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Reality Check for NetJets Pilots

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Les Paul said:
Okay... a quick break here to pass along some thoughts.

I just received a Private Message from Netjetwife. I will not paste that message, because netjetwife indicated that they wanted this to remain private between us for some reason. I do not respond to PM's unless it is someone that I know. On the Cargo forum a while back, someone PM'd me and I did respond... but that was an exception to the rule.

Netjetwife gave me an e-mail address and a telephone number (for the Colorado Springs area) and asked that I contact her. I am a married man, and this is just a fun forum, and thats all it is for me. I have no intention of corresponding with you, for I have no reason, nor do you have a reason for contacting me. I will only respond to you here. You are fortunate I am honoring your privacy request by deleting your Private Message and not pasting it here. Please do not PM me again.

It really isn't smart to be giving your phone number out to people on the internet you don't know. Netjetwife... what were you thinking?!

We are not suddenly "buddies". This is the internet lady.... go play with your husband or your little girlfriends.

Folks... for me....this is a message forum for an exchange of thoughts, not a social club for meeting people.

Lady... you're too wierd for me. You win on this thread... I'm done interacting with you. You can talk and answer yourself.

Les Paul
Dude, you need to chill out. Perhaps go outside and run around a bit... Participation on this board is voluntary - you don't need to respond to anyone. You're taking this waaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.
Turn down Fedex?

I can understand turning down United, after working for them for almost 15years, but to turn down FEDEX!!!! Say it ain't so!!! And as for his present flying job at Netjets, I can understand his frustration but ever think about " he could be sitting on the street corner looking up at like alot of us are doing right now" Good luck and happy flying!!! :)
Les Paul said:
Okay... a quick break here to pass along some thoughts.

I just received a Private Message from Netjetwife. I will not paste that message, because netjetwife indicated that they wanted this to remain private between us for some reason. I do not respond to PM's unless it is someone that I know. On the Cargo forum a while back, someone PM'd me and I did respond... but that was an exception to the rule.

Netjetwife gave me an e-mail address and a telephone number (for the Colorado Springs area) and asked that I contact her. I am a married man, and this is just a fun forum, and thats all it is for me. I have no intention of corresponding with you, for I have no reason, nor do you have a reason for contacting me. I will only respond to you here. You are fortunate I am honoring your privacy request by deleting your Private Message and not pasting it here. Please do not PM me again.

It really isn't smart to be giving your phone number out to people on the internet you don't know. Netjetwife... what were you thinking?!

We are not suddenly "buddies". This is the internet lady.... go play with your husband or your little girlfriends.

Folks... for me....this is a message forum for an exchange of thoughts, not a social club for meeting people.

Lady... you're too wierd for me. You win on this thread... I'm done interacting with you. You can talk and answer yourself.

Les Paul
You lying jerk! Yes, I've sent PMs in response to those that offered their support in that format, signed my name---LaVonn--and my posts have made it clear that I live in Colorado Springs. In case you missed it, LP, I tactfully posted my belief that you do nothing but spew garbage all over the board. They were right to call you a troll...rather polite term , I think. Everyone has heard "there's a rotten apple in every basket" and it is crystal clear who that is on this board. Sad that we have to "step around" the obnoxious ones to have an intelligent debate of the issues. Go ahead! Post my email address and phone number that you claim to have. Dig thru the trash if you have to retrieve it--that shouldn't be a problem for you---wallowing in garbage seems to be a pasttime you enjoy!
jumper52 said:
I can understand turning down United, after working for them for almost 15years, but to turn down FEDEX!!!! Say it ain't so!!! And as for his present flying job at Netjets, I can understand his frustration but ever think about " he could be sitting on the street corner looking up at like alot of us are doing right now" Good luck and happy flying!!! :)
Jumper52, if you are asking me about Jeff, here is the answer. Jeff has other skills so will not be without a job should he decide to leave aviation. In the meantime, we choose to join the other NJ pilots in their fight for a fair contract.

Here we go again...:) FedEX was his 1st job interview after retiring from the AF, followed very closely by United and American. There were 2 problems: 1) Jeff was offered a 3yr instructor position w/a follow-on as a line pilot. For family reasons we didn't want to move to Memphis, and as a matter of principal we didn't like the idea that the pilots he trained would be senior to him when he began flying. 2). The personell dept at FedEX were slow --2 wks?--in completing their work and offering the job, a fact which displeased the interview pilot (I took his call at home) greatly. I informed him that Jeff had been interviewed by both United and AA in the meantime and was considering one of them. The instructors at FedEX were also paid considerably less than the line pilots there and at the airlines. Keep in mind that this all took place prior to 9-11. Based on the information of that time, Jeff made the best decision for our family.
FL450 said:
Still curious. Are you a Frac pilot?
I don't have a dog in this fight and really don't want to engage in the brow beating with this jerk "Les Paul". His sexist comments reminded me of who this guy is, and he is too scared to post his profile so I will tell you what I know. Maybe someone else can add to it.

