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Regions Air????

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COEX has been very accomodating. One of their female Captains came down to the broom closet and mentioned that she did the interviews up in CLE and that ANY Corpexers who needed a job would have their resumes shuffled to the top of the pile. She was cute too!
Yeh, gotta give it to the COEX guys.. I've had a few contact me already... It's nice to see the help.. :)
Yeh, gotta give it to the COEX guys.. I've had a few contact me already... It's nice to see the help.. :)

Okay, so to answer the original "any 411 on Regions Air" question. When people find out where you work and offer to move your resume to the top of the stack at their outfit it probably isn't a good sign!
The Proof is in the Puddin'

The other night while I, the Prince, was sleeping in my 1000 thead count sheets and bed of roses; I slowly drifted off to sleep dreaming of 100 brunette virgins and cowboy-clad midgets when a vision came to me. It was about untold tails from the past and present...
...Corpex's growth rev from pax flt ops and government subsidies for 2004 (22.5 M) and 2005 (21.9 M).
...in 2001 and 2003, the company actually officially posted a profit. (but the pay freeze is still chilly)
...annual lease expense on the 340A in '06 was 600k, while projected between '07-'10 to be $1,014,000/year. Compare that with DOT grants totaling $880,000/year for 3 cities. (Awesome, now how do I highlight that red as it should be)
...May '06, J-CO (the actually owners of the J32s) wanted $7.4M paid to them seeing that the company has not paid them from 9/01-5/06. Fred and Doug (who actually deserve some sort of award for being 'Used Car Salesmen of the Year') actually got out of the debt by offering 8-10% in Corpex stock to J-CO which accepted it.
...the most recent bank switch concerning our pay checks is actually another spineless way to get out of paying the owners of the one remaining Saab, who have an automatic withdrawl set up to be paid from the company's old bank account.

Absolutely embarrassed to work here. Oh wait, what's that I hear coming...it's the ATTRITION TRAIN and it's making a pit-stop in white trash mqy! Choo-Choo, get on board!!!
Akeem has spoken...shhhhh
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Hmmm, my main concern here is - exactly why does Corpex come to your mind when you’re thinking of 100 brunette virgins? Am I missing something here? ;)

Also, did my explanation on your Airtran thread make sense to you? Princess – I’m worried about you! :)
Hmmm, my main concern here is - exactly why does Corpex come to your mind when you’re thinking of 100 brunette virgins? Am I missing something here? ;)

Also, did my explanation on your Airtran thread make sense to you? Princess – I’m worried about you! :)

Don't be envyous of my superior German genetics, rapist wit and fantastic hair! My track record speaks for itself (and you know what I mean!). So when you are done waving white flags at other countries and sucking on Ricola herbal mints, give me a buzz and we'll do lunch (you know where)!
It's priceless when your CEO has to send out a company wide memo to dispell the rumor of his forced resignation! Can it get anymore dysfunctional? You bet!

New theory on who is buying Regions: Northwest Airlines

Reasoning: Regions is already saddled with a couple million dollars in debt. Northwest will come in, take ownership, offload its hundreds of millions of dollars in debt onto Regions. It will clean the books up for NWA and leave Caldwell with a sore behind and scratching his head. I am sure Caldwell would figure out a way to transfer the hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to a local Children's Orphanage, all the while finnagling another partially airworthy J-32 out of BAE in order to keep the company floating for a few more weeks. Anybody else happen to notice the Company Organization Chart for Regions is outlined with a Septic Tank?
Why would Northwest want our 121 certificate... They obviously have their own.. :)

Northwest airlines.. Riiiiiight.. :D
It's priceless when your CEO has to send out a company wide memo to dispell the rumor of his forced resignation!
I never heard that rumor until the memo came out.

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