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Virgin America down to 22 million in unrestricted cash

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You're right. VA (so far) isn't responsible (that I know of) for anyone else's pay, work rules, etc., going down further. Further, I don't believe the regionals have necessarily driven down wages- they've simply just caused mainline jobs to disappear. Mainline pilots of the 1990's are responsible for that. Find a post where I lay the blame of mainline pay erosion on the regionals. You won't find it.

Now I also believe that even if the mainline pilots of the 1990's had been able to predict the future and somehow know how the regional airline would grow and replace mainline flying, it wouldn't have just delayed the inevitable. During the bankruptcies of the 2000's, airline management would have gotten the regional jets they wanted anyway.

But again, you miss the point. Have you ever heard of the saying "Those that forget history are doomed to repeat the past?". Those of us that lived through the last downward spiral are well aware of the role the LCC's played in that destruction. Wages got dragged down, pensions lost, work rules trashed because mainline pilots couldn't compete with a Jetblue pilot making half what a United pilot was making. And of course, the JetBlue, Frontier, whoever, pilots of the time all told us how they were small, only had "30" airplanes, etc. Then a few years later, they have a 100 airplanes and are massively undercutting us.

So when you wonder why airlines like VA are held in such contempt, why many of us hate having you on our jumpseat, why you read snide remarks about VA on forums such as this, you know why. Many of us already have heard all the excuses before. We already have seen the damage "small" undercutting airlines have done in the past and don't want to be "doomed" to repeat it again, especially when many of us are in contract negotiations and are trying to lift the bar back up, of course with absolutely no help from VA pilots.

So I'll leave the last sentences to the two of you as the words I have typed above are nothing new. I already have read the rationalizations that will follow 10 years ago when they were typed by shiny, new JetBlue, Valujet, and Frontier pilots. I'm done.

Funny, there are quite a few EX-YoNited pilots over here at VA, and THEY COULD NOT BE HAPPIER! Just worry about what is going to happen to your own company....and HOPE you keep your job with the merger on your doorstep. Otherwise, I am sure you will be trying to get a job here at VA. GOOD LUCK! :rolleyes:
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You're right. VA (so far) isn't responsible (that I know of) for anyone else's pay, work rules, etc., going down further. Further, I don't believe the regionals have necessarily driven down wages- they've simply just caused mainline jobs to disappear. Mainline pilots of the 1990's are responsible for that. Find a post where I lay the blame of mainline pay erosion on the regionals. You won't find it.

Now I also believe that even if the mainline pilots of the 1990's had been able to predict the future and somehow know how the regional airline would grow and replace mainline flying, it wouldn't have just delayed the inevitable. During the bankruptcies of the 2000's, airline management would have gotten the regional jets they wanted anyway.

But again, you miss the point. Have you ever heard of the saying "Those that forget history are doomed to repeat the past?". Those of us that lived through the last downward spiral are well aware of the role the LCC's played in that destruction. Wages got dragged down, pensions lost, work rules trashed because mainline pilots couldn't compete with a Jetblue pilot making half what a United pilot was making. And of course, the JetBlue, Frontier, whoever, pilots of the time all told us how they were small, only had "30" airplanes, etc. Then a few years later, they have a 100 airplanes and are massively undercutting us.

So when you wonder why airlines like VA are held in such contempt, why many of us hate having you on our jumpseat, why you read snide remarks about VA on forums such as this, you know why. Many of us already have heard all the excuses before. We already have seen the damage "small" undercutting airlines have done in the past and don't want to be "doomed" to repeat it again, especially when many of us are in contract negotiations and are trying to lift the bar back up, of course with absolutely no help from VA pilots.

So I'll leave the last sentences to the two of you as the words I have typed above are nothing new. I already have read the rationalizations that will follow 10 years ago when they were typed by shiny, new JetBlue, Valujet, and Frontier pilots. I'm done.

"Those that forget history are doomed to repeat the past?"

God I hope so, JB and SWA are two great airlines!! With might I add, pay scales that are improving all the time.

Looking forward to the future!!!
Rings hollow man...
Rings little man..........

Fix your scope issues before you point fingers at anyone else.
Fix your pft issues before lecturing anyone else.

