Timebuilder said:As a past member of several unions, I have to agree with Aeroboy. Why should a pilot pays dues to ALPA at Comair, and have the union he is funding then act against his interests? Compound this with the fact that the Comair ALPA membership has no seat at scope negotiations when bargaining with a company that owns BOTH airlines? HELLO?????
I'd be suing my union for failing to negotiate on my behalf. This could be a violation of the union's certification under federal law.
ALPA is being called on the carpet for being the servant of two masters: Mathew 6:24 ....No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
I'm certain that there are many nuances, policies and prejudices at work here that I am unfamiliar with. I'm speaking not as an airline pilot, manager, or other principal, but as a party with a long-term interest, and a background in union activity.
Clearly, this needs to be fixed. If there were not an RJDC, how would this fixing be accomplished?
You say you want to fly for an airline. Then you say you support the RJDC's efforts. These are incompatible. If the RJDC wins, it will greatly eliminate jobs at the mainline carriers. The regionals will quickly become growth limited by the economics of the RJ (high seat mile costs) and nobody will be hiring for a long time.
If this effort passes you will be on the outside looking in for a long, long time. Also, the Airline Pilots Association will no longer exist (will be bankrupted by the $100,000,000 lawsuit) and nobody will be there to fight for safety, benefits, and working conditions.
Is that the industry you want so badly to be a part of?