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Reality Check for NetJets Pilots

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MotoX said:
I know several "Frac Pilots" who made the decision to leave Netjets to go to the airlines and now they are on the streets with no recall in sight. I missed that same fate by the skin of my teeth. Would you call that making a good decision?

That is the sole reason I turned down the interview with Airtran five years ago to come here. Upgrade faster, build jet pic and then apply with the much more "stable" airlines. However, never would have thought Airtran would be growing while others would be hurting. You call it making a good decision, I call it timing and luck! As a retired captain once told me, "In aviation, you won't know if you made the right career choices until after you retire."
You're not too bright are you? I'm obviously much more intellectual than you.. so I will spell this out for you.

I wouldn't have taken a job Netjets. I wouldn't have taken a job at Airtran either. I wouldn't "WHORE" myself out at wages that were unacceptable FOR ME. I would have done something else for a career. We all have higher education, and other skillsets besides flying...... right... RIGHT??

If you are so set on "flying" then you have to decide where and when and at what cost/risk. If you accept your decision... then live with it. Don't come to me wasting YOUR time and resources b!tching on the internet like a pathetic loser. Do something ABOUT your life. Posting on this forum is not it.

My original point is all these netjet pilots whining about salaries. My second point evolved as a result of "netjetwife" and that persons MANY, MANY posts on these forums. I do not believe that person is who they say they are. I believe "netjetwife" to be a pilot who is posting as a "wife" for some really stupid reason that only they know.

However, regardless, if they are affected by their low pay, then log off the d%mn internet and put this wasted time to economic benefit, rather than sitting here like a street beggar, looking for handout sympathy, acting like a pathetic, weak victim.

Les Paul


Les Paul, you have GOT to be in management at Netjets...your 'tude is perfect for the postition! Rude, pompous and arrogant. YOU'RE HIRED!

Uh, the last time I checked, this happened to be an *aviation* board, and this particular segment of said board, is dedicated to Fractionals. Since Netjets is a fractional, then I guess I'm in the right place!

(Check it out...I'm another Netjets pilots' wife, and netjetwife IS who she says she is. I know her. You can believe whatever you want...we'll just sit back & have fun with ya.) She happens to be the most dynamite, organized woman that I've met through our netjet "wives" club...(isn't that cute...we have us a little "club"!) We just have so much fun....sharing recipes & cleaning suggestions! But I digress...mmm, let's see, oh yeah! Netjetwife doesn't require much sleep, so she is able to be on the board at all hours of the day & night. She's not a slug, trust me. (by the way, how many hours do you require to keep your energy up to be such an ass?)

Actually, these boards are an invaluable tool for saving people's lives. If it weren't for the boards, and the opportunity to "vent", I'm quite certain that *someone* just might "go pilot"...new term for "postal" ;) Netjets pilots have been f'd over for just a wee bit too long now. I'm glad that they (& me & netjetwife) can come here to spill our guts if we want. FEELS GOOD!

You sound like you just might be someone who probably doesn't have the qualifications to get hired at Netjets...hmm? Or maybe you didn't/couldn't pass the psychological/personality tests...hmm? Yeah, I bet that's it!

Well, I really don't have anything to say except have a nice week-end you blow gut. (Gawd, I love the internet!...you can just say all kinds of shiz...and Les Paul does his share!)

buh, bye....imsikntired
sikntired said:

Les Paul, you have GOT to be in management at Netjets...your 'tude is perfect for the postition! Rude, pompous and arrogant. YOU'RE HIRED!

Uh, the last time I checked, this happened to be an *aviation* board, and this particular segment of said board, is dedicated to Fractionals. Since Netjets is a fractional, then I guess I'm in the right place!

(Check it out...I'm another Netjets pilots' wife, and netjetwife IS who she says she is. I know her. You can believe whatever you want...we'll just sit back & have fun with ya.) She happens to be the most dynamite, organized woman that I've met through our netjet "wives" club...(isn't that cute...we have us a little "club"!) We just have so much fun....sharing recipes & cleaning suggestions! But I digress...mmm, let's see, oh yeah! Netjetwife doesn't require much sleep, so she is able to be on the board at all hours of the day & night. She's not a slug, trust me. (by the way, how many hours do you require to keep your energy up to be such an ass?)

