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Two people in Aviation with Kids. Does it work?

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If you can't afford them, you don't have a right to have them.

While I can understand your sentiment, saying someone doesn't have a right to have a kid is something that really isn't "fair." In the same way it isn't "fair" if someone tells you that you shouldn't work if you have a baby. Personally, I think people should be able to do whatever they want. I just don't like it when a baby is born simply so a welfare check can be higher.

Also, you say there is a 50% my marriage will end in divorce....well then, why bother? Anyone that thinks two people that love eachother will be different as parents if they have an overpriced Saturday night ceremony and sign a piece of paper as opposed to not doing so has a screw loose.

I certainly hope I didn't say *your* marriage will end up in divorce, I only said that marriages [in our nation] have a divorce rate of 50%. I don't think you'll be different as a parent if you marry or not. You were talking about getting married in 2005, but have pushed that off since being hired at UPS. I only wish that you do what you truly love and want to do. If, in your heart, you truly want to get married, go for it, and don't let "the Brown" stop you.
After all, it's "What can Brown do for you?"
Well, Brown will let you get married, if you want to. :)

Uh, dude, I make 3 times what my fiancee does

Your fiancEE??? I had no idea you had a lesbian partner and that you were lesbian!
Mega, I love you. :blush:
1. While I can understand your sentiment, saying someone doesn't have a right to have a kid is something that really isn't "fair." In the same way it isn't "fair" if someone tells you that you shouldn't work if you have a baby. Personally, I think people should be able to do whatever they want.

2. You were talking about getting married in 2005, but have pushed that off since being hired at UPS. I only wish that you do what you truly love and want to do. If, in your heart, you truly want to get married, go for it, and don't let "the Brown" stop you.
After all, it's "What can Brown do for you?"
Well, Brown will let you get married, if you want to. :)

3. Your fiancEE??? I had no idea you had a lesbian partner and that you were lesbian!
Mega, I love you. :blush:

1. Well, there's a big difference there.....someone telling me I shouldn't work is not the same person paying my bills. If you can't afford kids and the taxpayers are footing the bill, DAMN STRAIGHT we have a say in it. I don't care how many kids someone has if they are paying for it. Do you also think it's not "fair" to kill a murderer with lethal injection? I think it's society being too nice actually.

2. Dude!!!!!!!!! For the last time people, I want to get married....I am not in a hurry though....and, uh, actually......now think about this one REALLLLY REALLY HARD.......Big Brown actually is preventing me from getting married. (Look up who they will and will not hire and you might figure it out).

3. Huh????
Rez...it's clear that you truly care about your kids and everyone else's and I think that's great.

Glad you can relate....

However, do you really think EVERY kid on meds has a 2 working parent household? Do you think there are no kids that are messed up that had mommy at home all the time? GMAFB!

I think the meds issue is a combination of many things: two parents working and thus providing less attention and time to their kids, a change in the school cirrculum which is now more geared towards girls. Recess, running, jumping, playing is not so common. Boys can't sit still as easily as girls. In addition, when girls were actually going quite well the political push was that girls were falling behind. So what's happend is boys actually got the short straw.

Finally, avialability, convienence and the drug companies pushing the drugs.... we've got non medical licensed school staff telling parents to medicate! WTFO!!

. I just don't like it when a baby is born simply so a welfare check can be higher.[/qoute]

This is done world wide out of survival. In third world countries, parents have kids, hoping for a boy (to put the child to work as an asset) and only to destroy the baby girl who will be liability. Very sickening but the reality of life in these parts of the world.

If we are going to chide the welfare mother in the USA for "gaming" the system because she lives in the richest country and has the ability to do better then we should also chide the hypermaterialism parents who medicate their kids because they don't "behave" properly, when all they need is time with Mom and Dad. AND Mom and Dad need to be more concerned with the school ciriculum instead of viewing school as daycare...

Your fiancEE??? I had no idea you had a lesbian partner and that you were lesbian!
Mega, I love you. :blush:

Yet another piece to the complexity puzzle that is Mega...:beer:
Wow. This is a sensative subject, but here is my 2 cents:

I am a mother of two young children and a pilot at a regional. My husband flies for the military. Having a little seniority helps keep things together on the homefront, but we BOTH understood BEFORE we had kids that we wanted to continue in our careers and be the best parents we could. Not easy, but we make it work because we are HAPPY with the choice we made and love our children.

1. It is not just MOM who should be a parent. IT'S MOM AND DAD. PERIOD. Some people on here seem to think it's OK for Daddy to be home only a few days a month but Mommy is obligated to stay at home once children arrive. NOT SO.

