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Reality Check for NetJets Pilots

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* all of the words that were censored looked like shiz...replace the "z" with a "t"...really, I didn't think they were SO bad.
Majik said:
Less Paul,

Are you reading your own post? You are not a fractional pilot and seem to have no interest in anything we have to say, yet your pathetic a$$ is spending inordinate amounts of time replying to our posts, yet providing nothing of substance, either positive or negative. Your only mission in life seems to be to hang out on this board and argue with fractional pilots. What's wrong? I'm trying to figure out why you would dedicate so much time to us. Like the little boy that keeps hanging around his older sister and her friends, pestering them in the hopes they will include him in their play.

What's your background, who do you work for? Just curious.
Well I guess you got tired of everybody except me ignoring you on the Majors forum...

Your post alludes and boasts that you have all the answers... but does nothing but ask me questions, and even admits that "you are trying to figure out" and "you are curious". You accuse me of not being a fractional pilot, then asks me my background. I believe serial killers think this way as well..

Your little post that I have quoted above is incredibly insightful as to how you think. Your post boasts of intellectual prowess, but in all actuality shows complete lack of continuity or rational. Then I noticed why that is.

You flew the OV-1 and the UH-1 in the military. What this indicates and many people don't realize and I will share on this forum..... is that more than likely the military didn't think you were the sharpest kid in the class either.

How about directing your tirade BACK to the issue at hand which is why pilots such as yourself accept a p!ss poor paying job, and will turn down a pay raise, and continue complaining about the bad pay?

Then again, I may have answered that question in my previous sentence...

Les Paul
Les.................what's up? Why the need to stir the pot here? Are you a Frac pilot? You made a point of bashing a non Major pilot for being on that board, so why are you over here? Cheap way to feel superior and get your kicks?

If it makes you happy. Whatever. I get a kick out of your posts. Kind of like the Sunday comics.
You flew the OV-1 and the UH-1 in the military. What this indicates and many people don't realize and I will share on this forum..... is that more than likely the military didn't think you were the sharpest kid in the class either.
And for the rest of the story......

This has NO indication whatsoever as to how intelligent someone is. I happened to be the sharpest kid in my class and I flew UH-1s. OV-1s were used in the MI BNs. A fixed wing transition in the Army is one of the toughest things to obtain, everyone is a helicopter pilot first.

If you don't know much about the military, maybe you shouldn't comment about it.
Careful LP your ignorance is showing.

Ignorance of the military flying assignment system, that is. A quick lesson here from a lowly wife who observed/lived the life for 20 yrs. Assignments are based on the needs of the military--period. Sure, they'll take the pilot's interest into account--WHEN they can. Same thing applies to where you are stationed. Lubbock,TX isn't a garden spot and BSquared (call sign of husband) WAS fighter qualified (top 5-10% of UPT class--not bragging LP, just giving an example of the system). BUT The AF was in dire need of UPT instructors and was "skimming the cream off the top" of each class. Those graduates were given 6 months of instructor training and then sent back to UPT to teach. Close your eyes on this next sentence LP, I'm going to share a "proud wife" moment here....I'll never forget when we attended the graduation of BSquared's first class of students. One of his students brought his grandmother over to meet my husband..."OH my, you're so young"...she was clearly flustered, as she'd expected a much older instructor.

Moral of my story: Don't look at what a military pilot has flown/done and make assumptions, you'll only be showing your ignorance of the system.
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FL450 said:
Les.................what's up? Why the need to stir the pot here? Are you a Frac pilot? You made a point of bashing a non Major pilot for being on that board, so why are you over here? Cheap way to feel superior and get your kicks?
If it makes you happy. Whatever. I get a kick out of your posts. Kind of like the Sunday comics.
The comprehension level on this forums never cease to amaze me. For a fact... I NEVER "made a point of bashing a non Major pilot for being on that board"... period. Go read the thread he started on the "Major" forum and my replies to him. My point was/is that his POST has nothing to do with a major airline... although he somehow tried to convince everyone it was relevant because he wrote the word "Major airline" somewhere in his convoluted mumble jumble. My posts here have EVERYTHING to do with "Reality Check for Netjet pilots". Its just that nobody here has the capability of forming a rational thought about the subject at hand.

