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US Airways Pilot/FA Recall

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I have no complaints about that, but I cannot see how that can be arranged, given the state of affairs (two unmerged lists). I guess my speculation would be more accurate if reversed. That is to say, what happens after all the East furloughs are recalled, does the airline hire new pilots, or do the West furloughs get the jobs.

I think what you said is the most equitable, but also very unlikely.

Again, just the simple (because frankly, that's the kind of guy I am...simple) thought process: The 142 guys in PHX are senior by DOH, they are senior by the Nicolau, they are senior by any hybrid list submited by USAPA. Senior by all three counts, that is all. No disrespect to our third listers. BTW....what if things went crazy out in PHX and we not only recalled all the former AWA pilots back, but needed more. Where would we get those pilots? Third listers that were in PHX first (even if they are junior to third lister's from PHL/CLT/DCA), and then east third listers?

The new US Airways hired a half dozen furloughed US Air pilots when we were hiring. The good news is they got the better wage & working conditions. The bad news is when the economy took a crap, they were going to get furloughed. The good news is miraculously they got recalled to the east bases during furloughs (on both sides).

Here's another thought: When the company says "Oh, we only need 80 pilots. It's the right thing to do'".....my management-worker translation book reads..."Holy crap! The west crew are getting red flag trips like crazy, the east crews are super-short staffed! We needed 80 pilots 3 months ago."

I would bet that we are looking at recalling the lot (those that want / need to come back) a lot sooner than anyone realizes. FWIW.
best mexican and beer in CLT.

"best mexican and beer" in Charlotte??? You sure it's better than Taco Bell and a six pack from the local convience store?? Because I'm quite sure, there is NO good mexican food out east...compared to out west that is.
Well, if it ain't right, it ain't my math. That comes from a Furlough committee man.

Cactus, you lost me, but I still agree with your position wholeheartedly.

I also agree that all recalls will happen ASAP. I think that this furlough was largely a negotiating tactic whose usefulness has passed. I would not be surprised by a little hiring next year.
Ok why can't people just be happy that the company is calling people back? It is something positive for once and good for everyone on both sides that are currently on the property and for people that are furloughed. Why do some people have to find a negative in everything......
"best mexican and beer" in Charlotte??? You sure it's better than Taco Bell and a six pack from the local convience store?? Because I'm quite sure, there is NO good mexican food out east...compared to out west that is.

I was just there after my A session CQT and had a pitcher of marguaritas and some good chow at 11am. Not quite as good as this little hole in the wall in Yuma though...someone help me with the name?
"best Mexican and beer" in Charlotte??? You sure it's better than Taco Bell and a six pack from the local convience store?? Because I'm quite sure, there is NO good Mexican food out east...compared to out west that is.

Miguel's in CLT is way better than any Mexican restaurant in Tempe - and no flame intended. Just the facts mam!

Because when I think of Mexican Food, North Carolina is the first place that comes to mind.

Ok, Metro, Miguel's is good; definitely better than what xrated said, and yes, I have actually been there; but I mean, seriously? Better than All the Mexican Restaurants in Tempe?

Gonna' have to say no on that one. East vs West thing aside.
Again, just the simple (because frankly, that's the kind of guy I am...simple) thought process: The 142 guys in PHX are senior by DOH, they are senior by the Nicolau, they are senior by any hybrid list submited by USAPA. Senior by all three counts, that is all. No disrespect to our third listers. BTW....what if things went crazy out in PHX and we not only recalled all the former AWA pilots back, but needed more. Where would we get those pilots? Third listers that were in PHX first (even if they are junior to third lister's from PHL/CLT/DCA), and then east third listers?

The new US Airways hired a half dozen furloughed US Air pilots when we were hiring. The good news is they got the better wage & working conditions. The bad news is when the economy took a crap, they were going to get furloughed. The good news is miraculously they got recalled to the east bases during furloughs (on both sides).

Here's another thought: When the company says "Oh, we only need 80 pilots. It's the right thing to do'".....my management-worker translation book reads..."Holy crap! The west crew are getting red flag trips like crazy, the east crews are super-short staffed! We needed 80 pilots 3 months ago."

I would bet that we are looking at recalling the lot (those that want / need to come back) a lot sooner than anyone realizes. FWIW.

If I were Parker, I'd head off this confrontation at the pass and just announce the recall of all pilots, west and east, and then tweak the dates to meet training realities. You go back to the side you left, simple as that.
Because when I think of Mexican Food, North Carolina is the first place that comes to mind.


I always thought a Mexican was a Mexican no matter where he/she lived...Pretty sure the food would be the same? Do they lose their authentic Mexicanism as soon as the cross the great divide? Just a thought....

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