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USAPA wins...Pilots lose

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No that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that The federal Government passed a law about 6 months ago forcing "Federally Mandated Arbitration" if the two sides can't come to an agreement. This comes into play if there are two different unions like APA (AA) and ALPA (TWA) merging. When it's ALPA vs APLA it's goes to arbitration anyway so the law doesn't apply. Now that ALPA is off the property I think that the West guys have a pretty good argument to have it go to the federally mandated arbitration again. That may be good or bad who knows. If the west is still operating under a separate contract then I would think you have an argument by saying we are two separate groups so the federally mandated arbitration should apply.

If the initial arbitration holds then it's a non issue.

Just thinking out loud

The law applies to mergers after the date the law was enacted.
During the same time frame United had fewer crashes but killed far more of their customers.

Statistics ....

Thats true you can spin it anyway you like......
My sympathies to the AWA pilots. Burn the place to the ground. F--- uSAPa, and f--- anyone who voted for them.

PCL, you just never know when to shut up do you. You have no respect for your "brothers & sisters" out there, and you damage your cause with each and every post these days.

No wonder you have lost all credibility and are currently leading the pack for the biggest forum tool out there.

No surprise though since you started your "career" as a PAY FOR JOB POS for Gulfstream. Keep talking out of your ass because you sir are the definition of the term TOOL.

All I know is you AAA guys might want to make sure that you stay really far away from PHX. And if you are stupid enough to bid out here make sure you don't park your nice car in the parking lot.

I'm just being realistic.
My sympathies to the AWA pilots. Burn the place to the ground. F--- uSAPa, and f--- anyone who voted for them.

This is coming from the same person who hassled me for calling it alpo? Go get your alpo doggy treat.

Oh, the irony. Had alpo not pushed for (and gotten) age 65, fences protecting the East would have remained for a while. And there would have been less old Easties voting on this. Would have definitely been a LOT closer vote; alpo may have remained on USAirways' property.
The Law of Unintended Consequences is alive and well. This could be the beginning of the end of alpo.
I would agree that 50,000 pilots might have railed against anyone voting ALPA off other companies properties a few years ago, but after the age 65 rule and ALPA supporting the change (even if they DID think it was inevitable) the cost of going against the will of the majority is a very weakened union.

Beginning of the end? Probably not. A very painful period...absolutely.
Vote results:

ALPA - 2254

USAPA- 2723

Thanks to the 400 or so guys on the East for voting for ALPA, I guess you're all not dumb.

Good Luck everyone.

Probably would have been much more. I think ALPA could have won this election if Prater hadn't strong-armed Council 41. That debacle/event probably pushed the rest over the edge for USAPA.

*shakes head in amazement* :erm:

Divide and Conquer, management won.

Completely Agree...

Just read through the entire Nic Document again, and still think it is about as fair to both sides as you're going to get.

Good luck West!!

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