Live4flying said:
This has NO indication whatsoever as to how intelligent someone is. I happened to be the sharpest kid in my class and I flew UH-1s. OV-1s were used in the MI BNs. A fixed wing transition in the Army is one of the toughest things to obtain, everyone is a helicopter pilot first.

If you don't know much about the military, maybe you shouldn't comment about it.
You were the sharpest kid in your class?? What... Army Flight training? Well... we're all awfully proud of you!! By the way... that doesn't take much. Isn't that along the lines of a GED class?!

Quick Question for you there Chief: Are they still letting High School graduates into Army Flight training?? They sure used to, and I'm willing to bet they still do. That should tell everyone something right there. A REAL Military Flight training Program requires an education.

BTW - I'll match my military "knowledge" and the true reality of the military flight training situation with you anyday. Here is the first.... IF you believe "a fixed wing transition one of the toughest things to obtain" then I think that is more indicative of the quality of the student (or lack thereof) and not the actual skillsets required.

How about talking about a "Reality Check for Netjet Pilots"?

Les Paul
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More comics. Gracias! Like I asked before, are you a Frac pilot?

Les Paul said:
And exactly what does this have to do with a "Major" airline.

First off... go to your little Fractional board to post your whiny "light the torches" tirade.

Second.... you're a miserable little person. Please leave NetJets and quit whoring yourself out for measily wages, meanwhile whining to the rest of the "working" class about it every single day, or else shut up.

YOU took the job.
YOU accepted the "bar lowering" wages.
YOU accepted the loopholes in the contract that was in place when you hired on.

Deal with it and move on.

Grow up and "Welcome to the real world" kiddo.

Les Paul
By the way, thanks for the "reality check". :)
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Okay... a quick break here to pass along some thoughts.

I just received a Private Message from Netjetwife. I will not paste that message, because netjetwife indicated that they wanted this to remain private between us for some reason. I do not respond to PM's unless it is someone that I know. On the Cargo forum a while back, someone PM'd me and I did respond... but that was an exception to the rule.

Netjetwife gave me an e-mail address and a telephone number (for the Colorado Springs area) and asked that I contact her. I am a married man, and this is just a fun forum, and thats all it is for me. I have no intention of corresponding with you, for I have no reason, nor do you have a reason for contacting me. I will only respond to you here. You are fortunate I am honoring your privacy request by deleting your Private Message and not pasting it here. Please do not PM me again.

It really isn't smart to be giving your phone number out to people on the internet you don't know. Netjetwife... what were you thinking?!

We are not suddenly "buddies". This is the internet lady.... go play with your husband or your little girlfriends.

Folks... for me....this is a message forum for an exchange of thoughts, not a social club for meeting people.

Lady... you're too wierd for me. You win on this thread... I'm done interacting with you. You can talk and answer yourself.

Les Paul
Reality...as in "real" life?

Seems to me that NJ pilots and their families are BEST qualified to discuss the REALITY of the job and its application in real life. Training contracts are a reality that come w/the job. Being mislead in the interview is another reality--my husband wasn't alone in that, it was a common practice at the time. We lacked real leaders; the MEC failed miserably. The reality of the situation is that the pilot force is now united in their goal to defeat the TA. Realistically speaking, wives do play a role in the fight by cheering on their husbands, getting out the NO vote, working as volunteers for StrongUnion (the new leadership from the pilots and for the pilots), and supporting each others families during this difficult time. That is the REALITY that other pilots in other jobs need to be made aware of. NJ pilots are fighting to pull wages up in their company, which in turn, will have a positive affect throughout the fractional industry. We are fighting for a REAL wage, REAL job security, REAL quality of life issues, and work rules that address the very REAL possibilty of pilot fatigue.

To all of those on the outside looking in, complaining about NJ pilots and their wives "complaining" (how ironic is that?!) I'd like to point out that apathy and/or too much trust in the wrong people, got us into this mess and it is going to take a lot of standing firm and speaking out to correct the situation. I'd have been able to explain the REALITIES of our position much earlier if I'd not been so busy side-stepping piles of wife-bashing garbage dumped on the board in the guise of posts. As Les Paul is one of the worst "polluters" his statement --quoted here: "Its just that nobody here has the capability of forming a rational thought about the subject at hand." is almost farcical in its irony.

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