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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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I pray as part of the integration some Midwest CA's get in as CA's and you have to fly with CA Savall. I pray, pray, pray to Bedford's Jesus for this to happen. Study those systems boys!

As a Captain with over 10 years seniority-pray on.I also pray you'll be snatching my gear.That would be suh-weeet !Here's to a nice staple job ! At least for you,anyway.
As a Captain with over 10 years seniority-pray on.I also pray you'll be snatching my gear.That would be suh-weeet !Here's to a nice staple job ! At least for you,anyway.

HAHAHAHA!!! You have over 10 years seniority?! At Republic?! You just told us a two things that you probably wanted to keep secret.

1. You couldn't get a job at a decent carrier during a time when EVERYONE was hiring (Northwest, Southwest, JetBlue, AirTran, Midwest, I could keep going, but I hope you get the point)- and they weren't exactly requiring space shuttle command experience as qualifications. I had 2700 TT and no airline experience when I got hired at Midwest...

2. Obviously you DO have wet dreams about Frontier 'Buses, because it's the closest you're EVER going to get to a real mainline airplane.

Seriously, if you couldn't get hired in 2007 there is something wrong with you!! And if you CHOSE to stay at REPUBLIC, there is something even more wrong with you!!!
I pray as part of the integration some Midwest CA's get in as CA's and you have to fly with CA Savall. I pray, pray, pray to Bedford's Jesus for this to happen. Study those systems boys!

I'll never forget the phone call from GB after his first trip off IOE with Savall when he just said "WTF just happened?!" I couldn't help but chuckle - even though I felt bad for him. Who would have thought a normal trip could be more grueling than the sim?
HAHAHAHA!!! You have over 10 years seniority?! At Republic?! You just told us a two things that you probably wanted to keep secret.

1. You couldn't get a job at a decent carrier during a time when EVERYONE was hiring (Northwest, Southwest, JetBlue, AirTran, Midwest, I could keep going, but I hope you get the point)- and they weren't exactly requiring space shuttle command experience as qualifications. I had 2700 TT and no airline experience when I got hired at Midwest...

2. Obviously you DO have wet dreams about Frontier 'Buses, because it's the closest you're EVER going to get to a real mainline airplane.

Seriously, if you couldn't get hired in 2007 there is something wrong with you!! And if you CHOSE to stay at REPUBLIC, there is something even more wrong with you!!!

That is ironic coming from a bitter YX lifer.What's YOUR excuse for not getting hired at a REAL airline ? I guess YX was YOUR dream airline ,eh Sparky ? That was the BEST you could do ? Nope,no desire to fly the 'Bus in Denver.Enjoy your gubment cheese.
Yeah, Midwest was just a terrible place to work - mainline jets for mainline pay, and living in KC I got to sleep in my own bed most nights. It was just awful...

The funny thing is, two weeks after I got furloughed I started at NetJets. First year pay was around $70K and I flew 75 hours. Another crappy job...

As for the gubment cheese comment, I'm doing just fine so don't worry yourslef too much about me...
I'll never forget the phone call from GB after his first trip off IOE with Savall when he just said "WTF just happened?!" I couldn't help but chuckle - even though I felt bad for him. Who would have thought a normal trip could be more grueling than the sim?

No offense to this Savall guy. But if someone attempts to run their own private little training/testing/hazing program on the flight deck, they will not be a captain here for long.
No offense to this Savall guy. But if someone attempts to run their own private little training/testing/hazing program on the flight deck, they will not be a captain here for long.

Disclaimer: I have never flown with this guy, I was merely relating an experience that was described to me by one of my classmates on his first trip after IOE. Your mileage may vary...
As a Captain with over 10 years seniority-pray on.I also pray you'll be snatching my gear.That would be suh-weeet !Here's to a nice staple job ! At least for you,anyway.

This and the "gubment cheese" comment constitute about the lowest-class behavior I've experienced on FI. As a newly-acquired coworker of yours, I sincerely hope you're better than this...
This and the "gubment cheese" comment constitute about the lowest-class behavior I've experienced on FI. As a newly-acquired coworker of yours, I sincerely hope you're better than this...

He's pretty good at name-calling and trash talking, but I suppose he has to be when none of his opinions or assertions are supported by facts.
Borg- A quick question from someone with no dog in this fight, and no flamebait. And before I ask it, know that I absolutely, positively understand your frustration. But......An honest question:

At the moment that the Midwest codeshare was announced, a codeshare that was signed between management personnel, what would you have done as a Republic pilot? Honest question. What, exactly, were their options? To have simply walked out individually they would have certainly been fired, and instantly replaced, acheiving nothing. To have walked out as a group would have constituted an illegal job action, and they all could have been sued. (ex: United)

Again, I completely understand your frustration. I really do. But I'd like to know what you think the pilots themselves, at that exact time, should have done.

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