Also, I wonder what happens if USAPA and APA sit down to negotiate a new list, and USAPA presents a DOH list which puts AWA pilots on the bottom but protects the AA pilots relative seniority. AA has no incentive to use the nic so they agree. If USAPA and APA agree to a list, it never goes back to arbitration, and all that's left is a DFR lawsuit.
First of all , DO you really think the company would allow this?
Remember, they are a party to the suit as well. They are just as much involved as USAPA/APA.
Second of all,
APA is going to do everything they can to screw the East/West in the upcoming arbitration. They have the upper hand in this one. 120 Widebodies compared to 26. They make a lot more....should I keep going?
Trust me APA does not need a deal from USAPA to get relative seniority. They will get that or better without any help from USAPA!
It's time for the east and west to move past the NIC and start working together to get a good integration on the next merger.
Who do you want on the merger committee? The same guys who screamed DOH DOH DOH until they were blue in the face and were part of the reason the NIC is like it is?
Or the Guys on the AWA side who got the NIC???
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