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Regions Air????

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Sheesh, I was just jazzing you........... don't get all defensive! Was the "training video" comment too much?
Well, we're having fun now boys!!
Can anybody cut and paste it? I don't have Windows 95 with PDF capability fully downloaded yet onto my computer.

With the legaleese removed it says that Regions needs to keep flying the routes for 90 days and their letter of intent to cease service on Dec 31 is illegal and they will keep getting paid for flights completed. They have to continue the service for 90 days or unless sooner replaced. They will get paid for it.

The DOT is treating the letter of intent to cease service as a 90 day notice.

You have untill march.

Unless the braintrust in mqy defaults-in which case I would expect an immediate investigation and I won't speculate on how far it will go but it could include certificate action.

Now, the DOT takes into consideration a companies entire record when considering bids. Due to the dismal operational reliability they put forth (which was entirely avoidable had the operation been planned to succeed in the first place) they have jepordized what is left of the STL system-which of its self is not doing so well.

Which is to say that the mqy mafia has really stepped on their crank this time!
Sheesh, I was just jazzing you...........

Don’t worry, it’s all good… ;)

Well, we're having fun now boys!!

I heard from a Gemini captain the other day they are still hiring. Guys - look into it; you might enjoy the DC10 or the MD11 flying. If you decide to stay there - great, I heard from an FO that he enjoyed the international flying there a whole lot.

Additionally, the heavy international experience will open up some other doors for sure. Recently, Gemini, Omni, Polar, etc. pilots have been getting interviews at UPS and Fedex left and right. At UPS many of those guys/gals had no prior recommendations; the heavy experience alone was enough to get them an interview.

Also, I spoke to one of the UPS dispatch instructors who told me about a former Chautauqua dispatcher they recently hired. Apparently, the guy had spent 6 months or so at Gemini which gave him a little “international flying exposure” and that’s all he needed to move on; just something to consider for some dispatchers at 3C if they happen to be interested?

I truly hope it works out for all Corpex guys & gals.
Gemini eh? Maybe I'll check them out..

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