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Please Help- problem with morning shows!

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Raw onions, fill your burger/burrito to the limit, hit it with habenero based hotsauce. Add coleslaw, and pork and beans for consistency, corn on the cob for tracers. Stand back and collect some ice for your tater, cause the eruption will be something to behold! You will wanna bronze that baby!
Caution NEVER, repeat NEVER, use the above with cheap chinese(MSG) airport food, the batter eruption is uncontrollable and will spatter everything within an arms reach, including your junk(backsplash), wiping off said junk is messy and embarrassing to boot!

I crop-dusted some pax recently on my way to the back not to long ago...boy did I get some looks on the return walk....
Evidently, for me anyway, an order of hot wings and 3 Killian red's is the perfect recipe. You'll be brewing that a.m. pot of butte coffee like clockwork. Another ontime departure!!!
Without naming names, what's the story about the PSA who cut loose on final. Sounds like a good story.
there was a chq "incident" a long time ago too. It involved a few to many glasses of orange juice, (the guy didn't normally drink it.) and a fo seat replacement upon landing.... J-ball days-no lav.


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