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I agree 100%. The contract on the table now is what will be there for a very long time.

I've jumpseated on both, and it was a long ride trying to 'win' me over with their side of the story. I have no dog in the fight, but it's pretty poisonist on both sides. Very, very sad story.

PS, I really appreciated the ride of both East and West, but I don't see it improving anytime soon.
You saw that?? What's with the guy in the raincoat?

I don't know what that was all about, probably to symbolize that its pouring. What I meant is how the pilots were talking about their east coast counterparts. It was made very clear to me that this isn't just a disagreement on the SLI but a deep seeded hatred. They will not work together (both groups) on integration or anything else for that matter. Don't expect a contract by 2015 unless they split up.
I don't know what that was all about, probably to symbolize that its pouring. What I meant is how the pilots were talking about their east coast counterparts. It was made very clear to me that this isn't just a disagreement on the SLI but a deep seeded hatred. They will not work together (both groups) on integration or anything else for that matter. Don't expect a contract by 2015 unless they split up.

In this business, what is more sacred than seniority? ALPA's ineptitude that caused this internal union issue is unfortunate, but its nothing new and it won't be the last wreck that ALPA causes.
It was made very clear to me that this isn't just a disagreement on the SLI but a deep seeded hatred.
... a deep seeded hatred because the East is actively working to harm the West. They can stop doing this anytime they want. They choose not to and therefore the East is solely responsible for instigating and propagating the "disagreement". (The whole idea of binding arbitration is that it doesn't matter if you disagree with the result.)
They will not work together (both groups) on integration or anything else for that matter.
Until USAPA and the East realizes what you concisely put into one sentence the conflict will continue.
I believe that many, not all, east pilots have come to a realization that they'll be working under the current book until they retire. Why? LOA 93. They're willing to put up with the work rules to preserve their seniority and be the sole beneficiaries of the retirements on their list, as long as the snap backs occur. Once every east FO is CA, maybe they'll return to the table to negotiate seat locks along with an integrated list. Just an opinion I've formed from speaking with those folks, no one has ever actually said this to me.

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