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Two people in Aviation with Kids. Does it work?

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And just to clarify, I'm not saying the ONLY reason to get married is to protect kids. You should still marry for the right reasons... that you two are in love, support each other, want each other, want to live together, raise kids, settle down, etc.

My argument in the post above is for those people who are already in love, supporting each other, living together, settled down, and raising a kid. If things like that aren't enough to get married, then lastly consider the protection of children as reason enough to get married.

Kids deserve better in case the unthinkable happens.
Untrue. Child support, visitation and custody battles happen, regardless of marriage.

Different by different state, and even within a state, different by different counties. In my county, a man/woman who isn't married and yet has kids has a he!! of a time getting visitation and custodial battles won in case of a separation. Then again, in our county, people having kids out of wed-lock is heavily looked 'down' upon.

I think it's different by different states and counties.

Where I'm from, if you are a woman with kids out of wedlock, and you breakup with the man, you're in trouble (good luck with alimony, visitation, and custodial rights).

Again, not to paint some nasty picture, nor to will ill upon anyone. That is not my intention. Just merely pointing out truth as it exists in some parts of this nation.
Different by different state, and even within a state, different by different counties. In my county, a man/woman who isn't married and yet has kids has a he!! of a time getting visitation and custodial battles won in case of a separation. Then again, in our county, people having kids out of wed-lock is heavily looked 'down' upon.

I think it's different by different states and counties.

Where I'm from, if you are a woman with kids out of wedlock, and you breakup with the man, you're in trouble (good luck with alimony, visitation, and custodial rights).

Again, not to paint some nasty picture, nor to will ill upon anyone. That is not my intention. Just merely pointing out truth as it exists in some parts of this nation.

WTF do you live, Alabama? YGBSM!!!

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. So you knock her up, everything'll be ok, just don't get married so that you never have to pay child support. Yeah, you'll get away with that. :rolleyes: Keep dreaming.
No, not AL! LOL!


Child support you can get where I live. BUT, it's the other stuff I mentioned in the paranthesis above... alimony, visitation, and custodial rights. Unless you were married, you're SOL in the area I live.

And btw, about that child support thing... I knew this girl friend in high school who got knocked up in 10th grade and had her baby. The guy was a 18 yr old senior. I don't know what job he had or how much he made, but she did tell me she couldn't get the state to work in her favor, and she didn't get any child support from him.

Believe me, in that place I live, you better be married if you have kids. Otherwise, your life will be miserable hel! if you break up and kids are involved.

Don't blame me, I'm just saying that's how it is in certain parts of this country.
Sure Flyer, I see such a huge amount of men raising kids alone in certain "parts of the nation" just so he won't have to pay child support. It's pay to play in this country, he either has custody of the kids or he's paying child support. You say she'll have trouble getting visitation? Not likely. I don't think many men from your "part of the nation" are capable of raising children (that is the truth if we are to believe what you have been spewing).

Considering that the men in your "part of the nation" don't have the decency to support their own children, thanks for clarifying why it is important for women to remain in the workforce Flyer.

(I always thought the 'Bubbas' were creepy but you proved it)
Rez, your debates about the union and such are mildly entertaining,

And I find your replies on the topic self defeating and of resignation, but that is another thread..

but in this topic, you're way out of your league.

Not sure if you know the qualifications to be a member of society and to be a parent. Do you have a qualifications fact sheet?

You're pushing your opinion as a universal fact and speaking of something you know nothing about.

Does the above translate to: "I don't agree with you" or do I really don't know what I am talking about?

I could be wrong but it seems the womens journey from the 1950s to today hasn't reached the destination.

I am not the one in the 'mom, wife, work' quandry but I am the bad guy for recognizing it?

You are not a woman, and never will be.

Never say never.

Stop telling women what their place in society ought to be.

Respectfully I think they are still trying to find it.

If I find a genie lamp on the beach I'm going to use one of my wishes on you, and you can report back to us on how you like it. Then we'll all get a big laugh at your expense and tell you to deal with it because that's your place in society.

John, mega and FlyUAL just can't seem to debate the issue so you go for personal tactics.

I've told you before to quote each part of the post and address the issue. You guys are reading the post then attaching to your perception of it and then replying to your perception. Stick to the issue...

So in YOUR mind (there is no proof) the ability to take care of an infant has only one (ok, two) reasons.......breasts?!? You must be kidding me.

Again...quote my post so you can debate... here is what I said...

Do you want to debate a womens use of oxytocin and breast milk vs a man ability? Yes there is formula, breast pumping, etc... Call me every/any name in the book, I just think a woman can breast feed better than a man.

Going out on a limb here, but your kids weren't bottle fed, were they?

She did initially but the little one had digestive problems so we went to formula. But I think Breast milk is best. (I hope that is ok)

Did you BF or bottle?