We do not and will never use our inlaws or other family as childcare. We had the kids, we will take care of the kids. We each work our schedules around their needs, where there's a will there's a way!

2. IT CAN BE DONE. It is very hard, but you just do it. You have to give 110% at home and at work. Makes for an exhausting life, but in a great way.

Why is it seemingly so socially acceptable for Dad to have a career and not mom? Is dad less of a parent because he is working? I don't read anything on here addressing that issue....

If parents wat to leave a career or put it on hold to be with their child 24/7 then that's fine. No one should say they can or can't. People should do whatever it is that feels right for their family, no doubt. But don't be an opinionized A-h0le and criticize a parent who wants to work and can balance it.

here's my two cents. with or without a flying spouse . mine works on the ground. has her hands full. i'll tell what saves a marriage. good hard sex when you come back from a trip. sat night i dove in head first. then sun morning vbefore church another romp on the corner of the bed. i wore my track shoes for extra thrust and control. she loved it , i loved it. it was a great day.

forget the psychobabble, you have to get ti on, or the flame will go out.
1. Well, there's a big difference there.....someone telling me I shouldn't work is not the same person paying my bills. If you can't afford kids and the taxpayers are footing the bill, DAMN STRAIGHT we have a say in it. I don't care how many kids someone has if they are paying for it. Do you also think it's not "fair" to kill a murderer with lethal injection? I think it's society being too nice actually.

Well, welfare is what sets this country apart from others, in that welfare takes care (or attempts to take care) of those people who are "unfortunate" in society. In other countries, like Rez pointed out, they are virtually SOL. There, people have kids simply to put them to work and survive as a family.

2. Dude!!!!!!!!! For the last time people, I want to get married....I am not in a hurry though....and, uh, actually......now think about this one REALLLLY REALLY HARD.......Big Brown actually is preventing me from getting married. (Look up who they will and will not hire and you might figure it out).

I must admit I do not know what's goin on in the above statement. Big brown preventing you from getting married, and look up who they will/won't hire? My understanding was you were already at the big Brown, and off probation. Any way, I'm so lost, I'll leave this one alone. Good luck either way, I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

3. Huh????

You had said "my fiancee." Your fiance would be your man, and your fiancee would be your woman. Right? Isn't that what it is, fiance for guy and fiancee for girl? So I was only pokin' fun at that slip you made (fiancee).:p
I think the meds issue is a combination of many things: two parents working and thus providing less

So, in other words, you are saying that no kids with mom at home are on meds? :confused:

I think doctors (or whoever) are waaay to quick to put kids on meds.
1. Well, welfare is what sets this country apart from others, in that welfare takes care (or attempts to take care) of those people who are "unfortunate" in society. In other countries, like Rez pointed out, they are virtually SOL. There, people have kids simply to put them to work and survive as a family.

2. I must admit I do not know what's goin on in the above statement. Big brown preventing you from getting married, and look up who they will/won't hire? My understanding was you were already at the big Brown, and off probation. Any way, I'm so lost, I'll leave this one alone. Good luck either way, I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

3. You had said "my fiancee." Your fiance would be your man, and your fiancee would be your woman. Right? Isn't that what it is, fiance for guy and fiancee for girl? So I was only pokin' fun at that slip you made (fiancee).:p

Uh, it's called LAZY AS F***, not "unfortunate". There is so much opportunity in this country and these people CHOOSE not to pursue it, leaving us to pay their way. If we are paying their way, they ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO JUST HAVE AS MANY KIDS AS THEY WANT. Let's not debate this one as you WILL NEVER CHANGE MY MIND about these people. I worked in an inner city ER for 8 years and saw the "unfortunate" with their hair and nails done, $100 Nike shoes on their 2 year old's feet, Louis Vuitton bags, $300 cell phones.....this country ENABLES laziness and punishes productive members of society. AAAARGHHH!
Let's not argue about this one because it's just one of those things that will always get on my nerves. My mom came here when she was 28 years old with a 5 year old from another country and NEVER went on welfare and owns her house outright. She went and took a few college courses for a certificate and makes about $20/hr (not too bad for a single mother immigrant that got no helping hand from the government). People that were born here should be ashamed of themselves getting an endless handout every month.........F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can just go on and on about this......

2. Yes, you are lost....it's a good thing you're not a Private Investigator. ;)

3. Oh, I don't know. I always assumed it was fianceE for either one. I'll look into that. :D
You're right. He's my fiance. I've been writing fiancee so long that fiance just doesn't look right.:0

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