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Two people in Aviation with Kids. Does it work?

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Just so you understand, I did ALL of the wifey stuff for years. You keep ignoring the fact that, as I have stated, that I rarely worked. I didn't work for the first 2.5 years of their lives and I never worked in the summer. I dropped almost all my trips but retained 'sanity' trips when I needed them which was very occasionally. So please don't try to imply that I didn't do my fair share of childrearing, because I did.

I didn't breastfeed because I have never seen a study that shows that children become smarter or healthier as adults if their mother breastfed them. I also had an epidural for the same reason. I'm not a martyr. If I was wrong, too late! I feel I gave up a lot of myself for the last 20 years for my kids but I can assure you, had my husband tried to force me, then bets would have been off. On the other hand, I wouldn't have changed it for anything, I love my kids and loved being there with them.

And for your question about my husband taking the kids to the grocery store so I could have a break. Are you kidding me???? Of course. Why shouldn't I be entitled to a break? I saw him pulling into the driveway from a trip and I was getting into my swimsuit to swim some laps (or whatever else I wanted to do without kids)..........the next few hours were all for ME!!!!!!

Nowadays I just make the kids get in the car and they go get the things we need (it's good to have your kids when you're young.) 44 and almost done!!!!!!! :beer:

Here's my advise, forget about all this forced slave labor (as some of the men on this board think women should be subjected to).......just get it done while you are young so you can enjoy your freedom while you still have your teeth.
Just so you understand, I did ALL of the wifey stuff for years. You keep ignoring the fact that, as I have stated, that I rarely worked. I didn't work for the first 2.5 years of their lives and I never worked in the summer. I dropped almost all my trips but retained 'sanity' trips when I needed them which was very occasionally. So please don't try to imply that I didn't do my fair share of childrearing, because I did.

Not implying at all.... as typical with the message boards, there is more in common than not and many argue the fine details only to realize that we agree...

I do think you had more luxury to drop trips and control your sched than many parents in any industry? No?

I didn't breastfeed because I have never seen a study that shows that children become smarter or healthier as adults if their mother breastfed them.

Maybe... I just think what nature serves has got to be better than a corporate food processing plant.. but maybe not...

I also had an epidural for the same reason. I'm not a martyr. If I was wrong, too late!

What is the deal with you women? An epidural is a sign of weakness? take the drug! You know men couldn't handle it and women died during childbirth for years in history...

I feel I gave up a lot of myself for the last 20 years for my kids but I can assure you, had my husband tried to force me, then bets would have been off.

A sacrifice we choose....

On the other hand, I wouldn't have changed it for anything, I love my kids and loved being there with them.

Now you are talking...

And for your question about my husband taking the kids to the grocery store so I could have a break. Are you kidding me???? Of course. Why shouldn't I be entitled to a break?

Entitled is a strong word .. but yeah...in our society you deserve one!

I saw him pulling into the driveway from a trip and I was getting into my swimsuit to swim some laps (or whatever else I wanted to do without kids)..........the next few hours were all for ME!!!!!!

out of the frying pan and into the fire for him...but you know this cause you flew trips too....

Nowadays I just make the kids get in the car and they go get the things we need (it's good to have your kids when you're young.) 44 and almost done!!!!!!! :beer:

Agreed! If the children aren't helping then they are hindering.. Child labor laws not apply in the household... give em chores!

Here's my advise, forget about all this forced slave labor (as some of the men on this board think women should be subjected to)

I think we all work to help each other...

.......just get it done while you are young so you can enjoy your freedom while you still have your teeth.

Might not happen for us.... but these are the choices we made!

Edit feature is gone: sorry

Clarify: I do realize that breastfeeding is better (especially for the husbands who get to sleep every night). The reason for my choice, I didn't find any studies that showed a difference in IQ of people who were breastfed vs those who were not. Therefore, he was getting up with the little ones as often as I was (luckily for him, he still flew....so he didn't have to do it as often anyway. Unluckily for him, I kept track and he made up for it on his days home. HA)

This is one of those threads that neither side will ever give up on. My kids turned out great as I'm sure yours will too. I honestly believe the single most important thing a baby/child needs is LOVE from their parents. I also believe that children learn what they see, a father should certainly respect his wife enough to understand that she has needs and time off. If that is hard for you to understand, perhaps it is time for some self reflection.
But if you're not married, with kids, and the unthinkable 'breakup' happens... then good luck with alimony, child custody rights, child visitation rights, etc.

The unfortnate reality in todays world is that even if you don't agree with the concept of marriage, marriage is a necessity for the protection of kids.

Uh, dude, I make 3 times what my fiancee does....I don't need child support or alimony. I think alimony is a bunch of bull $hit anyways. I can be screwed out of child support whether I am divorced or not but thanks for the, uh, "advice".

Also, you say there is a 50% my marriage will end in divorce....well then, why bother? Anyone that thinks two people that love eachother will be different as parents if they have an overpriced Saturday night ceremony and sign a piece of paper as opposed to not doing so has a screw loose.
Considering that the men in your "part of the nation" don't have the decency to support their own children, thanks for clarifying why it is important for women to remain in the workforce Flyer.

Nah, I think it's better to run around the court system trying to get alimony. Or, better yet, depend on your husband's life insurance in case something happens to him. :rolleyes:
John, mega and FlyUAL just can't seem to debate the issue so you go for personal tactics.


Uh, I don't need to debate the issue nor do I want to. It's not for you to tell me if I should or shouldn't work as a mother. It's up to me and I prefer it when people mind their own f***ing business....something you clearly cannot do.
I will tell you that there are MANY women here who have kids SIMPLY so their welfare checks can be higher. wtf? What kind of reason is that to have kids?

I agree with you there. One....fine...you made a mistake. Two....uh, no more money for you. Three...it's time for some mandatory birth control (I'd prefer hysterectomy but I'd probably seem a little evil). If you can't afford them, you don't have a right to have them. Teee heee.....can't wait to see what high and almighty Rez O. Lewshun has to say about this one. :laugh:
A 50% divorce rate and kids on meds is enlightened? Our current society of hypercomsumption and hypermaterialism, competitivness, lawsuit crazy, everyone vs everyone is ELIGHTENED!!???

Rez...it's clear that you truly care about your kids and everyone else's and I think that's great.
However, do you really think EVERY kid on meds has a 2 working parent household? Do you think there are no kids that are messed up that had mommy at home all the time? GMAFB!

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