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SWA/AAI and the flight deck jumpseat

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Some of you guys crack me up. No past merger between healthy carriers has EVER resulted in yanking Captains out of their seats and upgrading hundreds of FO's to take those seats. Not a one. This merger will be no different, and anyone telling you otherwise is full of it.

Uhhh....... Southwest last acquisition involved stapling and downgrades......[/QUOTE]

That was a "Rape", not a merger.

Glad you're proud of it.
I don't think the courts care about respective payscales, the merged airline will have everyone on the same one. It's the position that counts. Just like what Fubijacker said.

Career expectations, of which pay is a big player, will most certainly be considered by an arbitrator.
Career expectations, of which pay is a big player, will most certainly be considered by an arbitrator.

We had a Frontier guy on our jumpseat recently. He had their IMSL on his Ipad. There was a Republic guy who was born in 1987, one number above a Frontier guy who was hired in 1987.

It was pretty appalling. I think we can agree on that.
We had a Frontier guy on our jumpseat recently. He had their IMSL on his Ipad. There was a Republic guy who was born in 1987, one number above a Frontier guy who was hired in 1987.

It was pretty appalling. I think we can agree on that.

Definitely. That's the reason most of us are so concerned about this acquisition. They have historically not gone well for the pilots involved. You guys have the potential to get screwed out of some seniority, but that's tempered (or should be) by the considerable gains afforded by our contract.

We have the potential to get screwed out of some seniority.
We had a Frontier guy on our jumpseat recently. He had their IMSL on his Ipad. There was a Republic guy who was born in 1987, one number above a Frontier guy who was hired in 1987.

Ummmm..... no. No you didn't, and no there wasn't.

Where to begin..... *sigh*

First of all, F9 didn't exist in 1987. So, certainly there is no pilot with a 1987 hire date. But even if there was, it would be safe to assume that he/she would be a captain, and a senior one at that.

All the F9 captains were blended with the top 650 republic guys. So, your 24 year old republic guy (born 1987) would have to have been hired at (just some rough math here)......The age of about 13!

So, ugly situation, yes. But your story, or at least the list that guy showed you, not even close to being true.
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Ummmm..... no. No you didn't, and no there wasn't.

Where to begin..... *sigh*

First of all, F9 didn't exist in 1987. So, certainly there is no pilot with a 1987 hire date. But even if there was, it would be safe to assume that he/she would be a captain, and a senior one at that.

All the F9 captains were blended with the top 650 republic guys.
So, your 24 year old republic guy (born 1987) would have to have been hired at (just some rough math here)......The age of about 13!

So, ugly situation, yes. But your story, or at least the list that guy showed you, not even close to being true.

In that case apologies. I glanced down at the list and took him at his word. Maybe I screwed up the years. Hire date and birth date were definitely featured. Maybe the guy was nuts. Who knows.

We were just above minimums and I was trying to hand fly a CAT3 ILS. The FO was screaming something about "terrain" which was distracting me from the Ipad and our conversation about seniority :D

Certainly an interesting result for the F9 Captains.
At the risk of starting a fire I'll just make one comment.

It pisses you guys off when we explain to you how good of a deal you inherited and that fair and equitable goes both ways.

That's NOT a flame. I'm NOT looking to start a fight. It's simply an observation after reading/listening for the past 8+ months.


This has to be the most boneheaded statement I've seen. Idiotic too. It's what's wrong with airline pilots in this day and age. It's why we continue to backslide. I've enjoyed Guppy's posts over the years but now know he's a shortsighted, egomaniac whore of a pilot. Good God. We deserve to to suck hind tit with this kind of thinking. I'm not an Airtran or SWA guy. I'll think twice before being as courteous as I've been.
I see nothing but truth based on fact in what Gup says. No flame, no bashing.

Why is that idiotic, shortsighted, ego-maniacal?

Just wondering and thinking "thou doth protest to much".
This has to be the most boneheaded statement I've seen. Idiotic too. It's what's wrong with airline pilots in this day and age. It's why we continue to backslide. I've enjoyed Guppy's posts over the years but now know he's a shortsighted, egomaniac whore of a pilot. Good God. We deserve to to suck hind tit with this kind of thinking. I'm not an Airtran or SWA guy. I'll think twice before being as courteous as I've been.

So you're telling me that if Delta bought Virgin America that relative seniority would be the way to go?

Southwest and Airtran is NOT an apples to apples comparison. It's not about the size of the jet, it's about the ENTIRETY of the companies/contracts as a whole.


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