Actually, these boards are an invaluable tool for saving people's lives. If it weren't for the boards, and the opportunity to "vent", I'm quite certain that *someone* just might "go pilot"...new term for "postal" ;) Netjets pilots have been f'd over for just a wee bit too long now. I'm glad that they (& me & netjetwife) can come here to spill our guts if we want. FEELS GOOD!

You sound like you just might be someone who probably doesn't have the qualifications to get hired at Netjets...hmm? Or maybe you didn't/couldn't pass the psychological/personality tests...hmm? Yeah, I bet that's it!

Well, I really don't have anything to say except have a nice week-end you blow gut. (Gawd, I love the internet!...you can just say all kinds of shiz...and Les Paul does his share!)

buh, bye....imsikntired

I absolutely love someone such as yourself that responds in a superior fashion... yet admits how obviously underqualified they are to be posting on an AVIATION forum. BTW - Simply cashing your husbands hard earned paycheck doesn't "QUALIFY" you to be the bulletin board expert on contract negotiations. Simply being a "wife" qualifies you to NOTHING... but I'll indulge you since I find you very entertaining as my playtoy this evening. (I do hope you are a woman!) You would have to be to make that hysterical post I've quoted for entertainments sake. Once just wasn't enough!! LOL!

What is really sad... is that you make up and imagine what you want about me... I say very little about myself, so it is all conjecture. You know NOTHING... by design... MY DESIGN!!

Quiz time: If you're so astute... tell me where I work. You don't know?? LOL! You only know what I FEED you. So sit back and eat what I feed you little girl. And please... laugh and enjoy.

Since many of the people on this forum are obviously VERY insecure and feel the need to BOAST about where they work and how SMART they are, I choose to enjoy how immature, and baseless yours and their thoughts and observations are. I also enjoy that you have to TEAM up to reinforce who you and netjetwife are... when by your own admission... you aren't anything but a wife. Not real credible.....

I will reiterate... Netjets pays CRAP! Your husband took a CRAP job. Nobody forced him... and if they did, give us a secret duress signal and we will call the National Guard to save you from Netjets!! You and (maybe) your husbands chose to work at Netjets in a free Democratic society. If Netjets was asking you to take a paycut... I could understand. They are offering security AND a raise in a time that THOUSANDS of pilots are furloughed, and all they can do is whine.

BTW- If I was Netjets management... then I'm still p!ssing on you!! LOL!!

So, little girl... IF you are who you say you are, (and I couldn't care less if you are).....then just let me just say to you - go spend your husbands money, money YOU don't earn. And please....continue to pretend to be the bulletin board expert, an expert in a field that you can't qualify for, and see what that gets you at the end of tomorrow.

Eagerly awaiting my playtoy to respond...

Les Paul
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Uh oh! Netjetswife is back. I guess the "support group" ended their session early... She's typing now. I can hardly wait.

Hurry up sweetheart... I haven't got all night..

Les Paul
Les Paul said:
You're not too bright are you? I'm obviously much more intellectual than you.. so I will spell this out for you.

IIf you are so set on "flying" then you have to decide where and when and at what cost/risk. If you accept your decision... then live with it. Don't come to me wasting YOUR time and resources b!tching on the internet like a pathetic loser. Do something ABOUT your life. Posting on this forum is not it.

However, regardless, if they are affected by their low pay, then log off the d%mn internet and put this wasted time to economic benefit, rather than sitting here like a street beggar, looking for handout sympathy, acting like a pathetic, weak victim.

Les Paul
What a monstrous ego! Have the moderators heard that they've been replaced? Does Flightinfo know that this is now lespaul.com? Do the other posters realize that they must have HIS permission? Follow HIS orders? The decent people around here just step around him to speak to one another. Rather reminds me of another disparaging character that could only build herself up by putting others down. But you can't read it now, (even IF you wanted to) the entire thread was deleted. The moderator must have decided it wasn't worth keeping!
Hey Dude or Lady.

This thread was started by someone OTHER than me. This thread IS relevant, and what I say IS relevant to the thread. YOU took it off course and you just don't like what i have to say.

