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Regions Air????

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I think you're taking "whatever" a little too serious. He/she is only stating facts, and trying to get a rise out of you. You gonna let him win? Just ignore him.
Ignore them? :) It's more fun for us to poke them.. :D
Would that be a good thing or a bad thing?

If they gave you seniority based on date of hire it would be a good thing. The CA's would all get big raises after a protracted fight with Orensink but since the rest of his operations are getting their money you would get yours.

Get your Teamsters dues current-that's the only thing that will protect you if it happens! At least they would be paying for the leagal stuff!
Dougie Dougie Dougie.....FYI Robert (who you seem to think is everyone you don't agree with) is in flight attendant training in Chicago. He is too busy to play on this site. While I too am busy, I enjoy making waves! As far as Regions being bought out by Mesa, probably a good thing then all those deadbeats in Smyrna may be history. Not that Mesa appears all that great, but it certainly would take the current employees out of the gutter and off food stamps.
If they gave you seniority based on date of hire it would be a good thing. The CA's would all get big raises after a protracted fight with Orensink but since the rest of his operations are getting their money you would get yours.

Belch you and I both know that won't happen. UNFORTUNATELY, it's easier (and cheaper) for Mesa to just let Regions die (DISCLAIMER for people like Doug...I'm not saying that Regions is going to die...yet) and then come in and pick up the pieces without having to pay for anything.
Belch you and I both know that won't happen. UNFORTUNATELY, it's easier (and cheaper) for Mesa to just let Regions die (DISCLAIMER for people like Doug...I'm not saying that Regions is going to die...yet) and then come in and pick up the pieces without having to pay for anything.

Unfortunately I think you're right, I don't see Mesa as the type to give handouts to a floundering airline. If it is Mesa, they'd probably replace the JS with the 1900 would be my guess
Dougy did you cook one of those valuble GE engines??? The dipsticks should have gone with Pratts!


It's a trick question. "CT7-5A2" and "Valuable" can't be used in the same sentence! Isn't the ITT redline at like 98 degrees farenheit?:D
Belch you and I both know that won't happen. UNFORTUNATELY, it's easier (and cheaper) for Mesa to just let Regions die (DISCLAIMER for people like Doug...I'm not saying that Regions is going to die...yet) and then come in and pick up the pieces without having to pay for anything.

Niether of you retained the important part of my quote. GET YOUR TEAMSTERS DUES PAID UP!!!

Now that I have made myself clear I will tell you why. Circa 1999 Mesa bought CC Air. CC Air had Jball drivers making over $50/hour! Well, we all know that orenstink couldn't have that sh1t so in the wake of 911 he got them to accept the regular Mesa contract by telling them that they would all be flying jets in six months. Then he moved Air midwest in with their crappy contract maintained 1900's and started furloughing the CC Air pilots. After several lawsuits orenstink was forced by alpa to take back the CC Air crews.
For the most part they are CRJ Captains now getting about $65 per hour...

think about it carefully boys and girls...

You guys have a union...it is only as good as the time and money you put into it, like anything else. But if this is for real you could end up sitting on the bench for a while, collect unemployment (it's less that crapex pay but it got me through), end up with some back pay and in the seat of a fracking pos RJ making more money that Corpex is worth!

Get your collective heads out of the sand (okay, I know better than you that corpex isn't a pretty sight compared to sand in your eyes) but that Teamsters thing may be the only thing you have going. Get whoever is leading that local now off his/her preoccupied arse and present a unified front!

It was always every man for himself at that place. Lord knows I tried to do good for my crews while I was there and if I still was I'd be saying the same thing and trying once again to rally the troops. (Lord, sometimes it just got so tiresome beating my head aginst the wall...)

For the love of your individual careers if for nothing else get it together and get your union local up and active!

If you are willing to do it-I mean get the local active and pay your dues- I will PM doug the name of the Captain that should be running that thing...

Lord, why? I'm not in that house anymore...but I still so muchly hate seeing good folks getting screwed! Still leading the charge I guess...by remote control this time...go forth my minions and do good! All you have is each other-and the union!
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