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Virgin America down to 22 million in unrestricted cash

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Well, why you enjoy that... I'll go to work and enjoy my job, enjoy getting laid and enjoy the extra years the no stress and laugh lines this job gives me- and enjoy kicking your butts in the free market. See, I'm not scared of competition, whether it's from VA or any ALPA sellouts. Your problems are all yours- and you pay for them every day-

Good luck, I'm out- gotta get to those situps so your wives can keep eyeing me

Wave, shut your hole.... Kicking our butts? Worldwide baby...Worldwide!! You are trying to compare apples to the whole orchard pal!!

All this from the tough guy who just got VNAV....

Pathetic! Guys like you crack me up.....brand new F/O with a tude thinking he's king of the world.....Typical ex-RJ pilot with SJS who bought a type and got the "job". You can rant when you go south of 24.00.00 or East of Bangor.... or even when you get served a meal onboard Skippy!
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Wave, shut your hole.... Kicking our butts? Worldwide baby...Worldwide!! You are trying to compare apples to the whole orchard pal!!

All this from the tough guy who just got VNAV....

Pathetic! Guys like you crack me up.....brand new F/O with a tude thinking he's king of the world.....Typical ex-RJ pilot with SJS who bought a type and got the "job". You can rant when you go south of 24.00.00 or East of Bangor.... or even when you get served a meal onboard Skippy!

Ummm... I'm going to have to sort of disagree with you there....

Sorry coolcat if I'm a LOT happier working the throttles in a -300 than when I was watching vnav at my legacy- sorry to bust your pride sellout but southwest isn't even close to my first gig in this business.. I speak from experience.
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Ummm... I'm going to have to sort of disagree with you there....
Good thing for you, nobody really cares what garbage your nut drainer spews!

Sorry coolcat if I'm a LOT happier working the throttles in a -300 than when I was watching vnav at my legacy- sorry to bust your pride sellout but southwest isn't even close to my first gig in this business.. I speak from experience.

So just how many jobs have you bought sport?
Sellout? Funny coming from some southwest puke who bought his job and supported age 65?
Police barred from penis enlargement

(Reuters) - Forget about getting a job as a police officer in Indonesia's Papua if you have had your penis enlarged. You won't get it, according to local media reports citing the Papua police chief.

I was going to quit flying and apply for a police job, but now they won't let me. Guess I will have to keep "flying for free".
Oh yeah- sellout

There's very few Virgin pilots I respect less than your average ALPA sellout. Funny how you defend alpa mainline with a name like yours scope
Oh yeah- sellout

There's very few Virgin pilots I respect less than your average ALPA sellout. Funny how you defend alpa mainline with a name like yours scope

Funny how some swapa doosh bag can call anyone a sellout, coming from a pilot group that endorses both paying for their job, and age 65!
Rings hollow man...
Fix your scope issues before you point fingers at anyone else. Your selling out is how VA can get away with paying so little. No matter how often you beat your swa pft drum, the truth of how much your scope issues have hurt this profession will always drown it out.

If you guys show any interest in doing the right thing I'll support you 100%- as long as you're track record of selling out the junior guys for an extra few percent keeps on- I will have no problem calling you what you ALPA sellouts are.
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Virgin, or any airline who gives away seats, is a cancer to this industry. It it is corporate irresponsibility that has wrecked our profession and left the industry drowning in debt. Nothing against Virgin pilots but their demise would be beneficial to the overall industry. Their model is simply not sustainable and the dumping of capacity on to the marketplace serves to undermine the long-term viability of our business.

Actually, they should have let United and US Air go out of business LONG AGO! But hey, they can't do that...because then their Senators/Congressman would lose their cushy jobs in DC. :rolleyes:

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