I suggest that if you and your husband (yeah right) is so miserable, then leave Netjets. Your complaints do nothing to solve the problem. My suggestion SOLVES your problem.

That advice is free and you should be thanking me!

Les Paul
SnT, we had to leave the road show early; Jeff is leaving in the morning at 6:30. I'll post my debrief...brief as it was..:) shortly. Your post was a much needed laugh, also I thank you for the kind words. You are right about my sleeping..or lack thereof...I've just replaced my painting (for awhile) w/posting.and emailing. When are you starting another paying-painting job? My next big faux job is the conservatory ceiling.....it's going to be a pain in the neck...lol NJW
PS I wore my --Not JUst NO....HELL NO, t-shirt. But I made one change--I added my new name....NETJETWIFE....If we do have any of the Fab 5 lurking around, I wanted to be sure they recognized me...lol Speaking out from the back of the room didn't hurt either.
netjetwife said:
SnT, we had to leave the road show early; Jeff is leaving in the morning at 6:30. I'll post my debrief...brief as it was..:) shortly. Your post was a much needed laugh, also I thank you for the kind words. You are right about my sleeping..or lack thereof...I've just replaced my painting (for awhile) w/posting.and emailing. When are you starting another paying-painting job? My next big faux job is the conservatory ceiling.....it's going to be a pain in the neck...lol NJW
PS I wore my --Not JUst NO....HELL NO, t-shirt. But I made one change--I added my new name....NETJETWIFE....If we do have any of the Fab 5 lurking around, I wanted to be sure they recognized me...lol Speaking out from the back of the room didn't hurt either.
No problem!!

Apology accepted.

No hard feelings either... and I agree the shirt looked absolutely "lish!! The whole name thing on the shirt was just so fi-shizzle!! You GO Girlfriend!!

Speaking of faux jobs.. you should see the petunias!! They are so rad! Much better than painting!

Sorry Jeff has to leave so early.

Oh i would luv to chat some more... but gotta get some rest.

Give my luvs to the Fab 5!!


Les Paul
Less Paul,

Are you reading your own post? You are not a fractional pilot and seem to have no interest in anything we have to say, yet your pathetic a$$ is spending inordinate amounts of time replying to our posts, yet providing nothing of substance, either positive or negative. Your only mission in life seems to be to hang out on this board and argue with fractional pilots. What's wrong? I'm trying to figure out why you would dedicate so much time to us. Like the little boy that keeps hanging around his older sister and her friends, pestering them in the hopes they will include him in their play.

What's your background, who do you work for? Just curious.
This is just "dandy" fun!

Good morning all!

I have to admit that when I registered here I had no idea as to which choice of time zone I should pick...so dumb! I just picked any old one! So, FYI, I am in the central time zone and it is 5:51 AM. (I need to edit this...I got "detained" helping my son & then my husband get ready to go out hunting...gotta get me some deer & bear so's we can eat this winter!) It is now 9:18 central (I *do require more sleep than netjetwife, because I'm gettin' old & cranky, but just can't seem to sleep "in" in the morning) I'll take a nap this afternoon after I get home from shopping and spending all my husbands' money.

Let's see...where to start...oh, yeah! Why don't these pathetic "whiney" Netjets pilots just get their sorry asses off the ol' couch and find themselves new jobs instead of coming here and pissin' and moanin' about Netjets? Stupid losers were dumbf'ers to take a job with Netjets in the first place...right Les Paul?! (You are of such superior intelligence that you wouldn't have made that mistake!)

*But I secretly believe that you are a 'mole' and actually work for Netjets...I could be wrong! As you mentioned, you give out no "clues", by design, and I haven't read anything that you've written except for the one post which I replied to last night. Oooh, this is FUN! I also think that you just might be a frustrated pilot wannabe, but failed at some point in your pursuit, so went into the aviation field in the capacity of say, scheduler or something? Am I getting warm? Yeah, it's either that, or you are an "A" Teamer, and are one of those smarmy (love that word) pilots who only think of themselves. Which one is it...this one, that one, hmmm...I really don't give a **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**, so....

