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SWA/Airtran Process Agreement??

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Just read it, and it appears there is one, but Westjet still only flies to one of our hubs, LAX, only. No ATL, no JFK, no DTW, no MSP. So, if they don't go to any hub except one smaller one, how are they taking our flying? They may allow connections to places we will never go, like Yellowknife or Moncton, but not much else. And that article states SWA terminated their own talks when they learned Westjet was more interested in DL. Sour grapes??

Just read it, and it appears there is one, but Westjet still only flies to one of our hubs, LAX, only. No ATL, no JFK, no DTW, no MSP. So, if they don't go to any hub except one smaller one, how are they taking our flying? They may allow connections to places we will never go, like Yellowknife or Moncton, but not much else. And that article states SWA terminated their own talks when they learned Westjet was more interested in DL. Sour grapes??


Just a matter of time before they come to DTW, MSP, and ATL.

Southwest will do Canada on their own. No need to codeshare, and will run more cargo than Westjet would have anyway.

As far as management is concerned, what's the percentage of aircraft that Delta owns outright? Maybe all leases?

I'll take Delta Airlines for 1000 please Slaq.[/

Really? I thought AA just did one with them.


OY6 what Delta do you work for? My friends that work for DAL w/ HQ in ATL complain all the time of there work rules, rigs for pay,PBS ect. , and and how poor they are. The average SWA guy gets 18 days off a month. Last month I had only 14 days off and did 195 trips. You do the math. :)
"WE CAN'T TELL TRANNY WHAT TO DO, CUS WE DON'T OWN THEM." SWAPA does NOT own them. Your management will after the merger is complete, but SWAPA isn't losing a dime, and AT pilots don't owe you guys anything. Take the SLI to arbitration, and someone outside the box will figure out what is fair. Thanks for making my point. YOU DON'T OWN THE TRANNIES.


I'm not sure you get. AirTran will never have the numbers to make a meaningful difference in any vote. They will fly the 717's predominantly and the SWAPA pilot will determine the pay rates and work rules on that airframe for the rest of the Trannies careers if Gary ever combines the operations.

This is a fact you can't change.
Billy you better watch what ya wish for.....Gary Kelly has said he is looking for a 100-130 pax aircraft in the near future. Not a wise "vision" to hope for a B-scale. You should never dangle a carrot like that in front of management, even if SW management has historically been much different. Then again my post in response to your post probably gets your rocks off.....You are 100% incorrect and your solutions yield the worst culture. It is amazing that any pilot would support a B-scale or even the idea of a regional airline with the same size equipment. Though your posts are just your way of getting off...Then again I can be an azz and admittingly I understand that it can be fun. I look forward to contributing to the success of Southwest. In 10 days we will have the same Daddy....just cause i'm the step-kid doesn't mean he should abuse me. =)
Baghdad Billy is pissed because he got back from his trip, and there was a new Harley parked in his driveway, with a big a on the gas tank. :laugh:

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