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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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My prediction is that within a year or two he will looking to dispose of the branded side of the operation (Frontier) and return to what he understands, i.e. subcontracting. He's operating in shark infested waters now; AirTran and SWA aren't going to give him any breathing room so he can learn to operate an actual airline. He is going to squander the profits from the FFD side of the operation to fund losses on the branded side. I think we will be looking at a sale, merger, spinoff or bankruptcy of Frontier at some point. The troubles are just beginning for this guy, he's in way over his head.

Of course, I hope you are wrong, but I do see alot of reality in your prediction. Consider this too. There Will be other regionals that start to do the same thing.
Of course, I hope you are wrong, but I do see alot of reality in your prediction. Consider this too. There Will be other regionals that start to do the same thing.

In this market? With this last merger announcement and the positive outcome of the dal/nwa conglomerate why would you think that? Stick to what you know or can prove!
The Earth wasn't created in seven days and is not three thousand years old thumper! Don't be too fanatical either it makes you a hypocrite, d!psh!t !
You forgot fat, white, smoker and bald. In addition usually homophobic but secretly has a same sex relationship. Extremely outspoken about taxes though you pick and choose when and which you pay. Which amounts to little and rarely. Complain consistently about fuel prices but you drive a Suburban around though you have no wife, children or passengers in your vehicle except for that occasional secret fella I mentioned previously. Complain about drug users though you are addicted to nicotine, caffeine, sucrose, deep fried food and alcohol.


Don't forget porn.............
In this market? With this last merger announcement and the positive outcome of the dal/nwa conglomerate why would you think that? Stick to what you know or can prove!
The Earth wasn't created in seven days and is not three thousand years old thumper! Don't be too fanatical either it makes you a hypocrite, d!psh!t !

lol Dip********************? Lighten up Francis! lol These comments would never be made face to face. Amazing how kids act on message boards.
Bedford has become rich from taking advantage of other people.

It's sad to see how many of his employees think he is the best thing since sliced bread. This guy reminds me of another airline CEO, Lorenzo. You guys better wake up, or you will be the next Midwest!
Do you really want to risk your salvation by taking cheap shots at God? At least you spelt God with a capital G so I guess I can give you that. What is it exactly that you have against God? For that matter, what is it you have against BB? You hate him for? If you insist on hating people, focus your energy on the Expressjet operation that undercut others to fly.

Ha ha ... Speaking of undercutting..... You should look in the mirror sir. Get off you're high horse while your at it, some shady ******************** going on over there with that E190. Oh yeah God Bless You. Praise 6lb 8 ounce Baby Jesus.
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Cheap yes, as all regionals are. That's why airlines go with these companies. Cheapest? Uh no. I believe there are a good amount of same seat airplanes flying around with a much worse contract. Your argument would suggest any 76 seat airplane would be included in your statement, but you forget that it is because of ALL regional airlines that the industry is the way it is. That includes 50 seaters! Expressjet anyone? I wish those mainliners would have held onto scope. We would all be in better shape.

Who else flies 100...er...99 seat airplanes for Republic rates/work rules?
But that is the biggest plane they have. I am not defending them. Someone asked a question and I would not say US has better rates. Both are extremely bad.

CA $64-119 $79-95
FO $23-37 $41-52

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