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Republic Airways posts first quarter loss

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Upon re-reading my post and yours, I find it hard to believe YOU are calling ME an "Internet Tough Guy". Explain to me where, in the post you quoted, I say anything inflammatory, derogatory or untrue.

He sounds like a guy who wants to be an airbus Captain.
Upon re-reading my post and yours, I find it hard to believe YOU are calling ME an "Internet Tough Guy". Explain to me where, in the post you quoted, I say anything inflammatory, derogatory or untrue.

Ok,since you obviously don't excell in reading comprehension:

" While we Midwest pilots were trying to hold up our mainline payscale, RAH pilots came in and cut our legs out from under us."

Our fault ? Nope.Derogatory ? You bet.

"I believe the term is used too often and too carelessly, but while they don't meet the strict definition of scabs, the end result was exactly the same..."

Did you declare ANY flying "struck work " ? Then that is "untrue".Did you imply RAH pilots are scabs ? Yep.Derogatory,inflammatory AND untrue.See now ? Have you ever heard of The Railway Labor Act ? You should study it,then report back what you would have done.I'm waiting....
"Ok,since you obviously don't excell in reading comprehension" Actually, I scored exceptionally well on the LSAT in reading comprehension, how about you?

"RAH pilots came in and cut our legs out from under us." This is an absolutely true statement. If you take offense to it, I think that says something about YOU (perhaps that you agree that it was a sh!tty thing to do?...)

"I believe the term is used too often and too carelessly, but while they don't meet the strict definition of scabs, the end result was exactly the same..." Who lacks reading comprehension skills?! I said explicitly that it "DOESN'T MEET THE STRICT DEFINITION" of being a scab. However, I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge that IT HAD THE EXACT SAME EFFECT ON OUR NEGOTIATING POSITION. Until you do, you have no credibility as being a reasonable and logical person.
I forget, but why didn't they take the airtran offer again???
The Board of Directors of Midwest Air Group did what they were suppose to do, and that was choose the deal that better serves their share holders. $16.99 all cash deal from TPG/NWA or a cash/stock deal from AAI. All cash speaks louder than a stock /cash option.
Would that make me the class clown of our bunch?

I just remember sitting waiting for those f'in mechanics to finish bringing the 717 down so we could slide down at 2am! WTF!
Wooo eeee ! Looka here,boys ! A gen-u-wine Internet Tough Guy ! I'll bet you don't have the stones to say that scab comment to anybodys face.You didn't even have the guts to shut down your own airline,you just rolled over and took it .So what do you do? Get on the internet and whine about it.And you expected RAH pilots to do what,exactly ? Not show up for work ? Refuse the trips ? You didn't even do THAT ! You worked until the last day,like TH and BB wanted.So take your woe-is-me crap somewhere else and maybe somebody will give a crap.

I pray as part of the integration some Midwest CA's get in as CA's and you have to fly with CA Savall. I pray, pray, pray to Bedford's Jesus for this to happen. Study those systems boys!

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