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Regions Air????

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stickler, not sure yet.. I'm 50/50.. Depends on how soon we shut the doors..

Am I willing to sit 2ish months to see what happens? Sure..
Am I willing to sit 6 or 8ish? Not one bit..

I'm not sure how many got nabbed at the SW.. We lost 2 Captains this week and several FO's..
I was on the phone last night with a good friend of mine from Pinnacle. He told me that Pinnacle was looking to buy a Saab operator. I asked if it was Colgan and he said he didn't think so because he didn't think Colgan was for sale.

On a side note, why does one airline buy another airline solely for the certificate?
I was on the phone last night with a good friend of mine from Pinnacle. He told me that Pinnacle was looking to buy a Saab operator. I asked if it was Colgan and he said he didn't think so because he didn't think Colgan was for sale.

On a side note, why does one airline buy another airline solely for the certificate?

Just a heads up there guy, if anything happens between Colgan and pinch a nickle you new zipcode will be 20110.
Just a heads up there guy, if anything happens between Colgan and pinch a nickle you new zipcode will be 20110.

Hold up there sport, why would we be involved in a transaction between Colgan and Pinnacle? It seems like you might not be getting the message. Pinnacle is looking to buy a Saab operator.
Colgan is not for sale.
You do the math.

Hint: RegionsAir is a Saab operator. RegionsAir is up for Sale. Another airline is buying RegionsAir.
On a side note, why does one airline buy another airline solely for the certificate?

To keep the airlines on separate certificates in order to pit the pilots against each other = save money. IE how can you guys demend more pay when brand Z can do the same flights for half the money???

- which airlines are the guys who are leaving going to ? I know one CA went to CONT recently, any other good news? FOs & CAs?
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To keep the airlines on separate certificates in order to pit the pilots against each other = save money. IE how can you guys demend more pay when brand Z can do the same flights for half the money???

Ooooph! That would go hand in hand with what the Union is saying. They want to do RJs, but you need to sign this pisspoor contract...
Been to MQY lately? It nearly looks like that now.

I have but not the airport itself - just the “cool people” hangout :) You know, training dept. ;)

It truly sucks what’s happening at Regions right now. I guess a part of me still hopes that somehow, it’ll all work out after all, but I’ve heard most guys/gals have given up. Like I said – it’s a shame!

There were a few that didn't care for my kicking and fussing but I knew the truth. The truth was that there was a group of pilots that could do anything given a little training and some equipment that could be profitable...

Only one Regional has failed since Sept. 11, 2001-ACA. They tried to go it alone and I give them credit for trying something bold.

I think that given the dynamics of fuel prices and cost per seat mile there is a future for turboprops-on the order of DHC-8-400's-that could be very lucrative. Heck, there are lots of outfits making money with RJ's on a fee for departure basis.

The brain trust in MQY could have done so many things to take advantage of the boom in the Regional Airline market but they sat and let every other swinging sausage with a certificate go for it!

Jballs can't pay for themselves. Haven't since AA screwed with the TWA agreement and Midway packed in their tent...

The Saab operation was too little, too late and every concern that I expressed in a letter to MQY including pilot pay has come true...

and I am just a dumb line pilot...that doesn't see "the big picture"...and now they are letting the same things that killed the Saab program kill the jball side of the house...in fact it started at the same time the Saabs went on the line...


Anyone with two more functioning brain cells and better "business" connections than I have could have found the money to turn Corpex into what CHQ or PSA or Air Whiskey have become!!! (There was a time that corpex and CHQ were not really that far apart in size-a little known factoid that reflects poorly on several people).

$h!++!!! It makes me want to tear my hair out! I was proud to be one of the last of the few-the Jball drivers in a world of glass and automation! Frack!

AV8OR, I hope the boxes treat you well...God knows I am happy to be back at that end of the business (and now I don't have to load the plane myself!)!I would caution about Clipper Connection-if I am not mistaken they are also known as Boston-Maine Airways...but I think that they have been getting their raises-and cool people turn wheels too, not just hang out in training :)! Welcome to the Order Of The Sleepless Knights, I dub thee Sir AV8OR!

My friends, the best of luck. I would really hate to see the "Corpex" callsign go away...

Regardless, do what you have to do to keep yourself/your familys fed...you won't get any medals for riding that place to the ground.
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I would caution about Clipper Connection-if I am not mistaken they are also know as Boston-Maine Airways...but I think that they have been getting their raises

Hmmm, didn’t realize Clipper Connection used to be Boston-Maine Airways? :( If so, didn’t they fire a bunch of their guys and hired instead from a lower paid airline not too long ago? I can’t remember all the specifics, but regardless I’m de-endorsing that airline (you see, I just created a new word!).

AV8OR, I hope the boxes treat you well...God knows I am happy to be back at that end of the business (and now I don't have to load the plane myself!)! ! Welcome to the Order Of The Sleepless Knights, I dub thee Sir AV8OR!

;) They do treat me right - as a matter of fact, haven’t heard much complaining from the back :) No seriously, I love it; give me a coupled of years and I’m sure I’ll have things to gripe about, right now I’m just loving it. I was in HNL the other day and saw one of your birds parked next to us, a -200 right? Which hotel do you guys stay at, we use a few different ones but lately I’ve been staying at ohana east – you ever stay there? If so I hope I’ll run into you there.

and cool people turn wheels too, not just hang out in training

I know, I was just kidding; I’ve only been visiting the training department because in order to go past the gate I have to call someone first and coordinate with the guard shack as I do not have a MQY badge. It’s just so much easier. As far as cool people, you're right - Corpex management should consider themselves very lucky to have one the best work groups in the industry. Too bad they chose to ignore their employees and thus stunned the growth of the airline.

Also, I’m filing a complaint with Microsoft spell-checker, as it missed the word “demand” in my last post. I might even sue them and maybe get some free xbox games?

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