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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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if a strike does happen, i'm about 90% sure the company is not going to budge.

and i'm also pretty sure you guys may lose your jobs...

if that does happen, and you're out on the street, would you regret it?

what would you do???

It sure does seem they want us to Strike.
What would I do? Fly for somebody else.
sorry guys, very very doubtful the company will budge.

if you go on strike, and if the company cans you, don't think that makes you eligible for unemployment.

i would beg everyone to reconsider... but it'll just fall on deaf ears.

best of luck to you all... flame on
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q: am i management?
a: no, i'm on the other end of the company triange, w/ salary less than almost all the crewmembers

q: why won't the union allow a 3rd party investigation of other fractional companies?
a: because the union wants us to look at the 3 or 4 airplane companies, not flex jet, CS, or FlightOptions. sure we can give you the same pay as the small time companies, but doing so would mean the owners would pretty much own you as well.

q: so why don't NJA, FJ, CS, and FO crewmembers make as much as the small time guys?
a: simple: because a very small handfull of people in their "casino" handle catering, travel, IFP, owner services, crew services, helpdesk and technology, schedule planning, crew planning, MX control, pager support, quality control, people department, cheif pilots (never ACP's), security, and of course, scheduling... not a couple thousand... most of these departments are rolled into 2 or 3 people. the more complex the operations get, the more people you need to have, while at the same time providing a competitive and attractive price to the owner.

q: besides management, who makes the most money at NJA?
a: helpdesk... by far

i wish it was different, but the larger the fractional company gets, the more walmart-like it becomes... seems to be the general trend anyway

edit: before you flame me, please see words depicted in bold... thx :)
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I hate to see anyone strike especially a fellow pilot but some one has to set an example and raise the bar for what they deserve professional salaries for professionals. We all bust our a$$es and spend to much money on getting were we are today.We can'taccept Mcdonalds wages for a profession that puts peoples lives and well being in our hands on a daily basis. They wouldn't like to think there doctor is making the same as the guy making fries when he's/she is on relying on medical treatment that might affect there life. Good luck guys I wish you the best.
Crossing picket line does not have to mean the death of a career

Crossing picket line does not have to mean the death of a career. There are exceptions, look at the CAL guys from 1983. Yes they may be refereed to a scabs, but they had a complete career as a major airline pilot, pay, benefits, and retirement. As stated above this is new strike territory, the outcome is not known. I elected not cross that line in 1983, because my ALPA buddies in my reserve outfit told me if I did that I would branded a scab and end up working for some non-sked at Willow Run. Here I am at YIP, and the guys who crossed had a great career.
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Yes the pilots may deserve it, but that is not the question. BH has a target rate of return, if the company can not produce that rate of return, Bh does not need that company. Like I said before this is uncharted waters and no one knows where the sand bars are.
Pay attention.

There is currently a boom in business aviation. There are jobs for pilots typed with thousands of hours in the most popular business jets on the market.

I fly for MONEY not because I like to. This is not a hobby.

Those 1983 linecrossers will burn in Hell when they die. You will be going to Heaven.
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Oh! I feel so good I have been blessed by an A-4, late model at that

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