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US Airways Pilot/FA Recall

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I always thought a Mexican was a Mexican no matter where he/she lived...Pretty sure the food would be the same? Do they lose their authentic Mexicanism as soon as the cross the great divide? Just a thought....

Its about the availabilty and variety of fresh ingredience, and last I checked, grits aint on the Mexican Menu. Saying CLT mexican food is better than the Mexican food in Tempe is like saying the seafood in Omaha is better than the seafood in San Diego.
Miguel's in CLT is way better than any Mexican restaurant in Tempe - and no flame intended. Just the facts mam!


I just threw up a little in my mouth. Miguel's Fajitas is the best thing they have on the menu, and everything else is average at best.
Congratulations to everyone recalled - east & west, including my former classmates at AWA. This was a long time coming, and I'm glad you all have the option of going back now. Patience does pay off!

I always thought a Mexican was a Mexican no matter where he/she lived...Pretty sure the food would be the same? Do they lose their authentic Mexicanism as soon as the cross the great divide? Just a thought....

I've had some of the best mexican food in Southern Cal. I wonder why?
Miguel's in CLT is way better than any Mexican restaurant in Tempe - and no flame intended. Just the facts mam!


Apparently you have never been to Armado's, a little hole in the wall mexican fast food joint with 3 stores (?) in the PHX area, all of them about 2 steps ahead of getting shut down by the board of health. They have a shrimp burrito about the size of a baseball bat for something like $4.95 that is a meal unto it self. Delicioso !!

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Monkey class

Thanks, HAL! Glad you're back at HAL, as we've moved up one in seniority! But
the monkey will miss you, as Andrea, once again, will have to carry the monkey around during training.
All the best to all -- East and West -- getting back to work and pointing this ship in the right direction.
Did anyone else besides me notice that Metrojet and PHXFLYR just had a conversation and neither one of them called each other a name. While they do not agree on the location of the best Mexican food they were still able to disagree with civility. Unfreakin believable, Some body send them for a Wizz Quiz quick because they have to be smokin something. Makes me think there just might be some small glimmer of hope for these two pilot groups after all. We will see but for now baby steps are fine with me.

P.S. Hopefully very soon I will get a chance to try both establishments and will offer up my neutral third party opinion shortly after. Please feel free to completely ignore my decision and then by all means sue the living daylights out of me for a failure to represent your restaurant of choice. Now go easy on the flame because I did put a smiley face on my post.
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Hey, as long as they don't start debating which mexican joint has more seniority, they will do fine......

Ahhh that is where you are wrong. You see in my case seniority does not matter one bit. I am a third lister. You all (East/West) are senior to me so maybe just maybe my third list buddies and I should be the ones to figure out which place has the best Mexican. Just an idea is all I am saying. Now where did I put my Tums?? As for the SLI, we aint touching that thing with a 20 ft. pole. We third listers know exactly what page we will be located on.

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