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Airtran MEC Update

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I think he is just adding your approx 5600 + our approx 1700 pilots.

Thanks, that was what I thought . You would think a very junior captain like chase would know how many pilots SWA has. But from reading some of his post on our other forum , I see that if he does not know he just makes it up.

Thanks for your civil response. So, are you saying that the AT MEC bulletin is incorrect? They seem to think that the communication between SWAPA and SWA management is lacking because it is LACKING THEM most of the time. Isn't that what it states? You are correct, I don't work for either airline in quesition, but I can read. Is that not what that memo states? Is it not a real AT ALPA MEC memo? They are dissappointed because they are not included in important issues. That would make me mad too. That is NOT fostering UNITY, something YOU NEED to make a successful merger work. I beleive UNITY is in the cookbook of successful mergers. Take a look at mergers so far that lacked it, like USAir. Do you want a similar result? Some people on this ANONYMOUS board seem to want to stay seperated, because they worked hard for THEIR PAY. Guess what? You won't have to give up ANY of your pay with this merger. You are not losing anything. Sure, they might gain a lot (the AT
guys), and I say good for them, and you, since you gain a stronger company.

As far as the Airtran MEC not agreeing to certain things with SWAPA, why should SWAPA NOT agree to allowing AT pilots to have the SWAPA contract? I bet the AT guys would LOVE to have that great contract. Why wouldn't SWAPA want that, unless they want to hold something over the AT pilots' heads? UNITY? That aint Unity. SWAPA is following the orders of it's members, you say. What if 95% of the members state there should be a staple? Does that mean SWAPA should mandate that? They would be laughed at by every Arbitrator, and every other airline pilot out there. Come on, there has to be some common sense. I can see pushing for your SLI to be closer to what you think it should be with your lawyers during the SLI arbitration, but why not get a joint contract first? After a joint contract is done first (this was proven better than the USAir example with the SLI first), the SLI should be hammered out by lawyers and arbitrators if SWAPA and ALPA can't come up with a deal.
Again, this was a PROVEN success. If you want to travel the USAir way with threats and hold outs, then go ahead and see where that leads you.

And, if this does not end well with most AT guys happy and most SWA guys happy, then you will have thousands of malcontents, kinda like USAir EAST and USAPA. Large, unhappy groups of pilots will make life miserable for GK and company, and there will be finger gestures shown in airport terminals, fights in jetways, and forced go-arounds on runways because they couldn't "safely" exit the runway in time. Think that doesn't happen? Ask any USAir East and West guy if it does.

Also, as GL, most regulars know that I like to stir the pot. I like to gode
people, and have debates. I enjoy that. All in all, I mean no harm. I actually
try to entertain people. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But, some of the SWA people on this board (I think they are SWA people, it is anonymous) don't seem like they are joking sometimes, especially on the AT subjects. That is why I say they seem overly cocky. Thanks again for your response.

Bye Bye--General Lee

This all sounds like a SWAPA sponsored shakedown of the Airtran pilots, IMO. What a shame! I think Lee is correct when he asks why shouldnt SWAPA make sure the Airtran guys get the SWAPA contract now when the Southwest pilots won't lose a dime of their own? Is this just a good ole "stick up?" " Give us what we want, and then you can have what we have, but you might be a bit junior......sorry about that......we LUV you....."

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This isn't a merger like dl/nw or us/aw it is an acquisition by SWA of a much smaller carrier.

You talk about unity and not having thousands of pissed off employees after it is done. What is better, 1700 (or more likely 300-400) pissed off former AT pilots or 6000 severely pissed SWA pilots?

Gary Kelly isn't going to throw away 40 years of good business nor is SWAPA going to allow a few hundred AT pilots who want more than they deserve screw it up.

We will welcome the AirTran pilots with open arms when they come into our family in their rightful place.

The sooner they see where that rightful place is the sooner they will be welcomed. If they never see it, well....

When it comes to seniority, Gary Kelly can't dictate what happens. If he were to try the Guadalupe holdings threat (sounds to me kinda like a type of a "shakedown"), all trust would be lost, synergies would never materialize, and your merger would look like WW III. It would make USair look like a
wonderful integration. I bet Delta's management would like it, though. I also think ALPA and the Airtran pilots would sue and get both Sen Bond and McKaskill on their side, and Gary Kelly would have to testify in front if them on some committee hearing. That would be fun to watch if it happened.

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Then let's see if you can come up with a winning business plan to grow the LUV organically at a profit.

Yep, those guys at SWA wish they could turn a profit every now and then!!! Hopefully one day they can figure out this airline thingy???
I doubt Senator Bond will be holding any hearings soon. He got run out of town.
I doubt Senator Bond will be holding any hearings soon. He got run out of town.

How abou McKaskil? I bet he/she is still interested. ALPA should look into that, use some PAC money to get a hearing for upper management at SWA and ask them under oath how they really feel?

Funny how all the Delta guys are now huge AirTran fans.

Don't look now, but your ulterior motives are showing ...
ALPA should look into that, use some PAC money to get a hearing for upper management at SWA and ask them under oath how they really feel?
Then it's surely a good thing ALPA doesn't ask for your opinion.

I don't know who "McKaskil" is but Sen McCaskil from AR, who doesn't even acknowledge she's a big "DEM" on her website anymore, won't be rippling the waters of the major airline supporting her state, hint, hint. I did find this interesting

PAC contributor to McCaskil:


Now, wouldn't that be a conflict of interest and require her to recuse herself?
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If you do not appreciate what the AirTran pilots bring, then do not buy their airline and leave their career alone.

Really birdman? Tell me again what the Airtran pilots bring. I mean specifically what part of the their contract is going to help the Southwest pilots? Even the contract you have right now wouldn't have happened without Southwest.

Your company brings some Aircraft orders and gates. That's why Gary was interested. Easy growth of the Southwest brand at a low price.

What's funny is that now that the Airtran pilot windfall is in question they start crying 'shakedown'.
Then it's surely a good thing ALPA doesn't ask for your opinion.

I don't know who "McKaskil" is but Sen McCaskil from AR, who doesn't even acknowledge she's a big "DEM" on her website anymore, won't be rippling the waters of the major airline supporting her state, hint, hint. I did find this interesting

Now, wouldn't that be a conflict of interest and require her to recuse herself?

I would not listen to onyoursix. She is just a SWA hater and an idiot to boot.

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