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Regions Air????

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Gemini eh? Maybe I'll check them out..

What's the matter Tram, those 8 month upgrades at SKYW aren't short enough for you...just kidding.

In all seriousness, tell all of the 3C F/O's that SkyWest is doing group interviews in STL on 1/8 at the Holiday Inn. Be there on time! The doors close, and the process begins at 10am.
8 Months is plenty.. I am seriously considering it...

I am going to wait here a lil' longer... I just don't wanna move to the other side of the world.. :)
Yeh, Ohh well..
And RegionsAir fires back at the DOT...talk about biting the hand that feeds you.


Smiliner, could you paraphrase Region's response?
-In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!

-I thought I had an appetite for destruction, but all I wanted was a club sandwich.
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It basically says that Regions feels it's been wronged by the WV cities and the DOT. Regions does not wish to inconvenience the cities, but in order to maintain service, it wants more money. But that Regions will be reducing the schedule. I had heard somewhere that they wanted to run it on a 1 SAAB flight schedule.

Doug, have you guys heard anything in CLE about whether you'd get retrained on the Jetstream, or if you'd be furloughed?
Sheesh, I was just jazzing you...........

Don’t worry, it’s all good… ;)

Well, we're having fun now boys!!

I heard from a Gemini captain the other day they are still hiring. Guys - look into it; you might enjoy the DC10 or the MD11 flying. If you decide to stay there - great, I heard from an FO that he enjoyed the international flying there a whole lot.

Additionally, the heavy international experience will open up some other doors for sure. Recently, Gemini, Omni, Polar, etc. pilots have been getting interviews at UPS and Fedex left and right. At UPS many of those guys/gals had no prior recommendations; the heavy experience alone was enough to get them an interview.

Also, I spoke to one of the UPS dispatch instructors who told me about a former Chautauqua dispatcher they recently hired. Apparently, the guy had spent 6 months or so at Gemini which gave him a little “international flying exposure” and that’s all he needed to move on; just something to consider for some dispatchers at 3C if they happen to be interested?

I truly hope it works out for all Corpex guys & gals.

There are others too that are going to UPS and Fedex...Gspot would be a good place to cut your teeth and I've heard some pretty good things about the DC-10 from guys that flew it. I don't know if they do a Second Officer program or if they only hire PFE's but if you were to start on the panel and move up it would give you an inside track on learning the company and the international stuff...from what I've heard the FE spot on a -10 is a really cushy job. You'd have to go pass a FEX written, but that won't hurt you.
Doug, have you guys heard anything in CLE about whether you'd get retrained on the Jetstream, or if you'd be furloughed?

I guess we're on a need-to-know basis right now regarding our future with the Saabs. While we already bid our Jan lines, the schedules will be altered after the transition period (Jan 5) due to the implementation of a 1 plane schedule. Nothing official, but I'm sure D.C. has furloughs in store for us. We're already waaaaaaay fat on crews for the Saab, and it sounds the same for the Jetstream. Tram, did I hear correctly that you're down to 3 planes right now?!? Oh, and 2 Saabs will be going back to Maine soon.

Cause of parents death? They got in my way!
-Mr. Burns
Yeh, I dunno how many planes we are down to..

I think we have been running 5 last week, but I heard we are supposed to fall to 3 sometime this month...

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