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Two people in Aviation with Kids. Does it work?

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Mega, how long you been dating your BF? When is the wedding, if any?

Dated 2 years. Living together 5 years. Engaged 4 years. Together 6 years. The wedding was supposed to be in 05 but I got called to go to class at UPS so we cancelled it. It's on indefinite hold due to reasons that are kind of out of our control . (I'd rather not post it on here but it's not relationship issues or anything like that).
NO CLUE as to what you are getting at here.
People change yet take responsibility for your actions and don't blame the SOB for being an a$$?????? Who are you supposed to blame? Yourself? People change but it's all your fault that you didn't see it coming? No f***ing clue as to what in the world you are getting at here. All I see this is all the more reason to have a backup plan of your own so you don't have to stay with someone if they become that way. NEXT!!!!

2. I don't know what a female pilot is supposed to do. I never really worried about FAs as competition. I do know a few that slept with pilots and got themselves pregnant on purpose. Don't feel sorry for them or the dumba$$ that knocked them up.

3. That's right. Cheating males and females. Have you ever been to Clark? Where do you fly, Pleasantville?

4. I don't remember a lot of rumors about nurses and infidelity but women aren't angels either.


1) You are off radar coverage on whatever you two are talking about, so I will move on....

2) Sleeping around has nothing to do with "job title" but with Biology. Why, I have known FAs, teachers, female pilots, nurses, etc to sleep around. All females in these categories. It is not a "horny FA thing".

3) See 2

4) See 2, women are NOT angels. I have had more offers and "chances" SINCE I started wearing a wedding ring than ANYTIME before, all added up. I take my kids and my dear wife to her friends house, who pinches their cheeks, etc, and I later get a "surprise call" on my cell from her, letting me know to "give her a call" to "let her know how I am doing" (info easily obtained from my wife, her "friend") and that next time I drive to "ABC city", to "let her know, she would like to go with me to pick some things up"


4a) Women, biological creatures, with sexual needs, are just as bad if not worse than men. TRUST ME on this.
Dated 2 years. Living together 5 years. Engaged 4 years. Together 6 years. The wedding was supposed to be in 05 but I got called to go to class at UPS so we cancelled it. It's on indefinite hold due to reasons that are kind of out of our control . (I'd rather not post it on here but it's not relationship issues or anything like that).

Or, in other words, whether or not you get married to this guy is out of your control.

I suppose since 2005, there has been NO chance to marry this guy? (It was planned for 2005...).

We are not talking a wedding in Nevis. Go to the court, get it done. You love him right? 6 years? How long is "enough?" etc etc

stop lying to yourself and to him
2) Sleeping around has nothing to do with "job title" but with Biology. Why, I have known FAs, teachers, female pilots, nurses, etc to sleep around. All females in these categories. It is not a "horny FA thing".

4a) Women, biological creatures, with sexual needs, are just as bad if not worse than men. TRUST ME on this.

2. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

4a. Well, my honey and I have debates on this too. He thinks women are worse, I think men are worse. Let's agree that there are men and women that cheat. I would think you would agree with me that it's wrong.
can't edit on FI anymore?

Dated 2 years. Living together 5 years. Engaged 4 years. Together 6 years. The wedding was supposed to be in 05 but I got called to go to class at UPS so we cancelled it. It's on indefinite hold due to reasons that are kind of out of our control . (I'd rather not post it on here but it's not relationship issues or anything like that).

i guess we can't edit anymore.

Lets rephrase the above, but repackaged in "reality format" (you of your own admission are a realist)

1. Indefinite Hold? That is nice talk to help you sleep at night. The wedding is CANCELLED.
2. Sadly, for unknown reasons, you had no input or influence on your own wedding.
3. Nobody would have concluded "relationship issues" but since you said it first, I think it is. Two people do not get engaged, set a wedding, then cancel it, and not have "relationship issues" as a portion of the cancellation package.
4. Going to class at UPS, a major achievement (congrats, now lets maybe get some of your aviation success to bleed into your personal life), is reason to get married, to celebrate, "I made it", etc. "No more eating Ramen soup, living on CFI pay" etc. Getting hired at UPS is the antithesis of a reason to CANCEL a wedding. Re-set the date, ok. CANCEL IT? By the way, since you stated that you cancelled it, own up to it, and stop using "indefinite hold." That is wishy-washy talk, more delusions that are not helping you two.
2. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

4a. Well, my honey and I have debates on this too. He thinks women are worse, I think men are worse. Let's agree that there are men and women that cheat. I would think you would agree with me that it's wrong.

It is wrong, yes. The attractant is the risk. Sex is sex. Close your eyes with your husband, and he can be Brad Pitt (try it). Sex is a mechanical process.

However, put risk, emotion, playfulness, etc, into the picture and you have the makings of affairs, cheating, etc.

I have never known a women (or man) who cheated who just bumped into a person on the bus, boom, lets have sex, ok we are done, hey see ya. Never

I have seen in every case a systematic cultivation of risk, attraction, danger, etc, resulting in the main event.

Women cheat out of emotion and to fill a void, physical and or emotional. To feel wanted, to feel protected. I have never met any confident, non-lonely, self-fulfilled women, who were out cheating. Not one. Women cheat because they are looking for something. They also cheat to "get back" at someone.

Men cheat to get laid, and thats about it.

(99% of the time....)
Please mind your own business. Thank you.

i guess we can't edit anymore.

Lets rephrase the above, but repackaged in "reality format" (you of your own admission are a realist)

1. Indefinite Hold? That is nice talk to help you sleep at night. The wedding is CANCELLED.
2. Sadly, for unknown reasons, you had no input or influence on your own wedding.
3. Nobody would have concluded "relationship issues" but since you said it first, I think it is. Two people do not get engaged, set a wedding, then cancel it, and not have "relationship issues" as a portion of the cancellation package.
4. Going to class at UPS, a major achievement (congrats, now lets maybe get some of your aviation success to bleed into your personal life), is reason to get married, to celebrate, "I made it", etc. "No more eating Ramen soup, living on CFI pay" etc. Getting hired at UPS is the antithesis of a reason to CANCEL a wedding. Re-set the date, ok. CANCEL IT? By the way, since you stated that you cancelled it, own up to it, and stop using "indefinite hold." That is wishy-washy talk, more delusions that are not helping you two.

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