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Reionals fate? Delta/NWA Merger?

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Does it really matter? 9E is in an unfortunate position now, but once management is done convincing the two idiot/sellout/childlike pilot groups to beat the hell out of each other at the mainline(s), all the nwa airlink carriers will be next...this won't bode well for any of us.

Um, don't forget, these pilot groups are the reason YOU have a job. Don't bite the hand that feeds you!
NO, those pilot groups throwing scope out like it is an STD, is the reason we all have jobs.

Correct, poor past decisions, nevertheless these pilots are still the reason you have a job. That may change really fast for all of us. The fluidity of this business is going to hit big time, and no one is immune. Hopefully past scope mistakes can be corrected.

Looks like WSurf was more accurate with his posts on the Compass thread than I gave him credit for, although my main argument was none of us can know what will happen in this cyclical downturn.
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Correct, poor past decisions, nevertheless these pilots are still the reason you have a job.

Actually, if weren't for these pilots I'd most likely have a better job with some semblance of hope for better days in this profession.
Actually, if weren't for these pilots I'd most likely have a better job with some semblance of hope for better days in this profession.

Where? At a major? Possibly, because there would be more major jobs and less regional jobs. In this current environment, what do you consider a better job? If not for scope, what would have been a better job? There are still a lot of good jobs out there, just need to work hard to find them and have the experience to get hired...seems like you have the experience, right?
Um, don't forget, these pilot groups are the reason YOU have a job. Don't bite the hand that feeds you!

I don't dispute that, however both of the groups (and I want to be clear when I refer to "the groups" I refer to the MECs, not the general pilot body) have shown extremely disappointing behavior during this whole thing. They have taken what could have been a reasonably good chance at building one of the strongest and most unified pilot bodies seen in a long time and turned it into a pathetic and whining pissing match causing more division than many ever thought possible.

The flow-through from XJ to NWA was never all that attractive to me, but it did offer some possibilities. Now, it's all the more reason to go elsewhere when and if the time is right-because it sure as hell won't be to either of our parent carriers.
Um, don't forget, these pilot groups are the reason YOU have a job. Don't bite the hand that feeds you!

I believe this saying works in both directions. You could not fill up a 74 without the SAAB's and CRJ's driving to smaller cities, just like we would not exist if not for the ASA's we have with mainline.

Like Red Green says, "We're all in this together!"
The fleet requirements were a product of prior agreements. The bk contract allows unlimited 50-seaters and 90 51-76 seaters (provided Compass exists) with no regard to the narrow body fleet. There are provisions to increase the number of 51-76 seaters depending on future additions to the narrow body fleet.

I agree that if indeed the Delta guys are hanging the NW guys out to dry with their one sided negotiations with Delta (and it seems like they are) in this consolidation that the DC-9's will get cut (and other undesirable parts of the company) with the stoke of a pen. NW pilots will have little recourse as their company is chopped up without the protections of a combined list.

Just remember...they are renegotiating everything. They might be able to change alot of language too....including scope and who flys what equipment.
I believe this saying works in both directions. You could not fill up a 74 without the SAAB's and CRJ's driving to smaller cities, just like we would not exist if not for the ASA's we have with mainline.

Like Red Green says, "We're all in this together!"

True, airlines need feed. IMO as well as many others they need the kind of feed circa early 1990's, i.e. turboprops. Kinda like when regionals were used correctly, as "commuters", not like now. Regionals are not regional airlines at all. Now some are technically classified as Nationals and Majors.

Therefore, there are a lot more regional jobs because of relaxed scope. You don't see the 2500 hour flight instructor desperate to find a 19 seat turboprop job like years ago. Yes we are all in this together, but regionals have grown rapidly and your plethora of jobs are around because of (poor) decisions by the guys at the Majors.

Don't get me wrong, I came up through the regional ranks. But I would have gotten to a Major much sooner(even with the state of our industry) if regionals were regional airlines flying regional routes with turboprops.

So...no, it really doesn't work in both directions. There are less Major jobs because of expanding regionals. This hurts all of our career progression.
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