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Regions Air????

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REV 01-01 AM/FM

Insert page 3-31 to AM and page 7-40 to FM

"After passenger deplanement on overnights, the crew shall taxi the aircraft to the most poorly lit portion of the airport and secure it by throwing camoflage netting obtained from the station over the aircraft, obscuring it from possible detection by lessor(s)"


Lord, please forgive me, that was wrong...

On a more serious note never, ever, ever use your own credit card to pay for a motel room on company business!
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I dunno about where your hotel is my man-right now, even as I type I am in the Waikiki Joy hotel-about 300 yds back from the beach...I am too junior to be here, there must be a screw up! Got a day off, on my third miller light after 1:30 walking on the beach looking at a few cuties and a bunch of beached whales...mmmmmmm....

I don't know, you really can't tell a 100 from a 200 just by looking. The deminsions are identical and upper deck window number is per customer-I've only been here twice-both times in a -100. One was an ex-UPS bird...nothing but the finest for me! hehehehehe!

I really am not sure-I used to know-but if I recall BMA and Clipper Connection were tied in somehow...they ignored my resume and I remember being happy in retrospect-but I sent out so many that I just can't be sure. The caution would be to someone interviewing there-it may not be what it seems!

One of the CA's lives here. On his boat...he has had the inclination to invite us over-in a few hours I will be on a 75 foot catamaran grilling the biggest fracking Porterhouse I can find! Huh, I wonder if I can find a decent merlot here...

I love it too!
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I dunno about where your hotel is my man-right now, even as I type I am in the Waikiki Joy hotel-about 300 yds back from the beach...I am too junior to be here, there must be a screw up! Got a day off, on my third miller light after 1:30 walking on the beach looking at a few cuties and a bunch of beached whales...mmmmmmm....

Your hotel must be close to where I was last week; the windows in my room were facing Wakiki beach, very cool view. I was there last week hanging out with Frank D. - don’t know if you remember him, ex-corpex guy flies for JALways and lives in Hawaii. I fly in there quite often, hope I’ll run into you there soon, CY. Ps. Don’t forget to go to Duke’s – their buffet is awesome!
Current corpex dudes and dudettes,

How many pilots are left? How many cities out of STL and how many out of CLE? Which airlines are the guys leaving for? FOs and CAs?
Your hotel must be close to where I was last week; the windows in my room were facing Wakiki beach, very cool view. I was there last week hanging out with Frank D. - don’t know if you remember him, ex-corpex guy flies for JALways and lives in Hawaii. I fly in there quite often, hope I’ll run into you there soon, CY. Ps. Don’t forget to go to Duke’s – their buffet is awesome!

Uh, I plan on blowing two days per diem on tonight, so nothing but the hotel breakfast buffet for me tomorrow! Ha! My walk out balcony has a view of no less than eight taller hotels-including the one with the rotating restraunt-if that helps...it's two blocks over or so. I did walk past the Sheraton that is on the beach that has the pillars and old fashioned woodwork on the street side.

It's not snowing here.

Don't know when I will be back. As I said, it's a mistake-I'm too junior to be here!

I love it!
Uh, I plan on blowing two days per diem on tonight, so nothing but the hotel breakfast buffet for me tomorrow!

Ask your captain to put you on the “probie” payment plan :) Pretty nice tradition here, captains take care of junior guy’s bills, usually including the extras LOL We have some great, and very laid-back aviators here, it rocks.

Ok, back to REGIONS theme ;)

Don’t know much about this program but today I got this email:

Maybe it's a good way of getting several inerviews on the same day?

ASA, TransStates, and Pinnacle Hire 23 First Officers during On-Site Interviews at ATP

January 8th thru 10th, 2007, ASA, Trans States Airlines, and Pinnacle Airlines interviewed 25 pilot applicants during an on-site airline hiring event at ATP headquarters. Twenty-three pilot applicants received firm class dates or conditional offers of employment, based on successful completion of ATP’s Regional Jet Standards Certification course.
ATP facilitated the airline interviews for pilots with flight time between 330 and 700 hours total time. Applicants interviewed before meeting published minimums thanks to the Airline Pilot Hiring Agreement letters ATP has established with the airlines.

The agreements are based on completion of ATP’s Regional Jet Standards Certification program, which prepares pilots for the airlines with airline-style training in a CRJ-200 FTD, and a comprehensive ground school covering jet aircraft systems, flight deck management, jet automation, crew resource management, flight management systems (FMS), and electronic flight instrumentation systems (EFIS). Regional airline pilots developed and teach the course, providing the added benefit of real-world operating experience to the learning environment.

Trans States Airlines hired and offered class dates to 5 applicants. Pinnacle Airlines hired and offered class dates to 9 applicants. ASA notified 9 applicants of conditional offers of employment based on successful completion of a simulator evaluation.

With the success of these 23 applicants, ATP remains the leading provider of pilots to the regional airlines. In the last 12 months, ATP has assisted 150 pilots with achieving their career goals—more than any other single flight school or academy.
Read the current press release on this exciting news.

ATP's next on-site airline hiring event takes place February, 2007

Multiple airlines will be on-site seeking ATP-recommended pilot candidates. Airlines will be offering some interviews to applicants for conditional offers of employment which will require applicants to meet specific flight times and successfully complete ATP's Regional Jet Standards Certification program.

Applicants will be required to complete an interview prep program before interviewing. If you're interested in participating, please email your resume to:

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How many pilots are left? How many cities out of STL and how many out of CLE? Which airlines are the guys leaving for? FOs and CAs?

No idea on the CLE side of the house..

The J32, for about another month and a half goes to..

Decatur, IL
Marion, IL
Springfield, IL
Quincy, IL
Fort Wood, MO
Cape G, MO
Jackson, TN
Burlington, IA
Owensboro, KY

I dunno how many pilots we have left either..

We lost 2 CA's, one to another Jball deal out in Africa and one to a Citation X out in Cali..

We have lost more FO's than I can count.. Just lost one this week to CHQ and probably another to Big Sky...

It's been fun.. but I'm afraid the days of Corpex are coming to an end..
We lost 2 CA's, one to another Jball deal out in Africa and one to a Citation X out in Cali..

Tram - Thanks for reply, wow, not many cities left! :(

Well, at least it sounds like getting a job seems to be fairly easy for Corpex guys - that’s good news. Were did the 2 captains go? I heard a rumor of two ladies going to SWA? Hope that’s true, both good gals. And what part of Africa did the FO go to? Hope it wasn't Nigeria?! Don't think westerners are very popular there.
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Ah, man, it's his boat, his grill...I'm the one insisting on getting a Porterhouse when a burger would do...and yes, more than one evening has been taken care of by my senior fellows-including finishing up IOE...I don't even want to know what the total for that was! I paid some but jeeze it had to be bad! (I think even the bartender got in on the act and "forgot" a couple of rounds)

Funny thing is that in my wanderings I have bumped into three ex-corpexers-so you guys and gals need to know that there is a future! If you happen to be there and the place tanks, well, that's how it goes sometimes-heck, my escape got fouled up at first...as a result I am in an even better place!

Keep your resumes current and out there!
Were did the 2 captains go? I heard a rumor of two ladies going to SWA? Hope that’s true, both good gals. And what part of Africa did the FO go to? Hope it wasn't Nigeria?! Don't think westerners are very popular there.

It was a Captain who went to Africa and a Captain who went to the Citation X in Cali..

I hear the SWA rumor, but they are both still here..

Seems there are Corpexers all over the place.. Talked to my pops tonight, his FO on this trip is an X-Corpexer..

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