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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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Hey Guys,
Interesting discussion going on here. I have no axe to grind, not employed by NJA, though I was interviewed for a dX position recently, it sounds like it might have been a blessing to have not been selected...but I have a few questions.

With so many qualified pilots in the market, especially down south, if you guys do go on strike, what is to stop these other folks from filling in your spots? Would they be looked at as scabs down the road if they applied for airline jobs? would they care anymore in this day and age of pi$$ poor pay in the regional levels....

I can think of regional captains as well as Cargo Capts that dont make $86K a year....dont get me wrong, I believe all licensed aviators should be paid what their worth...God knows I feel this way about 121 dispatching....it sucks to be jointly responsible for $13 bucks an hour...but I degress, We all know the salary bar is dropping in the airline world everyday, i.e. Delta's addition of Mesa airlines into the connection family. These are all strategic moves designed to ward off future salary increases by their respective unions....

So what makes the NJA pilots feel they should be successful in earning 2 1/2 times the industry salaries when the NJA management knows they would have lines of pilots waiting to earn your salaries...

As for the NJA dispatchers, well I know when I interviewed there I was concerned about a fleet shut down that would put me on the street, I dont see anything changing that concern....

Good luck, maybe I just dont understand all the issuies for you pilots folk, but from an Airline guys stand point, it looks like you all have been doing pretty well already..

JMHO mind you.
YR 1 36K 27K
YR 2 40K 28K
YR 3 47K 29K
YR 4 56K 30K
YR 5 60K 32K
YR 8 70K 32K
YR 12 88K 32K

You have to stay there at while to get the $70K to $90K mentioned before. Source Airline Pilot Central rounded to a yearly wage.
So what makes the NJA pilots feel they should be successful in earning 2 1/2 times the industry salaries when the NJA management knows they would have lines of pilots waiting to earn your salaries...
Just curious where you came up with 2 1/2 times industry salaries?

We all know the salary bar is dropping in the airline world everyday
NJA isn't an airline, and I would have to disagree with your statement. SWA pilots are doing just fine.
Can someone tell me what toys you can buy making $30K.How do you guys even afford a house.To all the Netjet pilots don't settle for anything less get what you want you deserve it.
if a strike does happen, i'm about 90% sure the company is not going to budge.

and i'm also pretty sure you guys may lose your jobs...

if that does happen, and you're out on the street, would you regret it?

what would you do???

put it this way, when they were building the golden gate bridge during the great depression, the unemployed would sit and wait for workers to fall and die... that's kind of how i feel if you guys go on strike... I'm not saying you're going to die, but i'm almost positive that you will end up on the street...

i'm also concerned that NJA has turned into a bad investment to BH shareholders... WB may cut his losses and sell... word around the flight center... even heard it from an ACP. Check out BRK stocks... FEB 20th, it fell from a high of 92k a share...

right now: 83,999.90. 9% loss in less than 3 months...

-concerned pilot employed by NJA as a temp desk jockey while i dig myself out of thousands in credit card debt for a useless MEI...
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<<My friend who has worked for COEX for 5 years is making 31k as an SIC... He can't wait to come aboard...>>

I guess, Dispatcher, you have never worked for a union. As your COEX friend has, I'm sure they will not be crossing a picket line. Ask any pilot, it's the death of your career. Yes, we are all ready with our resumes. Heck, I can work at Costco and get by the same as my pilot wages. Add in not paying much for health insurance and being home every night, it's more than doable. The NJA pilots are unified in the same thoughts and their actions with a strike vote will show this. It's going to be bumpy ride for all of us.
What a shame you edited your post while I was responding. Guess you rethought the COEX friend comment. Don't worry about us pilots. We can get jobs doing just about anything.
jpilot said:
What a shame you edited your post while I was responding. Guess you rethought the COEX friend comment. Don't worry about us pilots. We can get jobs doing just about anything.

lol yeah sorry, i did... he hates coex, and loves NJA

but yeah, my buddy has worked at coex for 5 years and makes 31k a year... he can't wait to come aboard

[see my previous golden gate example]
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IFlyOU said:
if a strike does happen, i'm about 90% sure the company is not going to budge.

I'll put my money on the other 10%- Fact: no bucks, no Buck Rogers for our owners, they will seek blood from shamtulli's and buffett's hide!

and i'm also pretty sure you guys may lose your jobs...

I'd rather walk a picket line than work on my knees any more!

if that does happen, and you're out on the street, would you regret it?

Would I regret being home with the wife and kids and work a regular job making more than what Nutjets is currently paying? HELL NO!

what would you do???

We fly the richest most powerful people in the world, who, by the way, are being told by the company that we pay $x amount only to have the money skimmed off our paychecks to front higher wages for our non-union pilots at other divisions that are losing money. How about our expansion into China and South America? who do think is going to pay for that? how about NetJets Europe? NetJets Middle East? NetJets Russia? Just where do you think the money has come from? I'll tell you-From the sweat off of my back and the backs of my brothers and sisters.

put it this way, when they were building the golden gate bridge during the great depression, the unemployed would sit and wait for workers to fall and die... that's kind of how i feel if you guys go on strike... I'm not saying you're going to die, but i'm almost positive that you will end up on the street...

Sorry, we are not 200 pilots anymore, there is no way in hell to replace 2300 pilots overnight, not even happining in a year!

i'm also concerned that NJA has turned into a bad investment to BH shareholders... WB may cut his losses and sell... word around the flight center... even heard it from an ACP. Check out BRK stocks... FEB 20th, it fell from a high of 92k a share...

I guess you missed the SEC report the company filed, in the last year we made almost an aditional $billion dollars, Total $3.42 billion! Your drinking the company kool-aid!

right now: 83,999.90. 9% loss in less than 3 months...

So your trying to tell me that WE, NJA brought shares of BRK down?? Your drinking the kool-aid again!

-concerned pilot employed by NJA as a temp desk jockey while i dig myself out of thousands in credit card debt for a useless MEI...

It's only useless if you don't use it! I think you have answered your own question!

WB bought NJA and paid a 3/4 of a billion dollars for it ( you bought a MEI) the company has, since WB bought us, spent close to $6 billion throughout the entire system (you continue to work in order to pay for your credit card debt) WB's NetJets and aviation division made $3.42 billion last year, it would be prudent to say that by this time next year revs could reach $5 billion at current trends. Now with that said why would WB want to sell a cash cow? Knowing that you have a MEI and could use it to generate money for yourself would you really consider selling, or giving back to the FAA your MEI? I don't think so.

Strikes on my friend!

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