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jetblue EMB-190 pay??!!!

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Even if they aren't happy, I don't think anybody can or will say a word or they'll get fired after year 5. A certain group who makes the rules has another certain group by the b@lls . Of course the folks currently on the property may not give two hoots because it won't affect them...too much...yet.
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catIIIc said:
You guys better start lowering your mins pretty soon because I don't know of any RJ or Turboprop captain will be willing to take such a large pay cut for such a long time just to go to Jetblue. At least at most airlines including regionals there is a substantial pay bump after year number one. You guys just get a dollar or two hour raise. The upgrades will start to slow at one point then those guys at bottom will suffer, but oh well just as long as you guys are happy with this.

How long is a long time? As we start getting the 190 next year, the plan is to take around 7-9 next year (I think) as well as 17 320's. In 2006, the plan is to take 17 of each of them. If someone is chasing pay, they can take the 190 right out of GS and get a quick upgrade. Probably 6 months or less. If the 190 Captain seat is not opening up that quick for them it is because other guys are getting it instead of the 320, which opens up slots in that for upgrade.

What it comes down to is not really the money, but where do you want to work. I got my DHL package this morning with the new rates in it. It is now 11 hours later and the rates are on line. If there are those out there that do not like the thought of working here for those wages, DON'T APPLY!! It is really that easy.

Would I like to see the numbers higher? Absolutely. Are we an established 33 year carrier with a long history of profits? No. Are we a 5 year old company that is making a profit? Yes. We want to continue to as well. That way we can continue to hire guys that are furloughed from the 30+ year old airlines. :rolleyes:
F18-FDX said:
Even if they aren't happy, I don't think anybody can or will say a word or they'll get fired after year 5. A certain group who makes the rules has another certain group by the b@lls . Of course the folks currently on the property may not give two hoots because it won't affect them...too much...yet.
I guess you know all about the guys that are on year 5 that are getting their pink slips huh? jetblue320, did you get yours yet???

Give it up on the 5 year deal guys. When the first guys signed a 5 year deal, they did it with a start up. What were the chances of us making it to 5 years? No much some would say. What would be the chances of doing ok, but then being bought? There would be some chance of that. So what does a 5 year deal do for a guy that is giving up security of a job to go to a start up? Job Security!! If bought, the deal goes with them. I am glad there are so many folks out there worried about our old timers. I don't think that our old timers give it nears as much though as you do though...;)
Kinda lets some of the air out of the tire... It's disappointing - that's a fact. Sure, Jet Blue will always be a fun place to work, but is that enough if you have to live near NYC in $hittsville before you can bid another domicile? All current Jet Blue pilots won't have to worry because they will all likely be flying A320s - and probably be in the left seat by the time the E190s arrive. That's great for them, but others might have to sit on the E190 for awhile at the low rates. Not the best news for potential Jet Blue applicants. I am sure high-paid regional pilots like those at Comair and Horizon will be worried about these rates and how they will impact their own wage levels...

I wonder what Virgin America rates will be now (even on the A320)? The bar keeps on lowering....
colorado418 said:
Are we to worry about the guys that are going to get hired in 2011 now?
Yes, you are. You fail "Improving The Job 101". If many, many guys before you had not fought many battles in order to set the bar higher, your pay rates (yes YOURS, not some new hire 7 years from now) would be lower, and your work rules would be worse. Just because you won't have to live with a $35/hour pay rate doesn't mean that it won't suck for guys at YOUR airline.

I've seen senior guys "pull up the ladder" at legacy carriers when guys get furloughed, but you guys are pulling up the ladder before you even hire these people! (Note: I know you did not set the pay rates, but you don't have to defend the stinkin things!)

The new pay rates suck. There are parties going on right now at AMR, DAL, UAL, NWA, and many other corporate HQs. These pay rates will be thrown in everyone's face as the new "standard" for a 100-seat jet.
I have read a nu8mber of posts now refering to " Go apply @ DAL..oops I forgot.." etc. If you don't like it, don't come here. Listen Blue-aid drinkers, you might be the flavor of the day, but the tables turn...and fast. Rapid expansion rarely produces a trully lasting product. Am I saying JBLU is not going to make it. No. I hope they do. But don't wag your tail around just because alot of us would like to wear blue...or used to anyway.

Check back in 5 to 10 myears when the effects of this are being felt.

Jet Blue
Seeking: Qualified First Officers
Qualifications: 1500 TT
ATP Preferred
**Note: Individuals with lower times may be considered at the discretion of the company
I was kind of suprised to see the EMB pay scale, but if you don't want to work for that kind of money, don't apply. The potential to upgrade and work your way up the ranks is there and will be for quite a while. I took a pretty big pay hit when I came here, not to mention the chance of an upstart not succeding. But it worked out. I can't think of any 3rd yr US Air, American, Delta, or United pilot who made 11k last month. And aren't those guys supposed to be taken care of by their unions. You know, the folks they paid a lot of money to look out for them. If you think our payscales are bringing down the industry, then call, write or e-mail your LEC or MEC and tell them to fight for you. I really hope everything works out for all of us, but again, don't flame us because things are going OK.
Were not flaiming you as the pilot group...unless you defend this. I KNOW I"M BENDING OVER EVERYONE BELOW ME...BUT HEY...I MADE 11K LAST MONTH!!

This is Sub Mesa for crying out loud. I sure am glad you guys didn't have a say in this. You might have a hard time commuting back home. ( I say that slightly in jest.)
JB Bus Drvr said:
I was kind of suprised to see the EMB pay scale, but if you don't want to work for that kind of money, don't apply. The potential to upgrade and work your way up the ranks is there and will be for quite a while. I took a pretty big pay hit when I came here, not to mention the chance of an upstart not succeding. But it worked out. I can't think of any 3rd yr US Air, American, Delta, or United pilot who made 11k last month. And aren't those guys supposed to be taken care of by their unions. You know, the folks they paid a lot of money to look out for them. If you think our payscales are bringing down the industry, then call, write or e-mail your LEC or MEC and tell them to fight for you. I really hope everything works out for all of us, but again, don't flame us because things are going OK.

Delta's 3rd yr rates for FO.
$134, $135, $149, $154, $175, $177, $185
733 MD80 737NG 75/76 764 MD11 777
these rates may work well if they base the emb's in lower "cost of living" cities like indy, st louis etc. maybe build lines to be out and backs only thereby increasing QOL issues for families as well. just a thought

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