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jetblue EMB-190 pay??!!!

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Publishers said:
You are looking here at an LCC creating its own regional not creating or adding another aircraft type, that is the difference.

THERE IS NOTHING REGIONAL ABOUT A 90 SEATER WITH NEAR TRANSCON RANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lear70 said:
About that time, the majors will be recalling the last of their furloughed pilots (except probably UA and US)....

...7. The majors will be hiring in the next year (2007) now that they've recalled everyone and I'll be sitting on a ton of time and good contacts at my parent carrier - why look like I'm making a lateral or less-than-lateral move right before they hire?"....
God I hope you are right...but I think it's gonna be longer....
Thanx for the vote of confidence,:rolleyes: but SWA may not look so good in a few years. It is well known amongst us amateur analysts that Spirit will offer an IPO in the next 24 months. My guess is they will raise two to three hundred million from that IPO. Now if you think Spirit is still going to be a niche player, then you're crystal ball is on the fritz. (Lowecur).

Spirit just announced they are pulling out of DEN. Competition is too strong from DTW on NWA and United. They pulled out of the DEN-FLL market as well as Frontier and TED proved to be too much. Yes Lowecur, I stand by words that they will remain a niche player.


P.S. This actually came from a management smut e magazine. ATA Brief.
Blue Shame.....

I am a JetBlue pilot who occasionally "lurks" here on this forum. I normally feel little inclination to waste my time commenting, but these EMB pay rates have motivated me to speak up.

I have always been proud to fly for JetBlue, but these new EMB 190 pay rates are, well, embarrassing. Although I will never personally have to fly the EMB, it just makes me sick to think that we are going to be paying my fellow pilots such a sub-standard wage to fly a 100 passenger airplane for a profitable 121 carrier. In our POL training, David and Dave say that they want us to "do the right thing". Well, these new EMB pay rates were definitely NOT the right thing to do. We will now have two pilot groups at JetBlue, the Haves and the Have-Nots. Sound familiar????

For all of you non-JB folks, remember that we are non-union, and the pilots had absolutely NO say in this matter. By establishing such a ridiculously low wage for the EMB, JetBlue may have unintentionally hung out a "Please Unionize" sign at the door. I hope I'm wrong............
BlueShoe320 said:
I am a JetBlue pilot who occasionally "lurks" here on this forum. I normally feel little inclination to waste my time commenting, but these EMB pay rates have motivated me to speak up.

I have always been proud to fly for JetBlue, but these new EMB 190 pay rates are, well, embarrassing. Although I will never personally have to fly the EMB, it just makes me sick to think that we are going to be paying my fellow pilots such a sub-standard wage to fly a 100 passenger airplane for a profitable 121 carrier. In our POL training, David and Dave say that they want us to "do the right thing". Well, these new EMB pay rates were definitely NOT the right thing to do. We will now have two pilot groups at JetBlue, the Haves and the Have-Nots. Sound familiar????

For all of you non-JB folks, remember that we are non-union, and the pilots had absolutely NO say in this matter. By establishing such a ridiculously low wage for the EMB, JetBlue may have unintentionally hung out a "Please Unionize" sign at the door. I hope I'm wrong............
AAflyer said:
Spirit just announced they are pulling out of DEN. Competition is too strong from DTW on NWA and United. They pulled out of the DEN-FLL market as well as Frontier and TED proved to be too much. Yes Lowecur, I stand by words that they will remain a niche player.


P.S. This actually came from a management smut e magazine. ATA Brief.
Hey, quit picking on me.:(

Actually I did read that. Did you feel the same way about B6 when they pulled out of ATL? Just a niche player would do something like that, right? Firm order for 35 new Airbus', and an option for 60 more is not a niche player. You should get your resume cleaned up as Arpey may have a bunch of 190's to replace you guys/gals in MD's for $75 per hr.:cool:

Have you noticed all the new B6 employees that thought it's about time to put their 2 cents in? I'm sure most of them are unemployed legacy carrier pilot's trying to posture the situation.:)
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Any JetBlue guys or gals out there smart enough to figure out how to create our own message board? I am embarassed by the EMB rates but I would much prefer to discuss this amongst ourselves.
I wasn't going to say anything on this subject, however I feel I must add my 2 cents. The pay rates are a little low, that is true. But for those of you who are bashing the JetBlue pilots....who's responsible for setting the precident that allowed JB management to come up with such rates? Don't know, I'll be glad to let you in on it. It is the all powerful pilots of the ALPA legacy carriers. YOU guys allowed EMB145's and CL-65s to be flown at the regionals, YOU guys didn't think it would ever be your problem besides who wants to fly such a little thing, YOU guys didn't support your fellow ALPA regional pilots by standing with them and saying "You can't pay a jet pilot turbo prop wages!" Nope, ALPA national just ignored it, they never thought it would enter the cockpit of their lofty 737 so they didn't care...they even signed that Mesa contract which allowed aircraft larger than 50 seats to be flown at the 50 seat rate. Now its on your doorstep and you blame the pilots at JetBlue?!? Look in the Mirror.

USAir pays their EMB170 pilots about the same I make on the E145 AND to cap it all off, they arent flying them AT Usair. At least they could have captured the flying!!

JetBlue on the other hand is flying their own EMB190's, they arent farming it out to the regionals like every other airline is. SO While the pay rates are lower than expected, at least they are being flown at JetBlue by JetBlue pilots. The pay rates will go up sooner or later and the flying is right where it should be! Retaining your flying is almost as important as pay rates, so in that respect they are still ahead of the game.

My App stays in! Call me!
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My Hat,

My hat is off to your good post. I totally agree that ALPA screwed the pooch for the last 15 years on the major/regional issue and is principally responsible for the mess this career finds itself in - including the RJ rates that are out there.

On the other hand, the Jetblue management continually refers to how much better they are going to do things and not follow in the tracks of the legacy carriers. They are going to "do the right thing". The fact that they will screw the 190 rates down this low is playing off of the sh&tty stage that ALPA built instead of using their own principles to determine a rate.

Rather than using their own integrity to establish a fair rate for the pilots of a 100 seat jet, they appear to be going as low as the market will possibly bear.

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