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Regions Air????

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There is life after furlough...perhaps you will find that it is better than you imagined!

I did...things just work out sometimes for the best...sorry, you just have to trust me on that...some people have their plans work out to the tee. Others, well, sometimes it works out better...

The two ladies are not due an answer yet...may God bless both of them!

Tram! I'm only sure of one ex-corpexer at Fed-ex...if you can, pm me his name-if it is the same chap no one, absofrackinglutly no one person deserved it more...
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He flies purple tails, Av8or..
He flies purple tails, Av8or..

I see, so he’s my archenemy huh? LOL Just kiddin’, have had quite a few purple guys on our jumpseats, they all seemed to be very nice guys.

Yeah there were 4-5 guys who went to purple within a few months of each other in 2000 or so, then it kind of slowed down but they still took 1-2 guys a year I believe.

Hopefully, they’ll be hiring more corpex guys soon, I figured KT & ML would be there already, I hope really soon, both are great guys. Maybe their FedEx online profiles should say that if they don’t get a call soon, a “Corpex Brownie” will do his best to bring them over to Big Brown? I think that’d scare FedEx HR into interviewing them ASAP. What do you think? ;)

Tram – you are still in the right seat correct? Why aren’t you moving somewhere else where you can get pic time fairly soon, ie Colgan, etc? The 1K PIC is all YOU need!
Yeh, Archnemesis.. :)

Yeh, I'm looking at where to go.. KT and ML should be there soon, hopefully..

I THOUGHT I could get the PIC time here.. ;) Lookin' at Big Sky pretty closely..
Archnemesis – yeah, that’s the word I was looking for. I knew it, I was just testing you! :)

...KT and ML should be there soon, hopefully..

Awesome! Can’t wait!

I THOUGHT I could get the PIC time here..

Well, sometimes things just don’t work out exactly we’d planned, time for plan B maybe? B as in Big Sky?

Don’t know much about BigSky but if they’ll take you to the left seat in 12 months or so, I’d say do it yesterday. If you start at the end of March 2007 and upgrade 12 months later, you might be interviewing at FedEx by March 2009, don’t wait –

Besides, it'll keep Jen busy recruiting new replacements and I know she just loves that! :)

Yeh, it's a tough call.. I'm on an overnight right now.. Stuck in MWA.. When I get home, my resume' is going to Big Sky..
Yeh, it's a tough call.. I'm on an overnight right now.. Stuck in MWA.. When I get home, my resume' is going to Big Sky..

Ungh, that cab in MWA. You could beam it Star Trek style to any third world country and it would blend...all for a 9:00 overnight...minus 15 minutes on either side for the ride-I never liked that! I liked the folks there, but I got to say that there was gladness in my heart when the hotel's Suburban showed up to give us a ride instead of the wore out chevette wagon taxi...what a wretched p.o.s. it is! Straight from the suburbs of hell!
Man...I knew this day would come. I thought that it would come back when I was an FO at Corpex and our cities were up for rebid. The pilot group was great there and that was what made me enjoy most of my time. I had a Regions Air Saab driver check in for the jumpseat yesterday out of CLE. We gave him a ride down to ATL. Sounds like things have gone way down hill and he is headed to Exp Jet.

I know there are some people that have been at Corpex since 1999, hopefully that will find a good job out there.

EVERYONE there should be sending out resumes as fast as you guys can get them out. Best of Luck!
Friday is my last day! WooooHoooo!

Man...I knew this day would come. I thought that it would come back when I was an FO at Corpex and our cities were up for rebid. The pilot group was great there and that was what made me enjoy most of my time. I had a Regions Air Saab driver check in for the jumpseat yesterday out of CLE. We gave him a ride down to ATL. Sounds like things have gone way down hill and he is headed to Exp Jet.

Was that TD in the jumpseat?

What I found funny during one of my technical interviews was that the interviewer looked at my resume and said, and I quote, "You fly the 'A' model? Oh $hit !"

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