Getting back to "why do we stick with Netjets if it's so awful"...why did we even take the stupid job in the first place? Well, I can't answer for anyone besides my husband...we knew that the pay sucked, but signed on anyway. Why? Because we knew that the contract would be up for negotiation in the *near future & we "gambled" on that piece of information. We threw all our chips in the pot, along with all of the Netjets pilots, and *believed* in our MEC. FATAL mistake. Signing on with Netjets wasn't the wrong thing to do...believing in the MEC was.

Three f'ing years was spent being strung along by those buffoons and we are, frankly, PISSED OFF. THAT'S why we're here having these cozy conversations. (Why didn't we "jump ship"? Unfortunately, because of statements made by our own MEC, we were led to believe that it was going to be an industry leading contract with kick-ass pay. Be patient, these things take time.) Totally believable, and yes, with the RIGHT negotiating team it IS attainable! "IF" this TA was MAHVELOUS, wouldn't YOU be the FIRST person to taunt a pilot who HAD "jumped ship"??? Yep, I thought so.

Geez, I wish I knew how to do the 'cut & paste' thing, cuz I'd use it right here! (Bear with me...they only taught typing on a manual typewriter 'back in my day'). Les Paul, you said: "Simply cashing your husbands hard earned paycheck doesn't "QUALIFY" you to be the bulletin board expert on contract negotiations. Simply being a "wife" qualifies you to NOTHING. (I'm dizzy from scrolling up & down, up & down, to get your quote...give me a moment here...) Whew! All better!

You are half RIGHT and half WRONG. I am by no means qualified to "decode" the TA, and my knowledge of the aviation industry is zippo as well! I never claimed to be an expert in anything. (Here's where netjetwife shines...she DOES know her **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** & CAN & WILL go toe to toe with you!) My money's on HER! (well, I've been duped by our MEC, so what do I know?!.. I do know HER, and I can TRUST her!) Yep, I'm gonna team up with her...that's why I'm here!

By the way, I DO happen to have this really awesome interior "radar" thing though...it's a primo bull**CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** detector, and if I could patent the dang thing, I'd be RICH! It totally makes up for my lack of memorization skills and recall. It actually sent up some BIG RED FLAGS concerning our MEC about 1 & 1/2 years ago...but NOOOO, nobody would listen to me...I'm "just a wife" with no aviation background. My husband believed me though...he knows from prior experience that I'm usually RIGHT ON, and he also thinks I'm funny as hell. That's what's kept us going for 29 years! (I'm 49...child bride, and oh, I was stunning that day...it was a crisp, winter day, and we...uh, oh, sorry)

Scroll, scroll, dizzy, dizzy...

You said: "Simply being a WIFE qualifies you to NOTHING"...That's where you're wrong Buckwheat! (my "radar" went off BIG TIME on that one!) It's telling me that you are most likely single, OR, you're one of "those" husbands that treats his wife like a servant and then people like netjetwife & me befriend her & keep her from slitting her throat. (Damage control, everywhere ya look...our work is never done.) I'm leaning towards single though...my gay guy friends (I have a few!) call me a "fag hag", cuz they're drawn to me like moth's to a flame...yep, I'm "feeling" like you're single. But, back to my "qualifications" for having the "right" to post on an aviation board...

As the wife of a Netjets pilot, I am directly impacted by the company, which then opens up this big ol' can of worms that we're discussing here. I don't need any certificates to warrant an opinion on what's been taking place. PERIOD.

By the way, we DID send up "flares"...(SOS). The National Guard didn't show up....but STRONGUNION DID! BWAAA HAA HAA. It's gonna be SO much fun to see the fur fly when Rick Dubinsky "teams up" with us. I can't wait! Well, yeah, I CAN wait...getting used to that! Takin' my time, just thinkin' the good thoughts. oooommmmm ooooommmm.

GEE WHIZ...look at the time!!! I had better get going!

It's been lots of fun, chatting with you this morning....have a great day!
I look forward to seeing what kind of silly banter you can & will throw back at me. One last observation before I leave....I bet you're voting for John Kerry! (that is just a useless observation...let's not go there, shall we?)

just me, im still sikntired

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