Your selling out is how VA can get away with paying so little.
10 years ago, sw was the laughing stock with their pay and work rules. I can't wait to see what another 10 will bring. The pompous attitudes of little dick people like you is what is most laughable!

No matter how often you beat your swa pft drum, the truth of how much your scope issues have hurt this profession will always drown it out.
PFT was only the tip of the berg junior. Your lousy work rules, and support, and being the catalyst of age 65 are just 2 more to name some others. That beatin you hear is not of a drum, but the bed post in your old lady's trailer!

If you guys show any interest in doing the right thing I'll support you 100%-
Looking at your track record with the F9 and AT guys, I'll not look forward to anything from the pft crowd.

as long as you're track record of selling out the junior guys for an extra few percent keeps on- I will have no problem calling you what you ALPA sellouts are.

I'll take that as a compliment coming from a group where age 65 has done far more damage from the senior guys than any scope sellout could have done. Save your breath for any additional comebacks sport, you'll need it later for your inflatable date!
Wow, dude.... While I will say that I fricken <<<HATE>>> age 65, The above statement is pure idiocy.

Not really. How many careers have been stagnated because of age 65 at both the regionals and majors? How many fourloughs would there be at UAL or CAL had age 60 been in place? At the expense of who? The real senior folks get to stay in their seat for another 5 years.
Scope has only harmed mainline. Age 65 has harmed everyone!
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Scope has hurt everyone, the least of which is the mainline pilot who got to stay on the property. Youre an absolute idiot.
Hey Scope,

EVERYONE would be stagnate at a major if you guys hadn't opened the floodgate on the RJ's. Pilots at every major have been damaged because of it.
The problem with guys who think like scope is that everything is relative. There isn't an objective reality in his world to compare work rules and pay. It's something pilots have been awful at.

When contracts were good- Southwest was the bain of the industry b/c they paid less- forgetting the fact that they still earned much more than the average professional in the world that we pay mortgages to. IN the regional world and post BK major contracts, noone compares the crappy wages to the rest of society. My regional pays WELL in the first year - We make $27/hour vs skywest's $20/ hour. Meanwhile it still doesn't buy much in the real world. I made $30k in my first year at an alpa major- that's crap money- and i mean absolutely stupid.

I made $70k in my first year at SW.

Whatever southwest used to be- they have a long standing history of happy and healthy employees who enjoy their job. We can compare penis's if you like, but the obsession with hating southwest doesn't do any of us any good.

A c-student accountant will do better financially than the average pilot across the industry these days. That is a more important point than whether or not one airline's pilots are doing slightly better or worse than another airline's pilots.
The problem with guys who think like scope is that everything is relative. There isn't an objective reality in his world to compare work rules and pay. It's something pilots have been awful at.
Says the kid who paid for his job! That's hysterical coming from a group that's notorious for selling out the junior guys!

When contracts were good- Southwest was the bain of the industry b/c they paid less- forgetting the fact that they still earned much more than the average professional in the world that we pay mortgages to.
Keep telling yourself that. It's that same kind of mentality that allows places like skybus and va to prosper. Of course you paid for your job, so there's no surprise there.

IN the regional world and post BK major contracts, noone compares the crappy wages to the rest of society. My regional pays WELL in the first year - We make $27/hour vs skywest's $20/ hour. Meanwhile it still doesn't buy much in the real world. I made $30k in my first year at an alpa major- that's crap money- and i mean absolutely stupid.
Yet paying for you job makes absolute sense.
You are a complete idiot.

I made $70k in my first year at SW.
Yeah, we know about your special services you provide during your layovers.....;):blush:

Whatever southwest used to be- they have a long standing history of happy and healthy employees who enjoy their job. We can compare penis's if you like, but the obsession with hating southwest doesn't do any of us any good.
I don't hate southwest, just loudmouth little peckerheads like you who spout their nut drainers about how everyone else ruined the industry, without looking in the mirror at his own group.

A c-student accountant will do better financially than the average pilot across the industry these days. That is a more important point than whether or not one airline's pilots are doing slightly better or worse than another airline's pilots.
Actually the average "union" garbage/truck driver will...............
I had to pay for a 4-year college education to even apply to major airlines in the day. And here on FI I'm JUST NOW learning that I'm a low-life because I paid to play... I'm devastated.....

Thanks alot!

Off to find a therapist.....wish me luck in my recovery....

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