by retaining our a/c, then what is RAH doing by bringing CRJ's out of the desert in order to fly for CAL???? Are they artificially overloading the 50 seat capacity or are they just downright overloading it. Sounds like a hypocritical argument if you ask me. That being said, sounds like he hails from a moral high ground that many Americans have chosen to leave behind. For that, I applaude him; but, I don't agree with him using his company to push his views on employees. I especially don't agree with it, when we all know, that had we done the same, we'd probably be hung for it. What good for the goose ain't good for the gander. With money/power comes privelege... I guess, right??
The republicans have always used Religion as a means of getting voters. If they were truly pro-life then we wouldn't be in Iraq. The republicans need to look long and hard about their morals before they judge mine. As for the sex... Well it is fun, the romans did it for fun for over 2000 yrs. If the republicans stay in power we won't be here for half as long.
Whats ironic is that women tend to get abortions primarily for financial reasons. Brian Bedford employs a large number of women (flight attendants) at pay rates below the poverty line. I wonder how many of those 4000/day were his own employees. He certainly talks the talk.
So it's his fault they applied for and took a job that starts out at $15-$16 an hour, and it's his fault they had sex with no contraception and, as a result, got pregnant? Yeah, wow...that really IS ironic!
I guess I should realize this is 2007. It's cool to blame everyone else for the problems people bring on themselves. Gotta love the victim mentality.

You brought a year old thread back for that
That 15-16 bucks an hour works out to about 15-16 grand a year. Dont try and skew the numbers.
My point was not to blame him. I was simply pointing out that the politcal powers that be, the ceo's, and the majority of the pro-life movement (which I happen to agree with) are causing the economic conditions that make abortion seem like a positive alternative than dealing with the financial burden of raising a child for many women.

I brought back a year old thread because the issues raised in it are a lot more important than the normal crap people talk about on here.
That 15-16 bucks an hour works out to about 15-16 grand a year. Dont try and skew the numbers.
My point was not to blame him. I was simply pointing out that the politcal powers that be, the ceo's, and the majority of the pro-life movement (which I happen to agree with) are causing the economic conditions that make abortion seem like a positive alternative than being a responsible adult and accepting the consequences of your actions.

I brought back a year old thread because the issues raised in it are a lot more important than the normal crap people talk about on here.

True, there is a lot of crap on here.

The blue part my interpretation of that line in your post. There are other options outside of abortion. They don't have to raise the child. They can put it up for adoption and never have to see it again. There are also social programs and government assistance available for those who need it. However, carrying around a baby for 9 months seems like such a chore they decide that killing it would be a lot less inconvenient for them. Those who do it are selfish cowards. (outside of the very few instances where I believe it to be a necessity)

I realize $15 an hour is low pay. However, no one is forcing these guys/gals to take these jobs. They can complain and feel sorry for themselves all they want to but what it boils down to is they actively sought out a low paying job with poverty level wages. This day and age, virtually anyone can get a secondary education and have the opportunity to make more money if they want to. If they can't afford to have a kid, they should take precautions to make sure it doesn't happen. Sorry but the excuse that the rich, educated executives are causing the lower level employees to have abortions still doesn't fly with me. I think financial hardship is just an excuse used to do what they would have done anyway, regardless of income. Those who use that excuse are simply doing so to justify their actions.

Now what would be interesting if one of our FAs got pregnant and contacted BB telling him that she wants to have the child and give it up for adoption but can't afford the pregnancy unless she got some assistance. That would be an opportunity for him to put his money where his mouth is.;)

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