What you have missed from every poster here is that no one is saying it's great to leave the children with strangers to go work when money isn't a factor. We are talking about women who want to go on a couple of trips a month and have stated that they will work opposite schedules with their husbands, if need be.

You had the luxury of having allot of control over your schedule. Aside from flying.. even the dual 9 to 5 career incomes is tough on kids.

Do you believe that the men of this world are such lousy caretakers that their children will be harmed for a lifetime over spending the weekend with Dad?

Not sure where you got this...obviously your perception of what I said seems to control your debate, since you won't quote my post. in fact I said if Mr. Mom works for families then great... I know my kids like it better when we are all together.. and thier behavior gets difficult when I leave on a trip.

No wonder your wife stays home, I would too. You likely to hurt one of them if she even goes to the grocery store alone.

Funny, I was at the grocery store the other day, doing the shopping.. If you had a plan view of my path thru the grocery store it would look like a Family Circus cartoon. And I just thought how quick you or mega could go thru a grocery store...never going back to an asile...
Sure Flyer, I see such a huge amount of men raising kids alone in certain "parts of the nation" just so he won't have to pay child support. It's pay to play in this country, he either has custody of the kids or he's paying child support. You say she'll have trouble getting visitation? Not likely. I don't think many men from your "part of the nation" are capable of raising children (that is the truth if we are to believe what you have been spewing).

Considering that the men in your "part of the nation" don't have the decency to support their own children, thanks for clarifying why it is important for women to remain in the workforce Flyer.

(I always thought the 'Bubbas' were creepy but you proved it)

Don't blame me, I had nothing to do with the above state laws and society. I don't judge people based on marriage w/ kids or kids out of wedlock. That is not my thing to judge. Unfortunately, state laws, and more so specific county laws is what sets the bar for situations like these. If anything, blame the people who voted in laws/rules like these. And blame lawyers here who aren't interested in taking up cases of women who had kids out of wedlock. They'll simply tell you they have 'other' cases and that they are 'too busy.'

Considering that the men in your "part of the nation" don't have the decency to support their own children, thanks for clarifying why it is important for women to remain in the workforce Flyer.

Careful what you spew. "My part of the nation" is great for the most part. I spoke about one particular county where I'm from, and another one very close by. Cities here are excellent for the most part. You can judge the men here, but a *few* places here are desolate, broken down, ghettos, etc.

I will tell you that there are MANY women here who have kids SIMPLY so their welfare checks can be higher. wtf? What kind of reason is that to have kids?


Stop telling women what their place in society ought to be. Respectfully I think they are still trying to find it.
I've thought long and hard about it, and I conclude that I concur with your statement of still trying to find it.
Ok, so I guess now we can't edit our own posts.

I meant:


Respectfully I think they are still trying to find it.

I've thought long and hard about it, and I conclude that I concur with your statement of still trying to find it.

*** The quote
And I find your replies on the topic self defeating and of resignation, but that is another thread..

Not sure if you know the qualifications to be a member of society and to be a parent. Do you have a qualifications fact sheet?

Does the above translate to: "I don't agree with you" or do I really don't know what I am talking about?

I could be wrong but it seems the womens journey from the 1950s to today hasn't reached the destination.

I am not the one in the 'mom, wife, work' quandry but I am the bad guy for recognizing it?

Never say never.

Respectfully I think they are still trying to find it.

John, mega and FlyUAL just can't seem to debate the issue so you go for personal tactics.

I've told you before to quote each part of the post and address the issue. You guys are reading the post then attaching to your perception of it and then replying to your perception. Stick to the issue...

Again...quote my post so you can debate... here is what I said...

She did initially but the little one had digestive problems so we went to formula. But I think Breast milk is best. (I hope that is ok)

Did you BF or bottle?

You had the luxury of having allot of control over your schedule. Aside from flying.. even the dual 9 to 5 career incomes is tough on kids.

Not sure where you got this...obviously your perception of what I said seems to control your debate, since you won't quote my post. in fact I said if Mr. Mom works for families then great... I know my kids like it better when we are all together.. and thier behavior gets difficult when I leave on a trip.

Funny, I was at the grocery store the other day, doing the shopping.. If you had a plan view of my path thru the grocery store it would look like a Family Circus cartoon. And I just thought how quick you or mega could go thru a grocery store...never going back to an asile...

You accuse us of making personal attacks?

John, mega and FlyUAL just can't seem to debate the issue so you go for personal tactics.

Hello, pot, meet the kettle.

This isn't a debate, it's you being ignorant and us calling you on it. Unfortunately, you're too arrogant and pig headed to even consider that YOU man be the one out of line. You're welcome to your opinions, but not all opinions were meant to be shared in public. Clearly, your impression of womens' place in society is on par with the men of Riyadh. That's fine, just don't get mad when some of us who are more enlightened disagree with you and don't take it personally. And don't think you're going to "win" a debate on it. Oh, and when I need a lesson on how to post to a message board, I'll be sure to ask.

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