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Regions Air????

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Prince - you are right, RJs - or even bigger things! ;) - ARE coming!!! As soon as you fill out some applications that is! :)

It's like that old cartoon where the stork got the frog in his beak and the frog is reaching out and strangling the stork...
the caption is...

"Don't Ever Give Up!"

The jetpig is a really good trainer for the 121 world in spite of the antiquity of most of the systems. Even most of the marginal jball drivers I knew are capable of moving to bigger and better things. Even the good ones will struggle some at first with the speed of better equipment but that will come...it's just an adjustment that has to be made. And trust me, after a while things like APU's, lavs and coffee pots start to grow on you!

So do better paychecks...

So keep that resume current and keep it in front of people!
Remember how Dougie C. said that 90% of the pilots would be happy with his decision? My bet is the unhappy ones will be the Saab pilots. He needs to lighten the payroll so he can pay off his 2 year old used Jeep.
90% of the pilots eh? I didn't hear that...
What decision would that be, Copilot? Also, Les got his medical back. Looks like OT Holiday IOE pay for me!! ('bout $103 an hour)
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Did ya get the memo?

I don't know what decision it was, the janitor standing next to the Coke machine told me about it. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about...

So you're going to be flying over Christmas too, eh Taildragger??? Didja hear about the party to be held in downtown Parkersburg? It's going to be HUGE!!! All the women, food, and drink you could dream of will be there. And the crews will get to watch it all from the windows of their hotel rooms as they spray their own beds for bedbugs.
I don't know what decision it was, the janitor standing next to the Coke machine told me about it. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about...

So you're going to be flying over Christmas too, eh Taildragger??? Didja hear about the party to be held in downtown Parkersburg? It's going to be HUGE!!! All the women, food, and drink you could dream of will be there. And the crews will get to watch it all from the windows of their hotel rooms as they spray their own beds for bedbugs.

Hey Congrats Lettuce!

And congrats to Taildragger too-but I don't get the pay...$33x2+10/hr chkairman kicker is 76 or 86/hr depending on if they double the ckairman override. Unless something good happened that I didn't know about...And since you're getting the big override don't let him go company man on you! Block or Better or Busted! You will need to spell it out to him! hehehe

{No, I willnot fracking make any (oh, Lord please help me-the temptation is so great and I am so, er, suceptable-) WV one toothed jokes! Be gone from here Satan thou temptor!}

I see that since my unseemingly late departure things have indeed deteriorated...inconceivable.

But what of this decision? 90% of the pilots happy? That rules out a fatal accident for the hr manager (Event = to or > than 110%).

Reopen the BNA Crew Base?

What an arrogant thing to say-I don't think I know anyone from any management that could make 90% of the pilots happy except maybe for having themselves thrown in prison for performing unnatural acts with a donkey and posting the video on youtube.

Of course I just had my godess avitar of three years erased by a wannabe aviation manager and I have been drinking a little but perhaps not so much to actually spell out in writing eternal some of the things I could think of that would get 90% of a pilot group to agree on anything...except that the pay sucks. Hell, they even say that at fedex from time to time! So, WTF???

Well, I will be away from home on Christmas too...or not, we already had Christmas...went to a play and had the tree, the prime rib, the presents, everything.

I really hope the best for you all this Christmas. There are some that are on the verge of achieving "the goal".

I hope everyone sees the humor in my wise arse remarks too. If not, well there is no accounting for taste. Of which I have little. Except for in the best of things...humor (dark, one each) in the face of terrible situations being one of them.

If you can't laugh at them ("you know, they. Them. They're Bastards" South Park) you're beaten already.

Good luck my friends...

Rumor has it that the company card buys supper and beverages on the 25th for me. We'll see...
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Management can talk about investors, growth and 90% of the pilots being happy, but is it just BS to keep everybody from jumping ship? I think just about every pilot has backup options at this point. I think an important question that the FOs would like answered is who the F are we dealing with as a potential buyer/investor? Is it somebody with serious game that can give the company the money and management resources it needs to grow? Or is it somebody who will give the company JUST enough funding to keep half of the ship above water as it has been since 2001? If ANYBODY brings money to the table, their first priority should be to kick the current mismanagement team out and if they don't dump the SAABs, get MX facilities set up at outstations for that POS. Rant over, where's my coffee?!
...is it somebody with serious game that can give the company the money and management resources it needs to grow? Or is it somebody who will give the company JUST enough funding to keep half of the ship above water as it has been since 2001? If ANYBODY brings money to the table, their first priority should be to kick the current mismanagement team out...

Well, maybe this will put things in perspective. When I was hired in '98 we were told that we'd be getting "bigger airplanes" pretty soon; I remember Don Channel (former CP) telling us it would be either Saabs or maybe Dash 8's. Looks like it took an additional 8 years before "bigger things" finally arrived. Unfortunately, not for long as they’ll probably be gone soon. My point is - get your pic and move on, no point in getting pissed off as you'll never be able to change anything. I agree with you on the mismanagement team.
Our Saabs will be a dream alright, come the end of January when Colgan comes in to take our routes out of CLE.
GAME OVER regionsair

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