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jetblue EMB-190 pay??!!!

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JetBlue has been taken off my employment list. Not only that, but I'm telling everyone I know in JBLU cities not to fly them.

I understand wanting to be profitable. I do not understand industry bottom rates for one of the most profitable airlines. Neelman is a greedy punk. Shame on JBLU.
I'm embarrassed

Okay, I'll bite. I'm probably going to stick out like a sore thumb, but here goes:
*FYI - I'll leak it out that most JetBlue guys don't speak up because the rumor is that Dean and a few other high-ups frequent this site.

I've never been so disappointed with the company as I am now. I thought as I opened up the yellow DHL package this morning that I'd be pleasantly surprised. The rumors were flying that we'd all get a 10%-15% raise and that the 190 would pay 75% of the new rates. I just didn't expect it to be so freakin low. The 190 is getting 64% of our Airbus pay (without a raise), even though they'll end up working twice as hard during a month! In fact they lose out on more than just 64% of our base pay, but also in matched 401k contributions, CSPP deposits and profit sharing. I think it's stupid to base the wage on a linear scale with the number of seats (especially if we're going to be the ones setting the ticket price in the new markets...why can't we just charge a little more!!) .

"Do the right thing", is one of the tenants of POL; paying guys less than 80K a year to Captain a 109,000 lb. jet is criminal. We were always so defensive of guys calling the 190 an RJ, and yet here we are with an RJ payscale. I really think this sets a bad precedent.

My only hope is that they "re-adjust" the pay once the metrics of the jet pan out.

I'm sure I'm now the black sheep of the B6 pilots, but I just had to vent.


Disgusted and embarrassed
catIIIc said:
You guys better start lowering your mins pretty soon because I don't know of any RJ or Turboprop captain will be willing to take such a large pay cut for such a long time just to go to Jetblue. At least at most airlines including regionals there is a substantial pay bump after year number one. You guys just get a dollar or two hour raise. The upgrades will start to slow at one point then those guys at bottom will suffer, but oh well just as long as you guys are happy with this.

The gap has been filled. Whether it was Jetblue, MAA, or Republic...........it was only a matter of time. You want to try and shame the B6 pilots into taking a strong stand?........good luck. One thing this industry isn't anymore is "all for one, and one for all." Just listen to yourselves.

Getting paid "leading rates" has taken a back seat to longevity and stability. The pilots that fly for B6 understand this principal all too well. It's got to be a great feeling to know that they can actually plan a future without all the contingency bullcrap facing most pilots today. They understand that this is an industry that's lost more than it's made in it's total existance. Like anything or anyone who is going through a major revision, you have to tear it down, hit rock bottom, and rebuild. Will guys give up a career at a regional to fly for B6?....You bet your butt they will....as longevity and stability will rule.

No , lowecur, we won't, so don't bet both of those butt cheeks. JBLU is off my *wish I could work there* list. Glad to see lowecur that you think so much of pilots in general. We will all just bend over because we need stability. Yes, I will volunteer to fly your 190 for you, at least I'll be stable. Please....

No, I don't know all about the guys "on year 5 that are getting their pink slips", nor do I personally care. My point was that the publication of the pay scale was a one-way conversation from management, actually more accurately a non-conversation at all, you waited like everybody else hear with no input in the process. If you guys are ok with that now and in the future, good on ya...one big happy blue family. If you're not, what can you really do about it? I am by no means flaming JB, you have a good thing going and I have several friends who are very happy to be there. They all also freely admit that they enjoy it and are keeping their "noses clean", not a whole lot of quantifiable protections in place. Maybe you take issue with an outsider commenting a JB pilot's LONG term job security? Ok, I'll give you that since I'm not the guy who needs to worry about it.

I will say that I think it sucks that your management has just stated, in no uncertain terms that either 1) They really don't think a pilot is worth much, or 2) They think a pilot is worth more but they'll f*** him/her anyway because they can.

As I mentioned earlier, it's too bad and this just hastens the pace of the race to the bottom with regards to pay in our chosen profession.
Wow....JB year 12 Captain pay on the 190 is less than the 2nd year LRJ(Large Regional Jet) Captain pay at ATA. Year 12 FO pay on the 190 is less than year 4 FO pay on the LRJ. I'm really suprised it went this low. I guess this means one less carrier to update my app with from now on.
Please don't say "you guys" colectively. Yes, getting paid to fly is better than collecting unemployment but I think most of us at JetBlue find these payscales very disappointing. Obviously line pilots were not given a vote in the EMB payscale.
It took a little over a year of existence here at JetBlue to get a 32% raise DURING the middle of my contract. Starting pay for a 1st year captain was $78/hour for the A-320 four years ago. Listen, the 190 is still over a year away, they had to publish a list, so there you have it. I'm going on my fourth year here and as a captain made over 160,000 last year, without including profit sharing! It's not 300 grand, but it pays for the house, wife and kids... So I don't have a summer home or I don't get to send the kids to a private school. At least I'm not selling insurance. It ticks me off when you try to compare 717 rates at AAI with ours, do they get paid time/half for their overtime? Didn't think so... I got paid 70 grand with 11 years in the air force-- risked my life for a weed inhaling, lying sex feind of a democrat, was that worth it? I'll take my lifestyle here any day, and if you don't want to work here, then please, don't apply here and waste our time!
whyohwhy... you are definitely not the blacksheep. Anyone that disagrees with you about this new contract simply has an "I got mine" attitude or is drinking too much Koolaid. I truly love working for B6 and have trusted our leaders to do the right thing but this contract is not "doing the right thing."

I have seen a recent decay in morale but mostly from non-pilot employees. Pay is an issue and I just don't know if our leaders are listening. Unfortunately there is no open dialogue... the pay issue is avoided. I hope time will show some improvement or at least some open dialogue from our leaders.

There is still a lot of positive at JetBlue. The sky isn't falling but it certainly isn't Blue today.
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