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Virgin America down to 22 million in unrestricted cash

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Because it's smarter than voting socialist. Too bad common sense isn't more common for idiots like you.

Wait, I thought you said it was the Delta pilots? This is laughable coming from a southwest pilot! I'd love to find one of you pft skirts in the terminal to tell you what I think of your arrogance, but I don't get to Albany or Wichita. The southwest pilot group had to pay for training and had some of the lowest wages and work rules out there 15 years ago. They continue to charge their employees to work there.
Amazing you show your cocky arrogance towards the F9 and Airtran pilots by telling them how lucky they'd be to be part of "your culture"......
And you got the balls to call anyone smug?
Wasn't swapa A catalyst for age 65?

I'm sure Keith Olbermann and Jon Steward keep telling you that. Try watching something other than msnbc and spongebob to learn about the way politics works. It clouds what little brains you have.

Says the guy who bought his job!

Of course, southwest did the same exact thing!

Wow, are you truly this stupid? You're beyond help. Don't worry, Barry, Harry, and Nancy will be there to take care of you. Of course when your company goes through bankruptcy, I can't wait to see you eat these words!

Keep telling yourself that. I'm guessing that age 65, supported by swapa is doing wonders by keeping you a junior f/o for 5 more years while the senior guys hang on making the top $$.

Laughable. Especially coming from a group that has done far more damage than good to this industry, and continues to do that damage.
Bring your money, it's on!

Very well said. I enjoyed it!
Well, why you enjoy that... I'll go to work and enjoy my job, enjoy getting laid and enjoy the extra years the no stress and laugh lines this job gives me- and enjoy kicking your butts in the free market. See, I'm not scared of competition, whether it's from VA or any ALPA sellouts. Your problems are all yours- and you pay for them every day-

Good luck, I'm out- gotta get to those situps so your wives can keep eyeing me
Well, why you enjoy that... I'll go to work and enjoy my job, enjoy getting laid and enjoy the extra years the no stress and laugh lines this job gives me-
Beating off in your hotel room to the 1 minute of preview porn is not getting laid:blush:.....Nice try though!:laugh:

and enjoy kicking your butts in the free market. See, I'm not scared of competition, whether it's from VA or any ALPA sellouts. Your problems are all yours- and you pay for them every day-
That's why I'm enjoying VA, AT, and Allegiant kicking your butts, all of who, by the way, didn't have to charge their employees for their jobs!

Good luck, I'm out- gotta get to those situps so your wives can keep eyeing me
No, it's that man love you keep in AMA that you're doing those for!
Keep it up sporty, you're the man!
all that and that's without even paying their pilots a liveable wage?

just b/c branson has a lot of money doesn't mean this thing will stay afloat forever. Virgin Nigeria ain't virgin nigeria anymore.
For someone who was trained on the taxpayers dime. I think we know who is full of it.

He was trained on the taxpayers dime to do take care of the taxpayer's business. The day your airline tells you you've been reduced into the Bagram domicile, let us know.

It's not a competition thing.

It's not a 'free market' thing.

It's a Violation of the Convention of Civil Aviation, also known as the 1944 Chicago Convention thing.

I'm sure they're great people that work there. I'm just as sure that there are great people working in the Chinese factories that make everything that is currently sold in America.

Who's going to step up and say that Foreign Ownership is in America's best interest? You remember America, right? It's what people cared about before they figured out that 1% of Americans could get rich by throwing 99% of Americans under the bus.

I know, I know........ Saying that the Don Cartys, Frank Lorenzos, Glenn Tiltons, Bill Ayers...... rewarding themselves with MILLIONS of dollars for LAYING OFF THOUSANDS of hard working AMERICANS makes me a Communist/Socialist somehow.....................Yeah, I'M the guy that hates everything America stands for.:rolleyes:

Keep defending the Slash and Burn, Kill any job you can and negotiate a golden parachute for two points of ticker....That's what leadership is all about. The biggest lie the Devil ever told was to convince the average working man that he could reach the top 2%...

In reality, he's got you played like a puppet, defending his right to "earn" 35 million by dissolving YOUR pension.
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I guess takeing care of taxpayer's business is flying for SWA and bad mouthing everyone who has to earn a living. And by the way I've been to bagram so what?
That's funny that you think that being in the military isn't earning your living.
No. Whats funny is some people think there better than others because of where they work.

Am I NOT? I'm confused that you don't know I AM better than you.
look, your kind of out of left field with your posts. most of us have worked a bad job before- life happens- if you STAY working a bad job.... I can start to make the case for at least being wiser than you.
I don't want to hear a MIL guy claiming to be better than me just bc of his background when I've been preparing for a 121 career my whole career and doing the job for longer- but they do EARN their living-The free market we compete in wouldn't be here if it weren't for the security they help provide- and I'm grateful for their service.

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