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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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The 717s were scheduled to go away and be replaced by E190s if only Midwest pilots would accept massive paycuts. While we Midwest pilots were trying to hold up our mainline payscale, RAH pilots came in and cut our legs out from under us. I believe the term is used too often and too carelessly, but while they don't meet the strict definition of scabs, the end result was exactly the same...
As likeitis indicated, RAH was already doing a good deal of our flying when the 717 replacement plans were made. Many of our pilots were already on the street and we were promised all these new growth airplanes if only we'd take paycuts.
I'm finding it hard to follow what you're trying to say, but since you seem to be late to the party, here are the facts:

1. Midwest's MD80s were taken out of service when the fuel prices spiked in 2008-2009.
2. Midwest's B717s were configured for 99 passengers.
3. Midwest's management demanded massive paycuts (to Republic's payrates).
4. The Midwest pilots said "He!! no."
5. Republic pilots said "We'll fly 99 seat airplanes (E190s) for the rates Midwest management has proposed."
6. Midwest management said, "Sweet, that's alot easier than negotiating with our own pilots!"
7. The Republic pilots all hold hands and say "It's not our fault, really, it's not. Please ignore the fact that we completely destroyed any chance for Midwest pilots to negotiate a reasonable payscale that is in line with industry standard (and keep their jobs) and that we have collectively lowered the bar for the entire industry." and "Don't blame us, blame management." and "We need to put food on our table." and countless other similar stupid statements.
8. All 400 Midwest pilots were laid off.
9. Midwest pilots are rightfully p!ssed off, as every narrowbody pilot in the industry should be.

The simple fact is that if Republic hadn't had such ridiculously low 99-seat payrates, neither company would be in this situation.

These reasons given were very interesting. Can anyone at all try to guess if Midwest would've still been around today without republic dipping their dirty hands in yx business?
Would the pilots saying no to pay cuts have made it the end for yx? Pilots seem to have a lot of control, and no control of an airline, at the same time.
Midwest wouldn't be any more gone than it currently is - and the pilots couldn't be anymore unemployed - so I can't identify a single benefit of this fiasco for any Midwest pilots.

Upon further review, I guess we can all get recalled to jerk gear for crappy regional wages in a mainline airplane for the morons that took our jobs. YIPPEEE!!!
Correct me if i'm wrong, but weren't those 717's scheduled to go away long before Rah even came into the picture?

No. 400 pilots would bet you the 80's are the same answer to.
These reasons given were very interesting. Can anyone at all try to guess if Midwest would've still been around today without republic dipping their dirty hands in yx business?
Would the pilots saying no to pay cuts have made it the end for yx? Pilots seem to have a lot of control, and no control of an airline, at the same time.

They lasted 25 years and I suspect they would've lasted here also. TH wanted an out, held out for the most money, and made out well for himself. His legacy was tarnished, but he couldn't care less. TPG dismantled the airline from the get go and hindsight being 20/20 a lot could have changed.

400 mainline pay scale jobs down the toilet with Frontier soon to follow as those Airbii will be replaced with cheaper 130 seat Canadairs.
The 717s were scheduled to go away and be replaced by E190s if only Midwest pilots would accept massive paycuts. While we Midwest pilots were trying to hold up our mainline payscale, RAH pilots came in and cut our legs out from under us. I believe the term is used too often and too carelessly, but while they don't meet the strict definition of scabs, the end result was exactly the same...

Wooo eeee ! Looka here,boys ! A gen-u-wine Internet Tough Guy ! I'll bet you don't have the stones to say that scab comment to anybodys face.You didn't even have the guts to shut down your own airline,you just rolled over and took it .So what do you do? Get on the internet and whine about it.And you expected RAH pilots to do what,exactly ? Not show up for work ? Refuse the trips ? You didn't even do THAT ! You worked until the last day,like TH and BB wanted.So take your woe-is-me crap somewhere else and maybe somebody will give a crap.
Wooo eeee ! Looka here,boys ! A gen-u-wine Internet Tough Guy ! I'll bet you don't have the stones to say that scab comment to anybodys face.You didn't even have the guts to shut down your own airline,you just rolled over and took it .So what do you do? Get on the internet and whine about it.And you expected RAH pilots to do what,exactly ? Not show up for work ? Refuse the trips ? You didn't even do THAT ! You worked until the last day,like TH and BB wanted.So take your woe-is-me crap somewhere else and maybe somebody will give a crap.

I have said the same thing to Republic pilots' faces and will continue to because the facts are on my side. I would be glad to say the same thing to your face if you'd like to have a beer (I'll even buy) and a civil discussion - just PM me next time you'll be flying your E190 into MCI and I'll be glad to meet you there.

For your thoughtful consideration - why do unions hate scabs? Because workers crossing a picket line take away the union's negotiating power. What effect did Republic have on Midwest Airlines? You took away our negotiating power (before the buyout). Do you see any similarities?

FYI - I wasn't there at the end, in fact I was furloughed pretty early-on, so I had nothing to do with the end-game at Midwest. However, I know that the until the buyout, the union was still doing everything in their power to negotiate E190 rates that would allow them to go onto our certificate as originally planned. There was no incentive for Midwest management to negotiate with us because they always had you as a backup plan. We can disagree about everyhing else, but YOU HAVE TO AT LEAST ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU DESTROYED ANY CHANCE FOR US TO NEGOTIATE A REASONABLE CONTRACT!
Wooo eeee ! Looka here,boys ! A gen-u-wine Internet Tough Guy ! I'll bet you don't have the stones to say that scab comment to anybodys face.You didn't even have the guts to shut down your own airline,you just rolled over and took it .So what do you do? Get on the internet and whine about it.And you expected RAH pilots to do what,exactly ? Not show up for work ? Refuse the trips ? You didn't even do THAT ! You worked until the last day,like TH and BB wanted.So take your woe-is-me crap somewhere else and maybe somebody will give a crap.

Upon re-reading my post and yours, I find it hard to believe YOU are calling ME an "Internet Tough Guy". Explain to me where, in the post you quoted, I say anything inflammatory, derogatory or untrue.

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