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Regions Air????

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From what it sounds like, that's good news that they got hired else where. I hear that it's down to a 1 SAAB schedule by mid January. Are they saying you FO's will be furloughed?
As of right now three FO's have offers. I actually have three myself
Most have offers at ExpressJet. I have them at Express, SkyWest, and Horizon
Going Out-of-Business

Here it is boys and girls, the long awaited annual "12 Daze of Corpex"...
This was actually pirated off the crewroom board from an anonymous source, so I can't give credit where credit is due. Enjoy...

12. RJ's coming
11. Bags in the closet
10. Investors investing
9. Leg Days
8. Hours Rest
7. Planes in Heavy Check
6. Days Straight Reserve
5. Airplanes Barely Flying
4. Disgruntled Schedulers
3. MEL's
2. Canceled Overnights
1. Fantastic CEO

God Bless and a Happy New Year to all past and present in Corpex Nation!
Time to cook up some witch's brew from Lynchberg!!!

Everybody on this thread has said or implied this pitiful outfit is going-down-the-tubes.How are they able to stay in business??????
Everybody on this thread has said or implied this pitiful outfit is going-down-the-tubes.How are they able to stay in business??????

No one knows..


The government is still giving us money..
The money is going somewhere... it's not going into the airplanes to keep them running..

You do the math...
Everybody there should leave right away....why would you want to sink with the ship?? Get a seniority number, some where else right away. After all in this industry seniority is everything, a class a day apart might mean being furloughed or not, or having certain holidays off, or upgrading, you guys get the point. I enjoyed the pilot group, lots of great people, but why would you want to keep getting slapped around by a company the has no clue whatsoever on how to run an airline.
Sorry got cutoff, listen to people like Belch who spent several years at corpex, he's telling you to leave for a reason....corpex is not the same place it use to be once, that place gets worse with every breath you take, leave hurry run!!!!! Good Luck 2007 will be a better year for all of you.... IF YOU LEAVE!!!!
Sorry got cutoff, listen to people like Belch who spent several years at corpex, he's telling you to leave for a reason....corpex is not the same place it use to be once, that place gets worse with every breath you take, leave hurry run!!!!! Good Luck 2007 will be a better year for all of you.... IF YOU LEAVE!!!!

I don't think you have to worry about people seeking employment elsewhere. It just takes a little time and a little luck.
...Everybody on this thread has said or implied this pitiful outfit...

Well, I'm just saying to keep applying to other places and be ready just in case. I don't think it's a pitiful outfit because the employees ARE the outfit - and Corpex employees certainly aren't pitiful.

As far as why they’ve survived this long? The pilots and the rest of the crews wanted to prove to the world that employees can make an airline survive despite the management’s attempts to kill it!?

Back in the summer when I left RegionsAir I was not comfortable with management. Or at least MQY management. Adam didn't know what the fluck he was doing and Bill Ross just went along with all the mistakes...

The company that I fly for now just hired a Regions employee.....they start school on the 15th of this month.

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