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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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That is certainly not true of you and your senses.

Those who seek to silence the truth always call people like me mad.

I am sad that you see no wisdom in the truth which I speak. You have lost your soul to racial hatred and the devil.

I am tired of playing with you guys. It is getting dark and you may soon turn into monsters and Lynch me on flight info.

Time to go have a cold beer and try to forget you guys. Hopefully you all would go away. Go do some devil worship and leave me alone.
I quote one of your true American hero's who set you free from the British.
Is that the same guy who said "Give me liberty or give me death" (Patrick Henry)?

Or did you just horribly mangle his quote?
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Wow folks are twisted, can't believe asked a simple question and 20 pages later it got ugly, somehow I'm not surprised, hope you got your info

Some things better left said by Chris Rock:
:) Or another Chris- Mr. Gardner:

Some things just have to be addressed in house. So what's the problem again? The black community creates an organization to help address it's professional issues and lift themselves up- but you don't want it to exist? Sounds to me that most of you really have issue with affirmative action- a policy that has been implemented by a majority white law system- If you don't like that- ok- write your congressman- but to NOT support an organization that is helping people do EXACTLY what we all want them to do- PULL THEMSELVES UP and SUCCEED?

I'm not understanding the logic.

The black community needs to address it's problems, but you don't want any organizations that help address the problems to exist?

You won't find one person in OBAP who lobbies for decreased standards. I've heard arguments for increased standards, but none the other way. It's nothing but positive. Most of the rants seem to be misplaced.
I'm not understanding the logic.

Evidently, you're not a very keen reader. Come on waveflyer... this argument has been dissected to a very basic, elemental level of color-blindness... as in let's get beyond the color of someone's skin as it relates to anything. Is that really such a difficult concept that you still fail to "understand the logic"? Really?

There's been nearly 300 posts on the subject, but you still fail to understand the logic of the argument? Are you developmentally disabled?

ooohhh...... is wayne brady gonna have to choke a b**ch? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pklq_ShnbA

BBB- i'm not your enemy man. i'll admit to being bored w/ this thread for the most part- and i haven't read every post. (And no- i'm not aware of being developmentally disabled, but really- what does that prove? ;))

I never saw it addressed. I'd like to believe that we can get beyond the color of skin-but i have uncles and grandparents and even a father that share more than a few racist viewpoints. what a stupid stupid reason to treat someone different. But we all know there are people who are still racist on all sides. And that's a challenge a black man does face- and will have to get through. Big deal to me- we all have challenges and life's not fair. Part of being happy and successful is the satisfaction of facing unfair, really tough things and still winning.

We all know that there is such a thing as the black community and it does have unique challenges. Just like there are Irish-Catholic chruches in Irish neighborhood's, and Romanian communities, and Jewish communities, and China towns- and advocates for each in just about every major city in the country.. Just as you do organize homeowner's associations and pta's and Kiwanis (sp?) and Rotary Clubs and all sort of things to deal w/ challenges that affect the people in your community.

My point is that if you're black- you have unique challenges due to history and contemporary perceptions. Race is obviously (300 posts) still an issue.

So-again BBB since you're much smarter than me- what's wrong w/ an organization created to address those issues- especially one like OBAP that is so inclusinve and positive. It's name is rooted in the post civil right's era where black pilots did have to sue airlines to become employed by them. But it is a very inclusive group.

Sorry BBB-I can't wait until the world catches up to your view of race and all race/cultural organizations are unnecessary-(I'm sure the military helped promote your positive view of black people as you had the chance to work along side every culture) But it hasn't yet. Don't blame OBAP for that. It's really doing a lot of good. I encourage you to at least attend a meeting and voice your concerns and get a look at what it's doing before speaking so vehemently on this.
Brother... you're not seeking diversity. What you're seeking are racial quotas. You call it diversity, I call it implied racism. Why 2 sets of standards? It should be 1 standard fits all - black, white, purple, etc., and HELL NO... you shouldn't get a single friggin' point for being black. Instead, you should get all the points if you are a good person with good interviewing skills that's well-qualified for a job.

Yes, I absolutely have a problem with affirmative action as it promotes reverse racism, and not only that, but it breeds resentment that will ultimately lead to more racism.
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Brother... you're not seeking diversity. What you're seeking are racial quotas. You call it diversity, I call it implied racism. Why 2 sets of standards? It should be 1 standard fits all - black, white, purple, etc., and HELL NO... you shouldn't get a single friggin' point for being black. Instead, you should get all the points if you are a good person with good interviewing skills that's well-qualified for a job.

Yes, I absolutely have a problem with affirmative action as it promotes reverse racism, and not only that, but it breeds resentment that will ultimately lead to more racism.

Freight Dog you are not intelligent. A word is good enough for the wise but you are like a stone when it comes to race relations.
You must be a product of poor indoctrination or just poor upbringing.

Could you share some information about your early years.
What jobs your mother and father had?.
Where did you go to school?
Are you college educated?
Your the first really dumb guy I have had to educate. It is like speaking to a stone.
Thank GOD we have laws. NAACP and OBAP will continue to exist. You cannot do anything about it. Your worthless self and veiws will always be a minority in our country.
Your perception of those organisation remain your veiws. You do not even have the courage to express those veiws except as a faceless individual on flightinfo.
I bet at your job you sneak around trying to look human and hide the stink you drag around with you.
I agree wholeheartedly with Frieght Dog on this one.

Thank goodness for the ignore list; you've rendered yourself irrelevant, speedbird.

have you considered joining the black panthers, you seem to share their extremist views.
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Brother... you're not seeking diversity. What you're seeking are racial quotas. You call it diversity, I call it implied racism. Why 2 sets of standards? It should be 1 standard fits all - black, white, purple, etc., and HELL NO... you shouldn't get a single friggin' point for being black. Instead, you should get all the points if you are a good person with good interviewing skills that's well-qualified for a job.

Yes, I absolutely have a problem with affirmative action as it promotes reverse racism, and not only that, but it breeds resentment that will ultimately lead to more racism.

When your miserable worthless existance finally ends.
Your hate and racism would have contributed nothing to humanity. You will be quickly forgotten while humanity continues to get better learning from past mistakes.
I believe God allows cursed creatures like you to exist only to remind us that evil clearly exist amoung us. We must always be on guard.
What a miserable disgusting person you are.

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