I've been on flightinfo for some time, and I can offer something that happened about a year ago on these message boards. He (Les Paul) got into a sexist forum bashing with another female pilot on these forums. He was quite rude and I think he was warned by the moderators. I'm not sure. Anyway, I believe was outed on that thread by someone who knows him, and then "Les" deleted all his posts with all the derogatory comments he made to this female pilot, and disappeared... thank goodness. I guess he's back only on this forum for some reason.

I don't remember who it was that knew him, but he alledgedly according to this person who outed him is a Contenental B-777 Captain who was ex-AirForce and a Thunderbird pilot who scabbed to get on at Continental in 1987 or 1988 when he separated from the AirForce. He's a "bad apple" as someone else put it... so believe me... take what he says with a grain of salt.

Oh... and Les... I won't respond to you so don't waste your time.

Sorry for the interruption and sorry to hijack the thread.

Thanks for the tip--or are tips a sore subject? lol

gunfyter said:
Ignore lists are used for those people who's messages you wish not to read. By adding someone to your ignore list, those messages posted by these individuals will be hidden when you read a thread.

Click on Les Paul. View his profile. Then Click on... "Add to my Ignore List"

There... don't you feel much better now?
I don't know....I was glad to see his post about me sending him my email address and phone number----AS IF----so that I could hold it out for the garbage that it is. I guess I'm not as thick skinned as you guys, but I don't let BS like that go unchallenged. (It was too bad we had to leave the RS early) The contempt he shows for wives doesn't bode well for his present and/or future as a married man.
It's not contempt for wives, it is contempt for women.
Les Paul said:
You were the sharpest kid in your class?? What... Army Flight training? Well... we're all awfully proud of you!! By the way... that doesn't take much. Isn't that along the lines of a GED class?!

Quick Question for you there Chief: Are they still letting High School graduates into Army Flight training?? They sure used to, and I'm willing to bet they still do. That should tell everyone something right there. A REAL Military Flight training Program requires an education.

BTW - I'll match my military "knowledge" and the true reality of the military flight training situation with you anyday. Here is the first.... IF you believe "a fixed wing transition one of the toughest things to obtain" then I think that is more indicative of the quality of the student (or lack thereof) and not the actual skillsets required.

Les Paul
I've flown with pilots from all branches while in joint service assignments; I'd be honored to go into combat with any of them. All the services spend around a million dollars on Undergraduate Pilot Training and all produce highly skilled warrior pilots.

Your comments demean the fine aviators of all services who are serving our country in foreign lands - if you are prior service, as some here suggest, you should be particularly ashamed of yourself.

Regarding Live4flying's post - it's the Israeli Air Force that has a high school to flight school program. The US Army requires a baccalaureate degree for commissioned officers and a two year degree with a demonstrated flight aptitude for warrant officers. Because of the ratio of airplanes to helicopters in his service, it is more selective to be chosen for a fixed-wing transition than a squadron command.

We flew OV-10's at TPS, they are treacherous machines. They are the kind of airplane in which you can do something right now that is going to kill you in 10 seconds and there's nothing you can do in the interim except use the seat. Anyone who can fly them single-pilot, all weather, night low-level while performing a military reconnaissance mission has my respect.

FL717 said:
I don't have a dog in this fight and really don't want to engage in the brow beating with this jerk "Les Paul". His sexist comments reminded me of who this guy is, and he is too scared to post his profile so I will tell you what I know. Maybe someone else can add to it.

I've been on flightinfo for some time, and I can offer something that happened about a year ago on these message boards. He (Les Paul) got into a sexist forum bashing with another female pilot on these forums. He was quite rude and I think he was warned by the moderators. I'm not sure. Anyway, I believe was outed on that thread by someone who knows him, and then "Les" deleted all his posts with all the derogatory comments he made to this female pilot, and disappeared... thank goodness. I guess he's back only on this forum for some reason.

I don't remember who it was that knew him, but he alledgedly according to this person who outed him is a Contenental B-777 Captain who was ex-AirForce and a Thunderbird pilot who scabbed to get on at Continental in 1987 or 1988 when he separated from the AirForce. He's a "bad apple" as someone else put it... so believe me... take what he says with a grain of salt.

Oh... and Les... I won't respond to you so don't waste your time.

Sorry for the interruption and sorry to hijack the thread.

Now that the truth is out maybe Les Paul will shut up and go away again. He truly is the "bad apple"--my post. Since you have exposed him, I trust the others here to recognize his posts for the worthless tripe they are. I too will put him on my ignore list--thanks for the tip, Gunfyter. And thank YOU, FL717 for the support. Your post added to, not detracted from, the thread. LB/NJW

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