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jetblue EMB-190 pay??!!!

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Dizel8 said:
Jetblue just released their 190 payrates.

First year capt $70.71 for first 70 hours/ $106.57 over 70
2nd year $72.32
First year F/O $37.10 for the first 70 /
2nd year $39.95
Excuse me while I go throw up. Hmmm.... these are the kind of pay rates we're trying to negotiate right this very moment for 50 seat jets. This ought to make it just a little easier for the company and the federal mediator to say no. Anyone got that number for the truck driving school??

Well it's not like the JB pilots can say no to this. Let's hope as someone already mentioned that this is just a "show me" payscale to get some numbers out there. I'm more than a little worried that it's not. I'm afraid this may be the new reality. Time to go back to all the high schools around the country and starting whiting out that nice fat salary listed next to Airline Pilot.

Maybe if the apps stop coming in JB will realize that these rates are an insult. People stop applying to JetBlue, na..... we're all a bunch of greedy pilots just out for ourselves, who are we kidding??

Do you think I can go back to my flight school and ask them for the $50,000 back that I gave them because this job isn't ever going to pay what they told me it would?
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Please do not listen to Lowecur,

We have come full circle guys!! Are we starting to believe the mantra "It's all about pilot pay" Give me a break!!! We showed at AA last year if all pilots worked for free AA would have still lost money!!! Stop being snickered into pilot wages are the evil of the industry. JB is a profitable airline, if they had raised their rates even $10, I am willing to bet they would still make money.

Take a look at Midatlantic and Usair, there pi$$ poor wages aren't saving anyone!

If it was all about PILOT PAY, why wouldn't Air South, Midway, National, Vanguard all be in business and booming. It is a revenue issue! It is about time airline mangment starts managing and stops asking for employees to bear the grunt of their screw ups. I could give a list of things Carty did and what they costed us!!!!! Way more than what they got back in concessions.

We also do not need to be tied to one another. I am praying we offer our own rates. Why should I have my pay be tied to JB. Next you will tell me since JB does not have an A and B fund I shouldn't either?

Here are 2 myths you must dispell!!!


2. The EMB-190 IS A REJIONAL JET!!!!(NO IT ISN"T)!!!!!!!!! If Boeing made a 50 seater would you not call it a rejional jet? It is NOT the manufacturer it is what the aircraft can do and how many it can carry!!! I have heard so many pilots call this an RJ, guess what you got!!! RJ rates!!
many jb pilots feel the same way

I just wanted to say that there are a LOT of us JB pilots who are disgusted and embarrassed by these new payscales. We are not in the business of lowering the bar, as much as a few people here would like to believe. I think we all knew that at a start-up airline, there were certain sacrifices that needed to be made in order to ensure the overall success of the company.

JetBlue has proved that they are a viable company and can not only withstand substantial competition from some heavy hitters, but can thrive as well. There are many of us who thought our hard work would be rewarded by introducing a pay raise to the airbus, and/or at the very least, a rate for the -190 that would be consistent with a "major" airline.

You can spin it however you want, but this is a very sad day for jetBlue. Dave and David keep saying they would fail if unions ever set foot on our property. Well boys, that day just got one step closer as far as I'm concerned. It's difficult to negotiate when its all one sided. Pay, work conditions, PTO, etc. We are TOLD how it is and there is nothing we can do but accept it or not. Mgmt used to actually listen to the concerns of their employees. The deaf ear treatment isn't going to fly too much longer......stay tuned..
General Lee said:
This 100 seat pay scale just set all of the new pay scales at all of the regional airlines. Leo Mullin must be proud, along with Fred Greed and David Neeleman. They are all eating lunch at the golf club in Westchester County---all laughing with big cigars in their mouths! Think about it---every 70 seat contract will be put up next to this 100 seat one for Jetblue---and the company negotiator will ask, "listen fellas, you are flying a smaller plane and Jetblue is the benchmark. But, I will give you an extra dime an hour on per diem....." Sad but true. The current Jetblue guys shouldn't care--they will be flying A320s for the rest of their careers---and I know they did not decide on those figures. The Midatlantic 70 seater pay scales weren't as applicable because of the shape USAir was in when they created their pay scales--but Jetblue is doing well--and they still lowballed.(jetblue management)

Bye Bye--General Lee
dont preach to us about contract negotiations. the majority of your "industry leading contract" (as well as UNITED, US AIRWAYS,etc) will be given back due to your inept management and your greedy union.

where was your outrage when AWA signed their "new and improved" contract? (i make more than your union brothers over there) as alot of your union brothers have learned, its each man for themselves (i.e. senior pilots vs. junior pilots).

am i disapointed about the pay scale? absolutely. however, there is no "industry standard" anywhere. it is what each pilot group is willing to accept, and YOUR DALPA IS NEXT.

We don't want to kill the golden goose; we just want to choke it by the neck until it gives us every last egg it has."

jbucpt said:
am i disapointed about the pay scale? absolutely. however, there is no "industry standard" anywhere. it is what each pilot group is willing to accept, and YOUR DALPA IS NEXT.

Problem with this statement is we don't have any say in the matter. We, as a pilot group don't have a say as to whether we "accept" the pay or not. The only way we don't accept the pay is if we quit. Mgmt tells us what we're going to be paid, they don't negotiate.
-- risked my life for a weed inhaling, lying sex feind of a democrat, was that worth it?
Gosh...I don't know....maybe risking your career for an alcoholic, coke snorting, rich kid deserter is a better bet this time around!

My sentiments exactly!!

I fear that this is the first real blunder by David and Dave.

I don't want a union as much as the next guy (yes, I'm a furloughee who's been there done that), but when you compare an in-house union like SWPA to what we've got, kind of makes you wonder??

Still trying to be optimistic...
Whatever happened to keeping our pay just behind SWA? I still remember those speeches.

Ah, like others at JB my former employer was unionized because they needed to be unionized. I had hoped that we wouldn't see a union at JB. This recent action doesn't help this cause. I hope David and Dave can fix this but I'm embarrassed to say that I think there will be no open dialogue about this.
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There are many JB pilots who will not have the option of making 320 Captain pay their first year (or even two) of employment who are VERY unhappy with these payscales. Everyone understands that this is a low cost carrier and we are too small to pay top rates, but these are pitiful.

Worse is the justification based on a pure seat ratio - only pilots who question nothing are fooled by that "fuzzy math". A 100 seat jet that goes 400 knots could pay 40$ more for the cockpit ($25/$15 or whatever) for and additional .1cent per seat mile.

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I just hope the rumor is true that some senior guys here at JB read this board. Dean. Al. Dave. David. Are you listening?! You have some...no a LOT of pretty disappointed and pissed off employees.........

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